Uniden's New Product Called Home Patrol

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Active Member
Sep 5, 2003
I am sure there is more to it than the initial post
indicated. We will have to wait for the Uniden press release
on the full feature set. I have a feeling there will probably be
something for everyone in this product.
Marshall KE4ZNR

Skip it, already asked and answered.
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Nov 12, 2002
I thought it was 100 mA, but I didn't want to quote a spec I was not sure of. I knew it was not enough to power the scanner. (well, maybe if it was not receiving anything).

And yes, I bet that display consumes a bit of power, too, but I have been waiting for a touchscreen scanner for many years.

As for the question (from someone else) about countries, one of the YouTube videos shows a selection of USA or CANADA, so it should be good in those two, at least. I'm assuming USA will also include all territories and possessions. Like the other models, it's designed for a USA market. This model includes Canada.

Joe M.

Your right. I just googled USB current specs and it's 100 mA maximum. The USB folks should re-spec the USB current drain then. Display lighting too.


Premium Subscriber
Oct 25, 2008
Flower Mound, Texas
I was there! It is an awesome new product. From the handout at the open house this will answer some of your questions.
Power Up:
Insert the 4 aa nickel metal-hydride batteries.
Plug the ac adapter into the HomePatrol unit.
Plug the other end of the adapter into a standard 120v AC power outlet.
Press and hold POWER until HomePatrol turns on.

Initial Setup:
The first time you power up HomePatrol, you"ll be prompted to connect HomePatrol to your computer (Use the USB cable) to install the HomePatrol Sentinal software. This software will ensure you are using the latest software and database. HomePatrol will appear to be an additional drive on your system.
The database will be updated regularly and will be as easy as connecting to the internet.
Not your usual "stack on top of another scanner" type radio.
Some other interesting items from the handout from the Open House:
Main Screen;
This Main screen is where you'll be spending most of your time. It displays the system, department, and channel name of the transmission you are listening to. Tap on the screen to select an item. Submenu pop-ups allow other actions for systems, departments, and channels. Various control and navigation buttons and status icons round out this screen.
Range: Sets the distaance that HomePatrol will search for transmissions. The lower the number, the smaller the search radius
Replay: Replays the previous transmissions (30-240 seconds as set through Replay Options). Tap and hold to displayh the Replay Options menu.
Record: Begins a recording session. Tap to activate recording and tap again to stop. Tap and hold to display the Review Recordings Menu.


Jul 23, 2005
I expected from uniden for more
It doesnt decode nothing digital then P25 a thing that 5 years old scanners already have ....

If it work with ZipCode what about non USA country ?where it will take the scanning data base from .....

well hope that at least the foot at Uniden was good .... :)

Ronen Pinchooks (4Z4ZQ) WebSite

#1 licensing would be rather high adding things like TRBO
#2 those systems were sold primarily to places that didn't want scanners listening in - the vendor turning around and selling those licenses to Uniden would upset a lot of sstem admins and others. And the wouldn't be trusted again when they try selling a system
#3 add $50 to $100 or more for that licensing to the cost of the scanner

Well if the unit is only sold in North America it won't need DB info for outside North America, but then we don't know what the databse includes do we?

Last I think you meant food not foot, but lets hope no one stepped on anyones foot at the open house... lol


Dec 31, 2003
Toms River, New Jersey
If it does work with RR database, how will the scanner handle the 12 character alpha display, I guess the new scanner has a 16 character display, will RR change to 16 finally.


Dec 19, 2002
Wichita Falls, TX
I was there and got to play with one for a while, but not long enough to figure it all out.
I have been using programmable scanners for over 30 years now and I think it would take me a while to learn it and get used it to because it is so different.


Premium Subscriber
May 8, 2004
Dallas, TX
If it does work with RR database, how will the scanner handle the 12 character alpha display, I guess the new scanner has a 16 character display, will RR change to 16 finally.
By default, when you program it with systems using a zipcode as the basis, it is using the extended description field for the display, not the short form alpha tag "display field".
Example- Dallas,TX PD 460.425
Display shows "Southwest Patrol Dispatch", not the "DPD4 SW".

Scanner also has a "locate me" function, where it will try to determine where you are by the systems it can "hear". UPMan said it worked well in the DFW area (what a shock), and other metro areas where it was tested. Obviously, in some rural areas, where there's few database entries for the scanner to compare, that feature would be of less value.

You can also use GPS or city name as your programming start point instead of zip code.


Software Provider
Premium Subscriber
Jul 2, 2006
Ontario, Calif.
I have been waiting for a touchscreen scanner for many years.
Joe M.

Me too.

As someone mentioned here that they would like to see a software defined scanner. I don't think the technology is here yet with regards to the RF section but a touchscreen is a step closer.


