I hope it goes beyond the original idea of pay for updates on the BCD396T, that never materialized.
Actually we did come out with the pay updates. We just decided not to charge anything for them.
Video is still "cooking" in Pinnacle. So, looks like I'll have to post it Sunday.
Ability to create your own stuff will roll out in the PC software once we get the initial release taken care of. Ability to enter stuff "on the fly" is further out. I want to make sure we get the feature set for the advanced user nailed...and reading these posts + the ones that come out after release will certainly feed into that process.
This has been the culmination of about 4 years of effort...a couple of the patent-pending features were filed years ago. A couple of the patented features we licensed over a decade ago. We are working very hard to make sure that we've correctly identified the audience, the feature set, and the implementation...and we are ready to adjust to reality from Day 1 if we missed anything at all.
I know and appreciate that this is not going to be a product for many of you. And don't take it that this scanner is for "stupid people" or that it is a dumbed down product. That absolutely isn't the point. A friend of mine's son is an astrophysicist. Definitely not stupid. But, he has tried and failed at programming today's scanners because he just doesn't have the time to become a radio engineer. He really likes listening (he uses 911scanner on his iPhone), though. He is ready to buy HomePatrol today (if only we were ready to sell it today).
But, even you scanner guys are going to find things to like about it right off the bat. I was in Nashville last week and had the opportunity to have
Greg Voros work on my guitar. He said that the most common request from beginner/intermediate guitarists is that they want their guitar to be easier to play. Actually, he said, everyone wants their guitar to be easier to play, even the guitar impressarios. It isn't cheating to be easier.
On that trip, 5 minutes after I hit the hotel room I was listening to the Nashville area PD, FD, and EMS. What took about 3 minutes was finding something in the hotel room that had the local zip code

. As a casual visitor, I would have been immediately blown away by what I was listening to with so little knowledge of the local systems. I had not researched Nashville at all before the trip, so didn't even realize that they had digital channels. It wasn't necessary for me to know anything about the technicalities of the systems...I was hearing a Motorola Type 2 system with some P25 channels, many conventional channels, and I think some Motorola (maybe EDACS) systems with no digital, too. It really wasn't necessary for me to know any of that...and your dad (or brother-in-law, or mom, or cousin, or next-door-neighbor) will not need to know that either. But, they'll still hear police, fire, ambulance (and more, if they turn on those other channel types), just by knowing their zip code.
I'm way to "inside" this project to give an unbiased view. I'll let the guys who saw it today give their likes/dislikes. But, while this is really targeted at your brother-in-law, we aren't forgetting about you. If you don't want it today, I totally understand, and we aren't abandoning products like the BCD396XT and BCD996XT. But, I'm making a list (actually started it last year) of things I want to do for you to bring you up to this platform, too. Can't make any promises...so don't buy it until you see something you like. I'm just betting that even the way it will be on day 1 will be irresistable to a good chunk of die-hard radio technologists in addition to the guys who "just want to hear the cops."