Updates are Coming

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Aug 21, 2006
Chicago, IL.
I have been scanning a long, long time. I would much rather pay for an upgrade that I can use...as opposed to something I don't want or need....than see a new model come out with a couple 'new' features but the rest of the old scanner is holding up well. So long as these are 'developed' after the scanner was released and not deliberately placed to the side as a profiteer move. If passport was licensed and people wanted that, I can see the reason to charge. If through development, a scanner manufacturer found ways to improve the product after it was released, then someone has to pay for the cost of developing that newer feature for us. $49.99 (just throwing out a generic price so don't ask me where, why, how I arrived at that price) opposed to trying to sell a used scanner and buying another $500 or $600 dollar scanner is easier for me to handle as a consumer. Give me the choice as to whether I really need that new feature in my same familiar toy. Just my 2 cents. My area of comfort. Not saying anyone elses opinion is wrong. I'm just fried on many who post negative nonsense. Too many "Why can't they do this?" "Why can't they get it right?" ....I think we...or the manufacturers rather, need to examine who they allow to field test in the first place. Also, in what markets across the country. I blame some of these issues on thes volunteers and self proclaimed experts who know how to smooch up to the booty.


Mar 26, 2005
Melbourne, Florida

self proclaimed experts who know how to smooch up to the booty.[/QUOTE]

Just who is this "booty", and why are the self proclaimed experts smooching him or her anyway? :)



Premium Subscriber
Jan 23, 2003
Yorktown, Virginia
thewenk said:
Let's hope GRE doesn't take over the scanner industry. Having only one manufacturer would certainly not be good for competition, product development and for prices. ...

I have a couple of 'older' scanners made by Regency. For several years, Regency gave Bearcat (read Uniden) a run for their money, then they were bought out by Uniden. GRE sometime later (don't really recall when) moved into the void left by Regency.

Unless Uniden (or GRE) try to make like Macro$carf and force the other out, market factors will continue to play. I like both. I seriously doubt that Uniden would (but MBA's have strange thought processes) cut their throats in the area of customer service.

I'm waiting patiently for Uniden's next update. Overall, I'd take the 396 over the 500, but I could easily change my mind.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 21, 2002
Chicago , IL
Statevillian said:
I have been scanning a long, long time. I would much rather pay for an upgrade that I can use...as opposed to something I don't want or need....than see a new model come out with a couple 'new' features but the rest of the old scanner is holding up well. So long as these are 'developed' after the scanner was released and not deliberately placed to the side as a profiteer move. If passport was licensed and people wanted that, I can see the reason to charge. If through development, a scanner manufacturer found ways to improve the product after it was released, then someone has to pay for the cost of developing that newer feature for us. $49.99 (just throwing out a generic price so don't ask me where, why, how I arrived at that price) opposed to trying to sell a used scanner and buying another $500 or $600 dollar scanner is easier for me to handle as a consumer. Give me the choice as to whether I really need that new feature in my same familiar toy. Just my 2 cents. My area of comfort. Not saying anyone elses opinion is wrong. I'm just fried on many who post negative nonsense. Too many "Why can't they do this?" "Why can't they get it right?" ....I think we...or the manufacturers rather, need to examine who they allow to field test in the first place. Also, in what markets across the country. I blame some of these issues on thes volunteers and self proclaimed experts who know how to smooch up to the booty.

This puts a different "spin" on the whole pay for your upgrade feature that I really didn't think about till after reading this post. An example here would be the 796D, which I admit to buying (4) mainly for the upcoming Digital revolution. Did I really need the 996? Not really, but the only thing missing for me persoanlly is 700 Mhz. trunking. Now if Uniden would have offered the $49 upgrade fee to add 700 Mhz. trunking capability to the 796, it would have saved me some money. Don't get me wrong, the 996 is a great scanner, but I hope this is the last I buy for a long time to come...especially with the "pay-as-you-go upgrade poilcy" being discussed. I could upgrade what I need versus what has no value to my scanning needs.


Mar 4, 2008
Bent Mountain, VA
I was hoping against hope to finally see multi-site trunking for the 396 (especially since the VA STARS system was used as a testbed), but I reckon that's not likely either... As stated earlier, MDC (and, for that matter, DTMF) decode would be awesome... I reckon we can dream, eh?


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2003
I agree with Bobby Rae Ransom, those that "smooched up to the booty" possibly received "free scanners" or is it a rumor!! Anyway after the product hit the shelves some of there testing was kinda bogus as many updates were still needed...However, i like my 396, i thank Mr.Opitz for his dedication to we scanner customers and appreciate Uniden still making quality radios and standing behind them....Competition is needed....Personally like im sure others im kinda vague at applying new firmware changes so im going to have to call on a very good scanning buddie to give a hand......Good luck to Uniden...