Premium Subscriber
Oct 25, 2008
Flower Mound, Texas
More handout notes from Open House

Set Location Using Zip Code
Set Location Using City

Selecting Service Types to Hear:
You can select which service types to listen to by tapping (touch sensitive screen in color) Select Service Types from the Main menu. For example, if you want to listen to EMS communication, tap on that selection to select it. Any thing not selected will be avoided. Scroll up or downn for multiple pages of listings.
Favorite List Overview:
As you listen to HomePatrol, you'll find that there are certain channels you want to listen to. You can create a specialized list and save these channels to it. For example, you can create a list entirely of police department dispatchers, emergency operations, or a specific city's transmissions. Once you have Favorites Lists saved on HomePatrol, you can copy them to HomePatrol Sentinel on your PC.


May 8, 2002
Well ..
concerning selling radios that the company dont want that the scanners will hear it .. it the company problem Uniden (and all other scanners manufacturer) dont need to do tha digital manufacturer Job
as for the licerncing most of the digital systems are not a patent it is properiaty and therefore can be used (unlike patent) however like the D-star that anyone can receive it as long as he use the chip of DVSI ....
same can be done here ....

as for price .. im (and sure more others too ) willing to pay more 100$ on option to receive more digital systems rather then getting on same price instead of it simple idiot proof operated scanner that cant receive new digital systems

as for outside USA so uniden dont think about selling radios to the rest of the world ? if yes so how can the systems will be programmed to the radio ? i didnt see that there is any kind of frequencu entry .....

#1 licensing would be rather high adding things like TRBO
#2 those systems were sold primarily to places that didn't want scanners listening in - the vendor turning around and selling those licenses to Uniden would upset a lot of sstem admins and others. And the wouldn't be trusted again when they try selling a system
#3 add $50 to $100 or more for that licensing to the cost of the scanner


Premium Subscriber
Jun 13, 2002
While I don't expect that I'll buy one, it is an interesting device. It will certainly expand the market for scanner to people who want to listen but don't want to spend hours programming and loading frequency information.

In some ways it's the next logical step from Beartrackers and other preprogrammed scanners. I like the touch screen and Windows like function keys.

I think that Uniden will sell a lot of of them.


Jul 23, 2005
I agree garys, I think these will do very well. As for those wanting more types of systems and wont buy till they are available they may have a long long wait. Those systems are far and few between, financialy it wouldn't make sense for Uniden or GRE to put the $$ into developing scanners for those few systems, especially when there are much larger groups to satisfy.


In Memoriam
Premium Subscriber
Apr 19, 2004
Arlington, TX
Wow, you guys are wearing me out. :)

About 3 days running with almost no sleep, now, so I'm not going to pipe up too much (I'm also preparing our formal release stuff for 7/1). Regarding questions on pricing and availability, since the unit does not yet have a FCC Grant, we cannot offer it for sale or lease. What we did today was a technology demonstration and it is for a product we are commited to releasing...and once FCC has issued its grant I'm sure our dealers will start listing prices.

I did record the presentation and will post my portion on YouTube (probably tomorrow). It will answer a bit more of the questions you are asking (but probably generate just as many new questions). About 100 people attended, so I'm sure you'll see more first-hand impressions as the weekend progresses.

Nap time. :)


Database Admin
Dec 8, 2003
Dayton Hamvention
Quick Reference Guide

Here is the quick reference guide:
( If its not sharp blaim Lindsay since we had a couple of beers in the hotel bar watching USA-Ghana :) )

This is a revolution!


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Radio Geek
Premium Subscriber
Jan 21, 2002
Raleigh, NC
as for outside USA so uniden dont think about selling radios to the rest of the world ? if yes so how can the systems will be programmed to the radio ? i didnt see that there is any kind of frequencu entry .....

This radio is being released for the US Market by Uniden America.
Uniden America does not handle international radio production.
As such this radio covers the markets in which it will be released: US & Canada.
Marshall KE4ZNR


Dec 6, 2008
SC Lowcountry
It looks like a winner...

I did record the presentation and will post my portion on YouTube (probably tomorrow). It will answer a bit more of the questions you are asking (but probably generate just as many new questions). About 100 people attended, so I'm sure you'll see more first-hand impressions as the weekend progresses.


Well, at least it appears that no one went hungry... :D

I'm very much looking forward to seeing your presentation. As for the product itself, it looks really good, (and yes, I will definitely purchase one when they become available)...



Jul 23, 2005

In some ways it's the next logical step from Beartrackers and other preprogrammed scanners. I like the touch screen and Windows like function keys.

I think that Uniden will sell a lot of of them.

I think you could equate it to the modern version of the "plug the crystals in and turn it on" only it's put your zipcode in and start scanning from what I am seeing here. And it is much needed, yeah some may look at it as a dumbed down scanner but many just can't grasp the programming that goes into the 396's etc and get frustrated and sell them or they sit in a box for years. This sounds like it will eliminate those issues, and at the same time be usefull to the advanced users as well. Sounds like a great unit for those who travel a lot as well so it should be usefull to multiple markets which helps Uniden and ultimately the more advanced users as this technology will grow to bigger and better things for I think.
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