DickH said:
Let's see if I understand this correctly.
I have a dial-up connection to the Internet, my friend has a high speed connection. He downloads the update and copies it so I can do the same without waiting for a long download. But without the proper ESN it won't work. Is that right? Is that the purpose of all this?
Yes, you can both use exactly the same download (they are all identical and not encrypted). You'll just need to use your scanner's own registration key when prompted during the upgrade process.
Can I upgrade from a friend's 'puter and visa versa?
Yes. There is no tie-in to any IP address, MAC address...or whatever. We have no visibility into that (nor can I think of any reason we would need something like that). All that matters is that you use your scanner's key when prompted.
Will I have to fetch mail to get an install key after downloading a bug fix?
No. Keys are only required for "major" upgrades. Updates (i.e. "bug fixes") to those upgrades will not require the key to be entered again.
What kind of hoops will someone have to jump through if I sell my 396T to them?
They'll just need to register the scanner on our site to receive a key for any major upgrades.
Your statement concerning authorized firmware makes me cringe in a windoze sorta way...
Well, I could have worded that better.
I just meant that
if we have for-pay upgrades, we want to be sure that people who pay for the upgrades are not at an unfair disadvantage to others who might use it but not pay for it. Our ability to enforce a "one pay, one scanner" rule will directly affect the price of any upgrades. That is, if only 25% of the user base pays for the upgrade, while the other 75% "borrows" the upgrade, we'd need to charge 4x for all upgrades in order to meet our financial responsibilities to our stakeholders. I've seen no other suggestions in this list for other ways to effectively do this, but am very open to suggestions.