Aug 26, 2007
Ontario, Canada
So Uniden is now going to start charging for updates? I'm not sure if maybe its just me that noticed but out on this internet thing they got now, movie and music companies have been having a wee bit of trouble containing their IP lately and just because your IP isn't software or entertainment does not make it immune.

Now Uniden wants to get charging , what , $49 for a wee 1MB file? Good luck on enforcement. P2P networks designed to operate highly efficientley on 700MB+ sized files. If you put an expensive 1MB file in the hands of computer-literate and thrifty HAMs, well, lets just say you might want to rethink your business model.

If Uniden really want to charge for this update, they should charge about $2 to $5 for the update. For me and a lot of other people under 50, thats the threshold price where its easier to get it from the official source for the sake of supporting future updates. At $49, its just a quick torrent search for me and thousands of others.


Idaho DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 19, 2002
Eastern Idaho
cpuerror said:
If Uniden really want to charge for this update, they should charge about $2 to $5 for the update. For me and a lot of other people under 50, thats the threshold price where its easier to get it from the official source for the sake of supporting future updates. At $49, its just a quick torrent search for me and thousands of others.
Where did you get that Uniden is charging for this update? They specifically said they were not charging for this update. Did you read the notice?


Aug 26, 2007
Ontario, Canada
thewenk said:
Where did you get that Uniden is charging for this update? They specifically said they were not charging for this update. Did you read the notice?

Yeah well I meant future updates.
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Jul 10, 2006
Mont Vernon, NH
Don't listen to the whiners, Upman!

If you guys have REALLY improved P25 decoding, YOU ROCK! In fact, even if you HAVEN'T... just continuing to add functionality to a product long after its initial release means YOU ROCK.

Folks on here need to get a clue. When's the last time you got an update for your freakin' TV or some other consumer electronics gizmo.

In terms of whether updates should cost money or not: Motorola charges to update the firmware for a $5K Motorola radio.... whether it's to fix their bugs or add "better P25 decoding." So, I wouldn't complain that much about paying a few bucks for updates to a $500 scanner.

Not to mention, the updates thus far have been free.

de Peter K1PGV


Jun 17, 2003
Franktown, CO
cpuerror said:
At $49, its just a quick torrent search for me and thousands of others.
Which probably wouldn't do you a bit of good, if the "for-pay" update is encrypted with your scanner's ESN, then decrypted in the radio as you upload it.


Dec 31, 2003
Toms River, New Jersey
PeterGV said:
Don't listen to the whiners, Upman!

If you guys have REALLY improved P25 decoding, YOU ROCK! In fact, even if you HAVEN'T... just continuing to add functionality to a product long after its initial release means YOU ROCK.

Folks on here need to get a clue. When's the last time you got an update for your freakin' TV or some other consumer electronics gizmo.

In terms of whether updates should cost money or not: Motorola charges to update the firmware for a $5K Motorola radio.... whether it's to fix their bugs or add "better P25 decoding." So, I wouldn't complain that much about paying a few bucks for updates to a $500 scanner.

Not to mention, the updates thus far have been free.

de Peter K1PGV

I hope he listens to the whiners they are the ones who buy the scanners. So far no price has been stated for future updates, what makes you think it will be a few bucks, on that point we have to wait and see. I think Uniden can do better with updates and support, to keep up with GRE.


Nov 25, 2006
cpuerror said:
So Uniden is now going to start charging for updates? I'm not sure if maybe its just me that noticed but out on this internet thing they got now, movie and music companies have been having a wee bit of trouble containing their IP lately and just because your IP isn't software or entertainment does not make it immune.

Now Uniden wants to get charging , what , $49 for a wee 1MB file? Good luck on enforcement. P2P networks designed to operate highly efficientley on 700MB+ sized files. If you put an expensive 1MB file in the hands of computer-literate and thrifty HAMs, well, lets just say you might want to rethink your business model.

If Uniden really want to charge for this update, they should charge about $2 to $5 for the update. For me and a lot of other people under 50, thats the threshold price where its easier to get it from the official source for the sake of supporting future updates. At $49, its just a quick torrent search for me and thousands of others.

The Upgrade Notice does in fact state this one will be free. The possibility to charge in the future will be for feature enhancements. I agree with you that, IN THIS PARTICULAR CASE, users should be able to select a la carte for any future feature additions at a reasonable price and should be a SEPARATE file than updates/bug-fixes (which should continue to be free, of course).

I believe that Uniden in this case is seeing that the hardware platform they put out is very flexible through firmware, and does not need to go out to the drawing board to build a new scanner just yet.

The way I figure it, Uniden is probably looking at the model similar to LMR business. If you read all the way down, you'll notice they will switch to an ESN-Based update/upgrade method. Which means this will make EACH update/upgrade file UNIQUE TO THE RADIO. So P2P sharing, will do squat!

