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    If you are having trouble legally obtaining software please state so. We do not want any hurt feelings when your vague post is mistaken for a free request. It is YOUR responsibility to properly word your request.

    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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Unication G-Series Voice Pager with Digital Trunked Scanner Feature

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Well Known Member
Premium Subscriber
Nov 25, 2007
W St Louis Cnty, MO
Has anyone else had success going back to 1.3 I know they say not to but I’ve seen a few people here who have done it, and at this point I don’t use the multi trunk scan since I have two pagers. @Unication_Jordan @stevecch

Since @Hit_Factor posted a while back about his successful downgrade from a freescan beta version, I also did it. I took mine back to the version it was at before I ever installed either freescan beta as I still had copies of all my original PPS files that I never let it convert to the freescan version of PPS. I then tested everything I could think of but found zero problems.
After that downgrade, I installed (upgraded) to the official regular 1.3 version of firmware along with its recommended PPS version. Again, I found zero issues and my G5 has been working just fine. The DMR upgrade and model change I did for free when it was released still works fine as well.
I tried testing about everything I could think of after backing out of the freescan beta but never found any problems.
There very well could be hidden issues not found or reported yet but that's the risk we took for those of us that did back out of the freescan beta.
The warning from Unication may be just that, a warning to not downgrade as they have never really tested doing such and don't want to be liable if someone does and it breaks their G series pager from working as a pager.


Feed Provider
Dec 11, 2004
Concord NC
I envy that you folks are able to scan multiple systems w/ 1.4. Although I can create them via the PPS (V0.3.17) and program the pager, when I open my the pager Trunking Free Scan menu does nothing if I select the 3. Pager TG List or 4. User Define Scan choices.

Although Block and Hold are cool, the ability to scan multi systems for me was really what I was wanted.
I am there with you. I have followed the step by step and I absolutely can not get it to scan multiple systems. It has been a frustrating exercise. I am usually the one who fixes all my friends programming issues but clearly something is amiss in my setup this time.


Dec 24, 2005
Uxbridge, north of the river Thames
Since @Hit_Factor posted a while back about his successful downgrade from a freescan beta version, I also did it. I took mine back to the version it was at before I ever installed either freescan beta as I still had copies of all my original PPS files that I never let it convert to the freescan version of PPS. I then tested everything I could think of but found zero problems.
After that downgrade, I installed (upgraded) to the official regular 1.3 version of firmware along with its recommended PPS version. Again, I found zero issues and my G5 has been working just fine. The DMR upgrade and model change I did for free when it was released still works fine as well.
I tried testing about everything I could think of after backing out of the freescan beta but never found any problems.
There very well could be hidden issues not found or reported yet but that's the risk we took for those of us that did back out of the freescan beta.
The warning from Unication may be just that, a warning to not downgrade as they have never really tested doing such and don't want to be liable if someone does and it breaks their G series pager from working as a pager.
Successfully went back to 1.3, I have tried every zone/system I have programmed and ran the pager through what it would normally go through on a daily basis and so far no issues.


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 22, 2005
Successfully went back to 1.3, I have tried every zone/system I have programmed and ran the pager through what it would normally go through on a daily basis and so far no issues.
Ha. I did as well.

Which leads us to 1.31 and warnings for those on the beta NOT to use 1.31.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 22, 2002
St. Clair Shores, MI
Is V0.3.17 Beta09 the current Beta version? I have been trying to play with the radio reference import to no avail. It crashes every time I try it. I have confirmed my user name and password are correct. Just would like to be able to use this feature in the beta I am running on my G4.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 22, 2002
St. Clair Shores, MI
So just downloaded Beta V00-03-17 Beta 10 and the same issue with radio reference import. I was able to get to retrieve data then it crashed again. Does anyone have a solution?


