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Unication G-Series Voice Pager with Digital Trunked Scanner Feature

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Premium Subscriber
Mar 7, 2010
San Diego
It was the email with the links to the new freescan Beta firmware, new freescan PPS, and access to the private ultra secret FB group for Unication beta testng. You are not one of the "chosen" ones. :p



May 31, 2017
It was the email with the links to the new freescan Beta firmware, new freescan PPS, and access to the private ultra secret FB group for Unication beta testng. You are not one of the "chosen" ones. :p

Hahah, thanks. Hopefully they'll open up the beta firmware signup again.


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Premium Subscriber
Mar 7, 2010
San Diego
I didn't see any NDA agreement or privacy disclaimer on my email...sounds like it will go full public beta to all serial numbers in existance very very soon?

I can tell you that when you install the new firmware, you cannot rollback, or to the same level non freescan firmware, you have to wait till the next release. Also, when you upgrade, this ADDS Freescan options to the radio, but if you don't go and change any knob positions to freescan, your current programming will still operate identically, and is not wiped by the new firmware or PPS whatsoever. This means you can update, read with the new Freescan PPS, and everythign will look and operate exactly the same, and you can ADD say a freescan zone to test and play around with, but adding it will not change your old stuff and old buttons from operating how they used to, it seems all slaved to knob position.



Well Known Member
Premium Subscriber
Nov 25, 2007
W St Louis Cnty, MO
I didn't see any NDA agreement or privacy disclaimer on my email...sounds like it will go full public beta to all serial numbers in existance very very soon?

I can tell you that when you install the new firmware, you cannot rollback, or to the same level non freescan firmware, you have to wait till the next release. Also, when you upgrade, this ADDS Freescan options to the radio, but if you don't go and change any knob positions to freescan, your current programming will still operate identically, and is not wiped by the new firmware or PPS whatsoever. This means you can update, read with the new Freescan PPS, and everythign will look and operate exactly the same, and you can ADD say a freescan zone to test and play around with, but adding it will not change your old stuff and old buttons from operating how they used to, it seems all slaved to knob position.


If your pagers serial number is not in the attached serial number (MSN) list, the beta will not work. So you can't just share these files.

I also wonder what's on the Facebook group they mentioned. Policy here prevents FB use.


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Premium Subscriber
Mar 7, 2010
San Diego
What do you mean policy prevents FB use?

The FB group is just a private group, like this RR subforum. They have a means of verifying that you are on the list before you are approved to the group. It's full of pepople asking about functions and talking about things that are working weirdly.

And I should have mentioned in my post above, that the operation and functionality was meant to advise people about to put the BETA into their radios what to expect, they might in the future change the way importing and the new firmware features are implimented, but if your testing now, you won't wipe all your hard work put into configuring your G the way you wanted it.


If your pagers serial number is not in the attached serial number (MSN) list, the beta will not work. So you can't just share these files.

I also wonder what's on the Facebook group they mentioned. Policy here prevents FB use.


♦RF Enabled Member♦
Aug 20, 2003
Cleveland, OH
Trunking Freescan allows you to enter a frequency range to search for CCs, and then you'll hear whatever TGs are active.

Pager Talkgroup List (PTGL) allows you to scan lists of TGs (which is what most people are familiar with), and this mode enables features like multi-site scanning & TG hold/delay/lockout.


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Premium Subscriber
Mar 7, 2010
San Diego
Yeah, the Freescan thing looks pretty pointless...the PTGL looks to have some future though, especially as a quick means to throw a bunch of old preprogrammed codeplug channels into large scan lists.



Feb 18, 2013
Nazareth, Pennsylvania
I wonder if the testers will be allowed to discuss their results here?

I'll go out on a limb, there was nothing in the email to make me think we can't discuss results.

Liking the scan lists. Been listening to 4 systems all afternoon. Talk group delay is great, as well as talk group remove. The hold feature is nice too. Radio ID alias is really nice.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 28, 2011
Benson, NC
I’ve used the talk group hold and delete this evening on a newly built scan list. So far works great.


Feed Provider
Feb 18, 2005
Attleboro, MA
Looking at it for a few hours now, I like what I see. It appears that they have the Hex/Decimal display fixed, which works great for my MDC1200 channels, but threw me a curve when trying to identify talkgroups. Since the talkgroup displays as the number and not the name, I set up a spreadsheet that I'm using to identify the talkgroup and unit IDs on. It uses the lookup function and automatically populates the decimal and talkgroup name. I have it converting the UID to decimal and I'm manually noting the unit name. This gets transferred over to the Member List setting as an alias so I still have an idea who I'm listening to-something I'd like to see made a bit easier, but for now it does the job.


Unication Representative
Dec 13, 2019
If your pagers serial number is not in the attached serial number (MSN) list, the beta will not work. So you can't just share these files.

I also wonder what's on the Facebook group they mentioned. Policy here prevents FB use.
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