If you have several TG's on one knob position, as most of us here probably do, there is of course an option to hold on to a TG . When you press the hold button, the unit will hold on to the TG but it will not show what TG it's holding. The unit does display "Trunking Hold" at the bottom of the screen so you know that you are in the Hold mode, but it would be great if the unit would display the TG alias on which the unit was holding. Currently in that area that the TG alias would normally be, the screen is blank.
Same here...talkgroup and UID only displayed during a received transmission, otherwise it's blank. The talkgroup alias should remain on the screen and the UID should display on and off depending on the subscriber transmitting. Additionally, the UID alias saved in the Member List Setting does not display on TG hold, only the numeric UID.
Here are some more suggestions, bugs, etc: For comparison and testing purposes today I'm running a G5, (2) APX8000's and (2) APX6000's. All are valid subscribers on multiple systems.
Still getting a "P25T" when scanning on to a talkgroup where a received transmission is already taking place. In other words, the UID is not coming in as a late entry.
***Turning off voice buffering allows the G5 to receive in sync with my APX subscribers, otherwise its delayed by about a 1/2 second behind the subscriber. That slight time delay becomes highly annoying when I'm trying to listen to the APX and the G5 stops on the same talkgroup. With voice buffering enabled, I've noticed during Trunking TG Scan that the G5 will also hold the talkgroup for about a second or so before going back to scan, which is great improvement when following a conversation between two or more units. This is also useful because it gives the user time to enable TG Hold before it scans away. However, when voice buffering is disabled, the talkgroup will scan off immediately upon the end of a transmission instead of holding for that 1 sec which causes missed transmissions and enabling TG Hold more difficult. This "scan delay" shoud either be implemented whether or not voice buffering is enabled or disabled and allow the user to select the scan delay timing so I can match it to my subscribers.*** (my biggest complaint so far).
During Trunking Free Scan PTGL, UIDs are lagging behind. In other words, it's displaying the console UID when the unit is transmitting.
I knocked the multi-site scan down to its lowest setting (1 sec) and I'm still missing traffic. It's taking an additional second to acquire the CC so when scanning multiple systems you will miss things. That is expected, but again when compared to my APX subscribers running Multi-System talkgroup or Intelligent Priority, I'm missing more with the G5.
Several instances when scanning multiple systems where I'm getting white noise (similar to when the volume is turned down low and and transmission comes through) through the speaker which does not go after a talkgroup displays real quick. The white noise will continue even when scannign thouse systems and a received transmission occurs and it goes back to scanning until I change off the PTGL through a knob turn. You then have to go back into the menu and reselect the PTGL scan option.
Received transmisions still interrupt menu selections.
Allow alpha tagging of RFSS/Site so it displays on the main screen.
Change BLOK to NUIS. It looks cheesy and call it what it is, nuisance delete.
PPS issues/suggestions:
Move the PTGL to Tab 5 as a drop down in receiving mode which then prompts you to the current list in Tab 7 Trunking Free Scan. This was you can add it to a knob position in Tab 5 instead of scrolling though a menu (that gets interrupted every time a transmission is received).
The alpha tagging of UID's reuest has finally been answered ! 999 total is not alot for multiple systems. And you expect me to enter 999 instead of just a simple import?!?! I can "import from console" in APX CPS or use akardam's UCL builder for my subscribers and I can import from a .csv file for Uniden and Whistler scanners. Cmon guys, add an import function and base it on the text in the header on Tab 4 such as "Call Alias" and "P25T" with the decimal value. There is an import function on the Group and Group Call ID setting but that only allows you to import a .csv from RadioReference. I want to import my own crap, not theirs.
999 again is not alot. Up that to about 2500. Like stated below, that should also be linked to a particular system. While I can use the same alias which I couldn't with Group and Group Call ID, I cannot reuse the same DEC/HEX. I'll use two neighboring counties in NY for example, Orange and Rockland. Orange decided to copy Rockland with their UID structure. So UID 204301 is a South Nyack PD unit in Rockland, while in Orange its a Blooming Grove PD unit. So I can only have one 204301 which will display the same alias on both systems that are right next to each other.
Group and Group Call ID setting should be linked to a system and I should be able to move entries up and down so I can keep system talkgroups together. Linking to a system will also allow the same alpha tag to be used more than once. I can't tell you how many times i've had to be creative with FD RESP 1, FIRE RESP 1, FD RESPONSE 1, FIRE RESPONSE1, etc. since I have systems from Key West, FL to Massachusettes in the G5.
This is from listening for a few hours today and glancing through the software. I'm positive I will find more when I beat the hell out of this thing next week on multiple systems all over south Florida. I'm glad Unication finally allowed me to be a beta tester. I've reported numerous issues literally hours after they released their new firmware which I could have easily found for them prior to release. I'm glad they are listening. This beta is good, but are you happy with good ?