Those that are streaming Law Enforcement comm's on Broadcastify and/or other on-line streaming services are potentially jeopardizing these comm's to remain in the clear. Most bad guys are not going to invest hundreds of $$$'s in a radio just to stay one step ahead of LE when they commit a crime. However, with the availability of these comm's via streaming services, the criminals just fire up the local feed on their phone & evade LE.
Such is the case in 2 separate instances in Union County, NC. Union Sheriff patrol was involved in a chase with a suspect. He was one step ahead of them the entire time. The chase ended when the suspect crashed the vehicle. Discovered in the wreckage was the suspect's cell phone listening to USCO dispatch via Broadcastify. This raised some red flags with the upper echelon in the Sheriff's office.
The 2nd case involved a multi-agency task force on a stake-out. A local newspaper reporter was listening via Broadcastify on his phone. Hearing the possibility of a big pending drug bust, the reporter showed up at the scene with photographers', etc. LE personnel confronted the reporter and informed him that his presence had just compromised a six-month investigation. These comm's should have been carried out on an encrypted tac channel, but the only inter-agency common ground in this case was an "In the Clear" tac channel.
These instances were discussed by Union LE upper management. A request to Broadcastify was made to remove the Dispatch & TAC feeds. Broadcastify responded with: "If you are in the clear, then we will continue to stream the audio." That's when the decision was made to turn on the "
Shortly thereafter agencies in the adjacent counties of Stanly, NC & Lancaster, SC followed suit and went full encryption on all LE comm's county wide.
This was several years ago & it is doubtful that they will ever return to "In the Clear" comms.
If you are streaming LE Dispatch comm's, please contact the agency system manager & get their blessing for the feed.
It is too risky to not do so!
Other options that may keep the temptation to go encrypted would be:
- Block mobile IP addresses on LE streamed audio.
- Add a delay to the stream so that it would not hamper live activities.
- Do not stream LE TAC channels.
- If an agency asks to have their feed removed - DO IT!! - No ???'s asked!!!
All of us have a lot's of $$'s invested in various P-25 receivers.
I hate to think that someday they will all be worthless because of encryption!
If you are running your scanner mobile in a legally allowed area, your eyes & ears may be all that is needed to assist LE.
Report what you see to dispatch - Help from the public is encouraged. This can restore credibility to our hobby!
Ok - That's it - I will not step down from the soap box!