As with all LMR radios, you buy the radio with a base-set of options, then you'll need to purchase all of the options you want to add, if you didn't at the time of purchase. "Oh, you want OmniLink with that? ... You need MDC or MODAT? .. You want P25 Conventional and Trunking?" You need to purchase them and you will be sent a file that only works with that ONE radio because the ESN number is part of the encryption the file was sent to you in.

My ONE concern is that Uniden is using up precious firmware (memory) space they call already tight (at least for the 396) for adding new functions just to have this proprietary capability.

For the future, I can see them (possibly) charging for Automatic TGID, NAC and Unit ID Decoding and Filtering for Conventional freqs. Currently, the 396/996 can only do two of those and on trunked systems only. The GRE and Icom 2500 (NAC filtering only, not decoding and showing) can do this already. This would be sad though. :-(

With all this said, with the exception of a few short-comings and bugs, I love my 396 and 996 and don't know of a suitable replacement for them.. and it's certainly not the GREs.


Edited becwauze while I was getting long-winded, a bunch of others jumped in here and wrote most of what I was already thinking. Plus, I can't spel.
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Aug 21, 2006
Chicago, IL.
Ahhhhh Haaaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!! I love this stuff. I just have to laugh. I, yes I, ME....said $49 and then in quotes...QUOTES mind you, said I was just throwing out a figure and not to run with that. But, of course people ran with that $49 anyway. The charge was potential for FUTURE upgrades if EVERYONE would just read UPMans original release. YES, the upcoming upgrade is free BUT...future will be at a cost. READ folks..READ and COMPREHEND. Haaaaaaaaaaa!

And as far as smooching booty...did anyone read who I was referring to in that paragraph....FIELD TESTERS. In NO WAY am I saying all or even a significant number of people...but they are out there. People who beg and plead, tour their expertise and radio knowledge and finesse their way into testing these radios. When a new scanner is coming out they post here, there and everywhere asking to be the one. Paul Opitz isn't gonna pick up the phone and call ME. I don't know for certain how field testers....AKA beta testers are determined but, it seems like those entrusted with big $$$$$$$$$$$$ investments of these companies aren't doing a very good job. How come hobbyists figure problems out within a day of receiving a product but a local radio expert becomes a beta tester/field tester/(booty smoocher...if it applies) and can't figure it out over a prolonged period of time in their area? I realize many systems are different and that is why there is this specific VA P25 fix coming. But, there have been some overall things in these scanners that the testers may not be reporting. What I was saying is ALL THIS NEGATIVE NONSENSE directed at the scanner manufacturers doesn't only fall on their shoulders....It's our fellow hobbyists who are testing these products pre-sale. I got people rolling with a general number...$49. I should throw out a radio rumor.....what the next scanner will be from a major manufacturer. I know people would take off with it after reading this thread. Ayyyy Chihuahuas!!!!!!!!!


Aug 26, 2007
Ontario, Canada
ok well I may have come off as being a bit more harsh than what I intended in my post. I was just saying that if some future update does cost a small fortune it could just end up getting pirated. Whether DRM is implemented will have to be seen.


Feed Provider
Dec 19, 2002
Findlay Ohio
cpuerror said:
I was just saying that if some future update does cost a small fortune it could just end up getting pirated.

It still doesn't matter since the "pirated" software will only work in the original radio that it was intended for.


Aug 11, 2007
naSTI said:
The way I figure it, Uniden is probably looking at the model similar to LMR business. If you read all the way down, you'll notice they will switch to an ESN-Based update/upgrade method. Which means this will make EACH update/upgrade file UNIQUE TO THE RADIO. So P2P sharing, will do squat!

As with all LMR radios, you buy the radio with a base-set of options, then you'll need to purchase all of the options you want to add, if you didn't at the time of purchase. "Oh, you want OmniLink with that? ... You need MDC or MODAT? .. You want P25 Conventional and Trunking?" You need to purchase them and you will be sent a file that only works with that ONE radio because the ESN number is part of the encryption the file was sent to you in.
I hate to think what this will do to the support software industry. Sounds like Uniden will force us to buy their stuff.


Founders Curmudgen
Database Admin
Jan 5, 2003
West Michigan
I didn't see anything in UPMan's post that leads me to think Uniden is going to charge for any updates. After all they provided all updates for free before and the UASD for the 396 and 996 are free after you register the software. I for one am just happy to see that the radios are supported. Some computer software companies just sell a product with one set of features and then want to sell you another with just a few more options.

Thanks for listening to the end user, Uniden.


Founders Curmudgen
Database Admin
Jan 5, 2003
West Michigan
So for future *major* updates you pay for new features instead of paying for a new radio. Sounds good to me.
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