I like to play around with my 100 (no 200, YET). I've been changing it for things like holidays and season changes. I set up a new look for Saint Patrick's Day but forgot to save it.

So today I've been trying to convince Spring to show up by making a new Spring theme. The conventional is sort of themed as green grass, blue sky, the sun and a cloud. Cheesy but it kept me busy for a half hour. The trunked is just a bunch of bright Spring looking colors. Our trunk systems here are just being built out and I only have one I monitor on a regular basis so I'm OK with it turning out a bit "ugly and different".
Also while I like the idea of matching the colors of the SYSTEM-DEPT-CHANNEL with the fields in the display I've never actually done it figuring I know which one to push to hold them so I don't match them up. And I know some stuff set in each does nothing for that system type but my OCD won't be happy if I have blank fields so everything needs to be filled with something.