Updates are Coming

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Aug 11, 2007
I am also EXTREMELY concerned about the part where Paul says, "if you use a key for another scanner or don’t enter a key, your scanner will not work until you successfully apply the update with the key".

Sounds like we will not be able to revert to previous versions if we start it, but decide we don't want it. And if there are any bugs in the updating system, you now have a $500 brick.

Think also of the number of people who will inadvertently input the key wrong, and we know this will happen often! Or any other mishapens that are bound to happen with keys. Sounds like Uniden will expect you to ship the scanner. Another way to get more money, eh?

I hate to bag on this process, but it sounds HORRIBLE! I have a SEVERE problem with them deliberately disabling my scanner.


♦RF Enabled Member♦
Aug 20, 2003
Cleveland, OH
DaveIN said:
So for future *major* updates you pay for new features instead of paying for a new radio. Sounds good to me.
Maybe...but consider this:

Take multi-site trunking and NAC decoding, which the 396 does not have. You paid $500 for your new 396.

Now you choose to pay $50 for multi-site trunking for the 396. This 396 has now cost you $550. Then 6 months later, you choose to pay another $50 for NAC decoding. Now the 396 has cost you $600.

You have too much invested in that first upgrade to not invest in the second upgrade, at least without losing money for what is becoming a second-generation scanner (compared to the 996 and the PSR-500/600).

If you knew the 396 had those features up front, and knew it would cost you $600 up front for multi-site trunking and NAC decoding, you might have saved yourself $100 and went with the PSR-500 instead.

This just sounds like a revenue booster for Uniden on the slide, licensing stories aside.


Dec 19, 2002
UPMAN, thank you for this information. Please pass on thanks to the engineering team and all those involved who are working to provide us a better scanner.

I am encouraged that you (and the company) make yourselves publicly accessible like this; it only serves to strengthen my favor of Uniden products.

I'm looking forward to the updates.

In the end, may we all vote with our wallets. :)


Feed Provider
Dec 19, 2002
Findlay Ohio
I just love how everyone keeps putting a price to this. It just going to make it that much easier for Uniden to charge "that" price. The same thing happened on the remote head. Many people said "I would pay this much for it" and what do you know, Uniden charged "that much".

I already forked out enough cash for this radio and I think Uniden has a lot of nerve wanting to charge after they said this stuff would be free.


Database Admin
Feb 19, 2003
N.E. Kansas
Many commercial radio manufacturers have been using a "feature by flash upgrade" for years.

If that's what it is I think it's a great idea. We can tailor the product to our needs. I for one really don't care about fire tone out but sure would like MDC.

Then again, nobody truly knows what he's talking about yet.


Mar 2, 2004
excuse this stupid question guys , but what is MDC and what does it do , as soon as you tell me ill probably pull a homer simpson "DOE...." thanks in advance.


Aug 11, 2007
Dubbin said:
I already forked out enough cash for this radio and I think Uniden has a lot of nerve wanting to charge after they said this stuff would be free.

I agree - to an extent. If Uniden originally declared that something will be free, it should remain that way. Many people bought based on this.

If they wish to charge for feature additions, great. Charge. But they better not charge for fixes on problem that have existed since the radio was first released.

I have more of a problem with Uniden installing that spyware / root-kit thing on my scanner, and having the option to disable my scanner at will.

Do any of you recall how Sony installed root kits onto computers through their audio CDs, and the uproar that caused? It was a nightmare. Uniden -- You would do will to study the history books on that one...


Mar 24, 2004
Phoenix, AZ
What I am not getting out of all this, is what more can they really do for this scanner that warrants more money? All it is so far is talk about fixing all their (Uniden's) mistakes that people have found with the radio in the last year or so. To me all this is is some more creative corporate greed. What ever happen to warranty's? Taking care of your customers? Standing behind your product and making it right when something doesn't perform like it was supposed to? Heck its bad enough coming up with $5-600 to purchase the scanner and now they wanna charge for every little thing. All I gotta say people is its time to boycot their arse and go with a manufacturer who is going to stand behind thier product and not nickel and dime you to death for every little thing, even when it is their mistake. The longer you keep bending over and taking it from them, the more their going to keep charging.


Database Admin
Jun 23, 2006
N.W. Florida
This post is not about scanners but the subject falls under what I’ve been seeing a lot of lately when it comes to updates, patches and fixes from companies.

I don’t know how may of you use Microsoft Flight Simulator but I seen something similar happen in the flight sim community by a company named PMDG. A few years ago they released a 747 add-on for Flight 2004 for around $50. Over the years they released a patch/fix to correct some of the minor issues from the original release. This was free to the consumer. Then a new version of Flight Sim was released by Microsoft, Flight Sim X (10). They decided to make a 747 version that was compatible with FSX because every one wanted a compatible version to use in the new sim and everyone said they would pay what ever it cost to have a working version for FSX. PMDG finally completed the new version of the 747. This release also included updates and fixes to the original FS2004 version but you had to buy the FSX version in order to have the updates. They were not willing to just release a single patch for the older version. Seeing how the demand was high for the release of a new aircraft and a fix for the older one; they decided to charge almost $100 dollars for the release. They also changed from US dollars to Euros. More bang for the buck this way.