Premium Subscriber
Dec 13, 2008
Milford, Ct. perched high above Long Island Sound
So just downloaded Beta V00-03-17 Beta 10 and the same issue with radio reference import. I was able to get to retrieve data then it crashed again. Does anyone have a solution?
Its all in this thread:



Premium Subscriber
Dec 22, 2002
St. Clair Shores, MI
Ah good point. They might not have updated the Beta PPS to do thr RR import.
They did a beta upgrade to get the RR import feature but it crashes every time I try to use it. They knew they had problems in Beta 09 so they updated to Beta 10 to get that feature work, however I have had no luck. Just wondering if other with the same beta version are having the same issue or it is just me.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 7, 2018
Montreal Quebec
They did a beta upgrade to get the RR import feature but it crashes every time I try to use it. They knew they had problems in Beta 09 so they updated to Beta 10 to get that feature work, however I have had no luck. Just wondering if other with the same beta version are having the same issue or it is just me.

yes exact same thing as me the beta 10 open and trying to send error report but crash after and nothing to do i can't wait till this beta thing get over Unication please give us a non beta firmware cause now i have a non working unit not really happy and i don't want to downgrade because it's not possible


Premium Subscriber
Sep 10, 2008
They did a beta upgrade to get the RR import feature but it crashes every time I try to use it. They knew they had problems in Beta 09 so they updated to Beta 10 to get that feature work, however I have had no luck. Just wondering if other with the same beta version are having the same issue or it is just me.

Look at post 67 in this thread; How Common Is The Radio Reference Import Error Issue?


Premium Subscriber
Jun 28, 2008
Saint Paul
I just picked up a G5 and I think I am getting ahold of things. I have a few things to ask though. Thanks for your help in advance!

1) Is there a way to make all talkgroups in the priority list the same priority? Right now, it appears the order matters in the list. If there are three dispatch talkgroups, I want all 3 to take priority over non-priority and not dispatch 1 to prioritize dispatch 2 because its higher in the list
2) How can I turn off the squealing noise when un-holding a talkgroup?
3) Where is the avoid talkgroup feature? I am updated to 1.31


Sep 26, 2008
I just picked up a G5 and I think I am getting ahold of things. I have a few things to ask though. Thanks for your help in advance!

1) Is there a way to make all talkgroups in the priority list the same priority? Right now, it appears the order matters in the list. If there are three dispatch talkgroups, I want all 3 to take priority over non-priority and not dispatch 1 to prioritize dispatch 2 because its higher in the list
2) How can I turn off the squealing noise when un-holding a talkgroup?
3) Where is the avoid talkgroup feature? I am updated to 1.31

1) Unfortunately there is not, as far as I know.
2) Hmm. Not sure. I've not experienced that.
3) You must enable it in the profile in PPS - tab D8 -> Talk Group Hold and Remove Setting -> TGID Remove Setting (enable it). Then you will see a "Blok" soft-key when receiving in Trunking TG-Scan or Trunking TG-Monitor mode.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 28, 2008
Saint Paul
1) Unfortunately there is not, as far as I know.
2) Hmm. Not sure. I've not experienced that.
3) You must enable it in the profile in PPS - tab D8 -> Talk Group Hold and Remove Setting -> TGID Remove Setting (enable it). Then you will see a "Blok" soft-key when receiving in Trunking TG-Scan or Trunking TG-Monitor mode.
1) Hmm, okay. So if I make them all non-priority, does the order still matter or will they stay locked with no priority talkgroups to take over?
2) Gosh that noise scares the heck out of me when I forget to turn it off, 90 minutes later the tone hits and wakes everyone up
3) Thank you! Forgot to check the box.


Sep 26, 2008
1) Hmm, okay. So if I make them all non-priority, does the order still matter or will they stay locked with no priority talkgroups to take over?
2) Gosh that noise scares the heck out of me when I forget to turn it off, 90 minutes later the tone hits and wakes everyone up
3) Thank you! Forgot to check the box.

1) If they're all in the non-priority list, there shouldn't be any take-over (while a message is being received), but once a message ends, it could see activity from a different group
2) Maybe you have the "Unread Message Reminder Alert" enabled? Also on tab D8 in PPS.
3) :)
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