Uniden's New Product Called Home Patrol

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Premium Subscriber
Mar 23, 2010
I've been holding off buying a digital scanner until i saw what the new Uniden one was like. For what it is worth, I'll likely stick with buying a 996XT down the road, since I don't see this new one doing anything better (at least for me) over what the current digital scanners do.

However I do think this new scanner will be a big seller for Uniden. Like others have said, most people just want something that comes out of the box, you turn it on, and it works.

In a weird way, this new unit reminds me a somewhat of the old crystal scanners. Back in the 70's, our old RS scanner had 8 slots, and when my dad first bought one, the guy at RS asked "what do you want to listen to?"

The sales clerk then went back and picked out the specific crystals/chips for the police, fire, ambulance, air, etc, open the little door on the back, plugged them in, and that was it. We took it home, plugged it in, and away we went.

When scanners moved away from crystals, it was both good and bad. Crystals were very expensive, and having a new scanner that could do 100 or even a 1000 channels without buying a crystal for each frequency like like a dream come true (well, for any of you like me with enough grey hair to remember when such things happened :) ). But the flip side was programming was a nightmare. Hey, I've been into computers since the Commodore Pet and the Timex Sinclair (really dating myself here) but I gotta tell you, if it wasn't for Freescan or some of Butel's software, I'd be ready for the asylum.

So I think this is the kind of scanner that will fly off the shelf at Wal-Mart or Best Buy around Christmas time. And maybe, just maybe, if Uniden makes some good money on this new unit, they'll come out with an improved 396XT or 996Xt for the rest of us. :)


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Port Townsend, WA

It will always be the lack of control over what you are listening to. It will bring many new users to the hobby, but I doubt many converts.


Radio Geek
Premium Subscriber
Jan 21, 2002
Raleigh, NC
I think you could equate it to the modern version of the "plug the crystals in and turn it on" only it's put your zipcode in and start scanning from what I am seeing here. And it is much needed, yeah some may look at it as a dumbed down scanner but many just can't grasp the programming that goes into the 396's etc and get frustrated and sell them or they sit in a box for years. This sounds like it will eliminate those issues, and at the same time be usefull to the advanced users as well. Sounds like a great unit for those who travel a lot as well so it should be usefull to multiple markets which helps Uniden and ultimately the more advanced users as this technology will grow to bigger and better things for I think.

Add in the fact that it has the entire RR.com database (which can be updated) preloaded into memory it makes traveling very easy.
Add in the audio recording capabilities and the portable size and able to be used off battery power and it is a radio I would keep with me everywhere.
Marshall KE4ZNR


Radio Geek
Premium Subscriber
Jan 21, 2002
Raleigh, NC
Great post joneil2000 :)
Marshall KE4ZNR

I've been holding off buying a digital scanner until i saw what the new Uniden one was like. For what it is worth, I'll likely stick with buying a 996XT down the road, since I don't see this new one doing anything better (at least for me) over what the current digital scanners do.

However I do think this new scanner will be a big seller for Uniden. Like others have said, most people just want something that comes out of the box, you turn it on, and it works.

In a weird way, this new unit reminds me a somewhat of the old crystal scanners. Back in the 70's, our old RS scanner had 8 slots, and when my dad first bought one, the guy at RS asked "what do you want to listen to?"

The sales clerk then went back and picked out the specific crystals/chips for the police, fire, ambulance, air, etc, open the little door on the back, plugged them in, and that was it. We took it home, plugged it in, and away we went.

When scanners moved away from crystals, it was both good and bad. Crystals were very expensive, and having a new scanner that could do 100 or even a 1000 channels without buying a crystal for each frequency like like a dream come true (well, for any of you like me with enough grey hair to remember when such things happened :) ). But the flip side was programming was a nightmare. Hey, I've been into computers since the Commodore Pet and the Timex Sinclair (really dating myself here) but I gotta tell you, if it wasn't for Freescan or some of Butel's software, I'd be ready for the asylum.

So I think this is the kind of scanner that will fly off the shelf at Wal-Mart or Best Buy around Christmas time. And maybe, just maybe, if Uniden makes some good money on this new unit, they'll come out with an improved 396XT or 996Xt for the rest of us. :)


Feed Provider
Jan 2, 2003
Six Feet Under
It will always be the lack of control over what you are listening to. It will bring many new users to the hobby, but I doubt many converts.
You have control. You can decide what to monitor. The Sentinel software and on the unit itself allows you to make a list(s) of favorites. You only scan what you want to hear. There are departments you can disable from scanning. You can also temp or permanently avoid sites, groups or channels.

While the HP-1 is made for Bob, there are many Joe feature sets.


Dave AKA The Tripzter


Retired and playing radio whenever I want.
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Lead Database Admin
Sep 22, 2002
It is a digital ????? Will buy one the day it comes out IF it is indeed a Digital (P25 capable scanner) please confirm this!! Also what is price range on this radio

Yes, it is P25 capable, and sounds quite nice with no fiddling. I'll give it a real digital workout once I get it home where I've got a couple of all-digital systems nearby, not just one with a few digital talkgroups.

No price point available yet as FCC is pending; look for an announcement sometime around September 1 or thereabouts.


Active Member
Mar 31, 2006
while i will certaintly look at all the information presented, for me at this point it look's like a pass. i don't know if i'll be able to justify spending the big buck's on this radio. i may just buy a psr-700.
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Feb 24, 2001
It will always be the lack of control over what you are listening to. It will bring many new users to the hobby, but I doubt many converts.

It may bring new users to the hobby for a short period of time then only have the consumer return the radio to local Walmart.