So as the consumer who doesn’t own a copy of the new Simulator, but wants the updates, I would still have to pay $100 dollars to get a patch/enhancement for my original purchase of $50. It didn’t help that everyone was screaming that they would pay “what ever” to have it. The company saw this and they took advantage of it. There are always going to be those who will pay what the manufacture wants regardless if it’s fair or not. It’s all about supply and demand. They have it, you want it, and you’ll pay it, even if it sucks to do so.

Now granted it from what I’m reading, Uniden is saying fixes are free but will have to pay for enhancements. Everyone is going to argue this one for sometime on what is a fix and what is an enhancement, I see it coming. Lets say the first enhancement is including NAC decoding. Since the area I live in doesn’t use NAC, I don’t have to purchase this upgrade. Too me, this is not a fix. But for those of you who do live in a NAC area like the Texas DPS region. You can argue that this should be a fix for the 396/996. See what I’m getting at. This will be interesting.

One other note, how many electronic devices do you own? How many of them do you truly go online and register and check for updates. Unless your truly into that device, probably never. Uniden has sold many scanners over the years but its popular sites like this and others where the word gets out because this is our hobby. You figure the ones who will pay will be they small group of people in theses forums. Think about the average consumer who bought the 996 and doesn’t even know about RR, yahoo Groups, etc and there happy with what they purchases and don’t know any difference. To them it’s just another electronic device.
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Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Premium Subscriber
Feb 3, 2001
Lansing, MI
Dubbin said:
I already forked out enough cash for this radio and I think Uniden has a lot of nerve wanting to charge after they said this stuff would be free.

What features are they adding later on that they originally said would be free?

eorange said:
consider this:

Now you choose to pay $50 for multi-site trunking for the 396. This 396 has now cost you $550. Then 6 months later, you choose to pay another $50 for NAC decoding. Now the 396 has cost you $600.

Consider this? What if the upgrade is $7.95? So the 396 cost you $514.90 instead of $500? Is that a problem?

f494d957 said:
Sounds like we will not be able to revert to previous versions if we start it, but decide we don't want it.

Here's a thought - don't put the firmware in if you don't want the updates listed?

And if there are any bugs in the updating system, you now have a $500 brick.

I don't understand.

Think also of the number of people who will inadvertently input the key wrong, and we know this will happen often!

Then you enter the correct key, and reupload the firmware. No big deal.

Sounds like Uniden will expect you to ship the scanner.

No, sounds like you're just guessing. And you guess wrong.

Another way to get more money, eh?


I hate to bag on this process, but it sounds HORRIBLE! I have a SEVERE problem with them deliberately disabling my scanner.

It's not nearly as bad as you think. Don't worry.

4_nora_84 said:
Also, anyone else find it odd these are being released right after GRE's big release?

Uhhh, no. "These" are not being released now, there is a list of features with the coming firmware update and it doesn't "add" anything that the PSR500 has.

jambo said:
The longer you keep bending over and taking it from them, the more their going to keep charging.

I'd like to thank jambo for one of the dumbest posts I've seen on here in a while...
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Feed Provider
Dec 19, 2002
Findlay Ohio
Boy it sure is a good thing that the all knowing rdale has came in here and set us all strait...


Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River
Jun 15, 2002
4_nora_84 said:
I wonder if Uniden refused to continue to put money into these scanners unless they got something in return. Hence, Paul had to promise an income of some sort. Also, anyone else find it odd these are being released right after GRE's big release? Meh..just a thought..

The pre-release said that testing has been underway. GRE just release their new update (the week before last?). I would guess Uniden's testing and development was underway way before that.

I think a lot of people are reading b/n the lines here. Wait until the official release to form an opinion one way or the other.

Just my opinion. You've got yours.


Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River
Jun 15, 2002
4_nora_84 said:
:lol: I think you all missed my point. I was wondering why Uniden wouldn't release theirs first, you know beat them to the punch.

Gotcha now!


♦RF Enabled Member♦
Aug 20, 2003
Cleveland, OH
tglendye said:
I think a lot of people are reading b/n the lines here. Wait until the official release to form an opinion one way or the other.
For sure - we all love to speculate.

But it was Paul, not us, who said in the future you'd likely have to pay for updates. This is a first in our hobby scanning world, and I don't think that's a good thing.


Jan 16, 2007
Southeastern Virginia
4_nora_84 said:
:lol: I think you all missed my point. I was wondering why Uniden wouldn't release theirs first, you know beat them to the punch.
My guess would be because Uniden is using a different processor and it took them a while to write the code.

GRE may still be in capital burndown in regards to marketing under their own name, so they have that to throw at the problem. Uniden has a board of directors to get a budget past.

I am reserving judgement until I see what the new firmware does. If it is better than GRE's, taking a bit longer would be worth it.


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Premium Subscriber
Feb 3, 2001
Lansing, MI
Dubbin said:
Boy it sure is a good thing that the all knowing rdale has came in here and set us all strait...

I'm not trying to "set you straight" - I'm trying to get you to slow down and think before getting your pants all in a tizzy.

There are a LOT of things being posted here that I clearly know are not true, and we know how the RR rumormill likes to run, so pretty soon a new thread will be posted about Uniden wanting to charge $79.95 to fix a bug.

Sorry if it offends you that someone with actual knowledge posts here, I realize you prefer just posting to see your name in print.

If I misread your intentions, then answer my question - "what upcoming features are they making you pay for that they originally promised would be free?"
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