I monitor a few Connect plus systems with my 380. I noticed no difference with factory or experimental Firmware.
I can think of a few reasons why it may not be working for you
To keep the so called experts off this post, no it does track like the real radio, it's like monitoring a TRS with a convential scanner
Besides ham use , I am interested in these systems as well I have not ordered mine yet Im still on the fence ,. I have a few questions
- If you have a conn + system with many channels , do you just break it into different zones & can you link those zones together while in scan ?
-Im not sure I understand the benefit of the exp firmware unless you have no other way of finding ids?
for example ,..If I have a fairly busy system ,..instead of stopping on every id that transmits ,If I am only interested in certain talkgroups ,..would it not be better to program in just those I'm interested in ,& forget the rest ..In hopes of increasing chances of better following a conversation ?
-Can you use the most recent firmware with the "patch" or is it a standalone firmware ?
- If I am driving through cities ,..Is there a way to program it so I can easily link the zones I will be driving through together for a scan during the drive ,..& then when back home easily de-link them from scan & go back to scanning my local systems ?