Thanks. Then he knows exactly what I am talking about.Ubbe you know DonS is the firmware writer for the Whistler Scanners.
Thanks. Then he knows exactly what I am talking about.Ubbe you know DonS is the firmware writer for the Whistler Scanners.
From page 35 of the TRX-1 manual:
The most significant difference between DMR systems verses other types of systems is that the scanner does not use the DMR control channel. Instead, your scanner will attempt to scan all sites and all frequencies for each site to determine if there is activity to be monitored.
Whistlers TRX do DMR trunkingUniden does DMR trunking, Whistler does not. AOR also have a DMR capable receiver but no trunking by itself.
Ubbe with all due respect your playing with semanticsTRX doesn't do DMR trunking per se. The manual also states this. TRX only scans all channels in the trunked system until it finds what it is searching for. Unidens BCDx36HP goes directly to the correct channelnumber/frequency it's decoding from the controlchannel, that's what defines trunk tracking.
Ubbe with all due respect your playing with semantics
The TRX tracks DMR Cap and Con trunk systems very well
How exactly it's done, who cares and techno garble is irrelevant
The TRX does do DMR trunk period and in my opinion and
experience better than the Uniden
compared to Unidens implementation which
....fails to track many times from my experience.... particularly CAP+
Its not semantics, the Whistler DOES NOT trunk track DMR systems period!
It just scans the frequecnies you enter, you may find this picks up more traffic at times but its luck, it doesn't follow the rest channels on Cap+ and it doesn't decode the control channels on Con+, its an el cheapo botch compared to Unidens implementation which actually track the systems properly as per the Motorola specs.
....fails to track many times from my experience.... particularly CAP+
OMG like I said in my experience and others the TRX does a better
Job monitoring Cap and Con systems than Uniden
We Don't care how it's done all we care it works
To techno garble is just that, I and 80 % of the don't care how its done
All we care it works and work well
WELL SAID. I agree completely.
Well keep your heads in the sand and carry on, the TRX scanners don't trunk track DMR, it seems there are lot of people who are easily fooled.
Well keep your heads in the sand and carry on, the TRX scanners don't trunk track DMR, it seems there are lot of people who are easily fooled.