Consumers will return these radios in mass after they turn it on and and don't hear the local PD being dispatched to the house down the block or the hear why the PD air unit is over thier house or EMS dispatched to a traffic accident on the freeway, this is what the consumer will expect and want.

I predict this could be Uniden's Titanic, sink and sink quickly........


Jul 23, 2005
It may bring new users to the hobby for a short period of time then only have the consumer return the radio to local Walmart.

Consumers will return these radios in mass after they turn it on and and don't hear the local PD being dispatched to the house down the block or the hear why the PD air unit is over thier house or EMS dispatched to a traffic accident on the freeway, this is what the consumer will expect and want.

I predict this could be Uniden's Titanic, sink and sink quickly........

Not sure why your saying this, they should hear everything they want to hear since they can control what they are hearing. The only things they won't hear are encrypted channels or systems that can't be monitored anyway. As long as the DB is up to date they will hear it.


Retired and playing radio whenever I want.
Staff member
Lead Database Admin
Sep 22, 2002
Check that out, a real USB port?!? COOL!

And it's true USB. The HomePatrol mounts just like an external hard drive. You can go in and edit your favorites files and so forth, even store extra files. The unit has an included 2gb SD card which is used for memory as well as storing recorded audio, so you don't want to get too carried away.


Retired and playing radio whenever I want.
Staff member
Lead Database Admin
Sep 22, 2002
Here is the quick reference guide:
( If its not sharp blaim Lindsay since we had a couple of beers in the hotel bar watching USA-Ghana :) )

This is a revolution!

Got to watch out for those Stella Artois berrs, Gommert. They'll sneak up on you.

I enjoyed the time at the hotel bar as well; I stuck to Amstel, the spicy peanut mix was tasty too. Too bad the outcome of the game wasn't to our liking.


Premium Subscriber
Mar 23, 2010
Not sure why your saying this, they should hear everything they want to hear since they can control what they are hearing. The only things they won't hear are encrypted channels or systems that can't be monitored anyway. As long as the DB is up to date they will hear it.

Maybe because the original poster lives in a city where the police are encrypted. Police in my town went encrypted many years ago, and I know scanners for sale just as much disappeared from local store shelves, with the exception of the Nascar model (we have both a local drag strip and a race track, so maybe that has something to do with it).

However I find that local media of all types, now owned by large media conglomerates, have in the apst 2-4 years cut back local news coverage so much that I personally find scanners are very useful to finding out what is going on. House fires barely even make the news unless there is injury or major damage, or even I've seen a motor vehicle accident shut down a major road for 4-5 hours, and all it gets is a minor mention after the fact in the next day's newspaper. I find out faster road conditions in some cases off my scanner than the traffic reports on AM radio. And if I was living anywhere in the gulf region right now, I'd have a scanner going 24/7. :(

I think people are realizing this , or will realize this after having a scanner for while. Which leads me to one question - is there going to be a car mount or a mobile version of the Home Patrol? From the Youtube vids, I don't know how I would mount one on my dashboard. :)
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Retired and playing radio whenever I want.
Staff member
Lead Database Admin
Sep 22, 2002
Which leads me to one question - is there going to be a car mount or a mobile version of the Home Patrol? From the Youtube vids, I don't know how I would mount one on my dashboard. :)

Car mount, yes; it will probably be an optional accessory.

As far as a mobile version, time will tell, but I'll bet you're seeing the mobile/desktop/portable version. It's only about 1/4 to 1/2 inch larger than the 396 all the way around and a tad thicker. But that big, bright display just screams MOBILE USE to me.


Jul 23, 2005
Maybe because the original poster lives in a city where the police are encrypted. Police in my town went encrypted many years ago, and I know scanners for sale just as much disappeared from local store shelves, with the exception of the Nascar model (we have both a local drag strip and a race track, so maybe that has something to do with it).

However I find that local media of all types, now owned by large media conglomerates, have in the apst 2-4 years cut back local news coverage so much that I personally find scanners are very useful to finding out what is going on. House fires barely even make the news unless there is injury or major damage, or even I've seen a motor vehicle accident shut down a major road for 4-5 hours, and all it gets is a minor mention after the fact in the next day's newspaper. I find out faster road conditions in some cases off my scanner than the traffic reports on AM radio. And if I was living anywhere in the gulf region right now, I'd have a scanner going 24/7. :(

I think people are realizing this , or will realize this after having a scanner for while. Which leads me to one question - is there going to be a car mount or a mobile version of the Home Patrol? From the Youtube vids, I don't know how I would mount one on my dashboard. :)

I mentioned encryption...ok, so you can't hear the locals, there are other things to scan. Not just racing either.
As someone in media I know they cut back, it's not JUST your area but nationwide. I haven't worked since last August because papers here don't want to put a dime out for photos, that includes sports and newsworthy incidents. If the staff photographer doesn't get it they won't pay for it. They are struggeling due to advertising cutbacks and until that money returns they won't be running anything extra.

Someone here mentioned a mobile mount, so there should be something along those lines for the units. Just realize in some areas it's illegal ti use a scanner when mobile, here in Indiana is one of those places. Unless you are a ham or media with a permit from the state police you can't use a scanner on foot/bike or car. Even local ordinances in states that allow scanners in cars don't allow them in some cities and towns.


Dec 19, 2002
Rocky Hill, CT

This looks real nice.
My main question is :
Does it have enough audio power to be used in a vehicle ?

The color display is very nice and the size seems like it will mount quite nicely in a vehicle.
This can certainly solve the space problem that so many vehicles have today, and also solve the problem of a "remote head".
It would be a winner to me if the audio was strong enough to use mobile....

Overall, this looks excellent !
I'm in.......
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