Updates are Coming

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Database Admin
Jun 23, 2006
N.W. Florida
I’m excited about the new update coming soon, I can’t wait. In regards to the purposed pay-ware updates, you said it will be based on each radios ESN#. If this is true and many of us have numerous radios like two 996, or two 396, etc, does this mean we will have to pay for each radio to have the latest updates or if we purchase the update itself, can I update all of my 996 radios with a single users agreement?


Silent Key (April 15th, 2023)
Feed Provider
Feb 15, 2002
Bragg Creek, Alberta
I have no more information than any of the rest of you on this, but I would suggest that the likely reason for payment and monitoring how many radios have been updated is regarding one of the licensed protocols, i.e. IMBE/P25 digital, or perhaps a new protocol yet to be announced as licensed. I would suspect that the licensing would be dependent on how many radios are using the licensed code, similar to fetching royalties for using a song/software design/etc.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Boston MA
Hi Paul, I did buy my 996t new back when they first came out but I have no idea when that was for a purchase date. I wish you didn't need a purchase date in there or that you could just pick out of warranty or something and move on.


Database Admin
Jun 23, 2006
N.W. Florida
I know this question can’t be answered right now but it was stated that the testing was going on in Virginia on the State P-25 system. I’m just curious if the beta testers were testing both stationary and mobile usage. I notice that the Virginia P-25 is mainly VHF. Were I live we have a heavy UHF P-25 networks for the DOD in the 380-400 range. Will the update be seen in this range also?
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In Memoriam
Premium Subscriber
Apr 19, 2004
Arlington, TX
ScanBoston said:
Hi Paul, I did buy my 996t new back when they first came out but I have no idea when that was for a purchase date. I wish you didn't need a purchase date in there or that you could just pick out of warranty or something and move on.
As mentioned earlier...make your best guess (or just make one up). This is not for warranty service, but does help me gauge sellthrough and to some degree dealer preferences. I assume that some portion of the data is false or fudged.


Dec 31, 2003
Toms River, New Jersey
I think Uniden better start thinking about making their product the best it can be. GRE has taken a big bite out of Uniden sales with what seems to be an excellent product, and their support and friendly service will put Unidens back to the wall, with the loss of money to GRE, it looks like Uniden has to make money some where, so I guess charging for updates is one way. I don't think Uniden uses UPMan as much as they should, he is on this site often and should be able to be more free in what he can discuss and get more involved in solving issues and problems with their product, and tech support that users of Uniden products have. If not, I see GRE taking over the scanner industry, and Uniden fighting to stay in the game. At this point I only own Unidens, but it looks like in the future I'm going to take a good look at GRE products, they seem to be moving in the right direction! What comes out in this next update by Uniden will be a major factor in what direction I will go in the future.


Dec 19, 2002
Fortunately, GA
What this shows me about Uniden, is that they are listening. A 396 may be in my future shortly. I think that even though GRE has made a better receiving scanner for digital, there are still too many button pushes to get to where you want to go. Plus the radio is still to large for me. I lugged my 97 around this past weekend (the same size as the 500) and didn't care to do it. Keep up the changes and I'll be buying Uniden scanners again.
p.s. GRE, if you are reading these posts, LOSE the V-scanner and add the memory to the radio!
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Idaho DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 19, 2002
Eastern Idaho
Highpockets said:
If not, I see GRE taking over the scanner industry, and Uniden fighting to stay in the game. At this point I only own Unidens, but it looks like in the future I'm going to take a good look at GRE products, they seem to be moving in the right direction! What comes out in this next update by Uniden will be a major factor in what direction I will go in the future.
Let's hope GRE doesn't take over the scanner industry. Having only one manufacturer would certainly not be good for competition, product development and for prices. Nothing is ever as clear cut as a lot of people seem to want it to be, but I am pretty sure both Uniden and GRE are well aware of what the other is doing and are working to improve their products and remain competitive. It's just not a really big market with tons of development money being poured into this product line, so improvements and new products don't happen as fast as we might like.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 21, 2002
Chicago , IL
Improved decoding on P25 Multipacket Systems – OK, all you guys on the Virginia STARS system (and others), this is one I know you have been chomping at the bit for…and I wish I could hand it to you today, but we’ve just a bit more to go on it. Have just a little more patience…I’m sure you will agree that it was worth the wait. Our testers in Virginia and elsewhere confirm that the scanners now perform near flawlessly on these systems.

Paul or anyone can answer this...will this resolve the Illinois State Police Starcom 21's woes we have mentioned? I see the Virginia system is a VHF Apco 25 system ,but Starcom 21 is mainly 700 & 800 Mhz. system. Was there any beta testing here to confirm this?


Premium Subscriber
Aug 15, 2006
York, Ontario
The one feature that you should add - and why you haven't is totally beyond me - support for patched talkgroups on a Motorola system. There is no reason why the 396/996 cannot do this. Instead of wasting time/energy on features that don't matter, how about focusing on features that make the radio functional rather than ones which make it fancy.

Just my two cents, sorry if it's overly critical but Uniden has been in this game for a long time, and it isn't as though patching is anything new...


Oct 7, 2007
It's a shame Uniden didn't make a public beta available. That would've been great for Uniden to get an update out the door faster!

I've seen one-man-band software developers take on that heavy load with ease.

Then there's "there's never enough time to do it right, but always time to do it over" mentality some companies exhibit. Take the iPhone, for example. But anyone can grab those updates without registering on their website.

Uniden should take a good long look at themselves. The personal info and now further security numbers just irritates the hell out of me. It's just a friggin' update, not the Mona Lisa! They wanna play like that, I'm not buying.

Damn fine scanner though.



Dec 31, 2003
Toms River, New Jersey
thewenk said:
Let's hope GRE doesn't take over the scanner industry. Having only one manufacturer would certainly not be good for competition, product development and for prices. Nothing is ever as clear cut as a lot of people seem to want it to be, but I am pretty sure both Uniden and GRE are well aware of what the other is doing and are working to improve their products and remain competitive. It's just not a really big market with tons of development money being poured into this product line, so improvements and new products don't happen as fast as we might like.

I hope your right, Uniden has some work to do. GRE is on the move, I read the forums and the views on GRE are going up, Uniden going down. I for one would like to see NAC decoding added to the Uniden. I'm most likely alone here, but I liked the screen on the bc780 the best, all the info you needed was there. Oh well, we'll see where the hobby takes us, and what manufacturer will lead the way, and the competition is needed!


♦RF Enabled Member♦
Aug 20, 2003
Cleveland, OH
At first, after reading this announcement, I was miffed knowing there wouldn't be any updates for my now-discontinued BR330 (Strike 1).
That is, until I read that you'll have to pay for future updates (Strike 2). Now I don't feel so bad!

I really like my 2 Unidens and have owned 2-3 others. But I'm glad I invested in GRE for a digital scanner.

And what's up with collecting personal info and serial #'s for updates (Strike...)? No matter how it's spun, that's almost never good for the consumer.


Aug 11, 2007
eorange said:
At first, after reading this announcement, I was miffed knowing there wouldn't be any updates for my now-discontinued BR330 (Strike 1).
That is, until I read that you'll have to pay for future updates (Strike 2). Now I don't feel so bad!

I really like my 2 Unidens and have owned 2-3 others. But I'm glad I invested in GRE for a digital scanner.

And what's up with collecting personal info and serial #'s for updates (Strike...)? No matter how it's spun, that's almost never good for the consumer.

My thoughts exactly! Especially when Paul Opitz is encourging us to fudge our registered info anyway...
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