My cynical opinion, yes, I'm a pessimist:
Nice concept-I like the color touchscreen, beautiful, but...
Looks too much like a toy and not a real radio. Ditch the silver and do it up in black.
How good is the audio? Tinny like most scanners or Motorola Saber-like-mellow and LOUD?
I can see the screen being digital noise and birdie city. How birdie-prone is this thing gonna be? Fragile SMA connector. Software bugs. Fragile screen? How about support when the first screen gets broken? More $$ for a new screen than a new unit? IOW, a throwaway radio with no parts availability?
No scanner compares to Motorola RF performance, period.
Free updates for now but will greed take over and all of a sudden updating will be a pay-site thing after the radio is on the market?
Will be too expensive-I'm on disability income.
Cops around here use cellphones or Nextels anyway for anything other than traffic stops. State police here on OpenScam anyway.
That's my experience after 30 years of scanners of every type and running back to my Sabers every time, at least for the railroad.
Nice concept-I like the color touchscreen, beautiful, but...
Looks too much like a toy and not a real radio. Ditch the silver and do it up in black.
How good is the audio? Tinny like most scanners or Motorola Saber-like-mellow and LOUD?
I can see the screen being digital noise and birdie city. How birdie-prone is this thing gonna be? Fragile SMA connector. Software bugs. Fragile screen? How about support when the first screen gets broken? More $$ for a new screen than a new unit? IOW, a throwaway radio with no parts availability?
No scanner compares to Motorola RF performance, period.
Free updates for now but will greed take over and all of a sudden updating will be a pay-site thing after the radio is on the market?
Will be too expensive-I'm on disability income.
Cops around here use cellphones or Nextels anyway for anything other than traffic stops. State police here on OpenScam anyway.
That's my experience after 30 years of scanners of every type and running back to my Sabers every time, at least for the railroad.