Updates are Coming

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Idaho DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 19, 2002
Eastern Idaho
slicerwizard said:
Your posts on this matter have been 100% nonsense. You can't read and properly comprehend what others have written, yet you continue to embarrass yourself. The ESN will be used as a simple encryption/decryption key, so if you mess it up (decryption key doesn't match encryption key), the scanner will end up with scrambled (e.g. useless/nonfunctional) firmware until you use the correct ESN as the encryption key. It is not a deliberate attempt by Uniden to brick your scanner. Why is that so hard for you to deal with? It's not - you simply have some perverse need to create a strawman to prop up your ludicrous rant.

And it's not cheap technology to develop eh? No prior art out there that could be used to encrypt/decrypt a 1MB block of data? You're insulting our intelligence.

BTW, I like your "encrypting/decrypting can corrupt data" nonsense. Somehow, the Internet manages to successfully pass encrypted data all the time (never heard of SSL or https?) and my password-protected zipfiles haven't lost a byte yet, or even an itty bitty bit. Where do you come up with this drivel?

Ah, I see you also don't know what a rootkit is. And you never will, because you are clearly one of those folks who already know it all and are unable to learn from others.

So don't. Problem solved.


Aug 11, 2007
There are plenty of people on here who try to prevent other from posting their opinion on things that will affect the. You certainly are no exception. If anyone should be excluded from commenting it should be you and people like you. Your words are nothing but cheap shots and personal attacks.

Encryption/decryption is known to corrupt data. Any other belief is a fantasy land.

Yes -- what Uniden choses to implement is not cheap. They wouldn't charge if it wasn't. Or are you saying that Uniden is greedy?

And why on earth should ANYONE be excluded from a scanner that functions as it should? Why should ANYONE be excluded from fixes?

Why don't you be a decent person and refrain from taking cheap shots at people. EVERYONE is free to post his/her opinion. If you can't handle that, maybe you should sign out of your rr account and go elsewhere. Stop bullying people.

slicerwizard said:
Your posts on this matter have been 100% nonsense. You can't read and properly comprehend what others have written, yet you continue to embarrass yourself. The ESN will be used as a simple encryption/decryption key, so if you mess it up (decryption key doesn't match encryption key), the scanner will end up with scrambled (e.g. useless/nonfunctional) firmware until you use the correct ESN as the encryption key. It is not a deliberate attempt by Uniden to brick your scanner. Why is that so hard for you to deal with? It's not - you simply have some perverse need to create a strawman to prop up your ludicrous rant.

And it's not cheap technology to develop eh? No prior art out there that could be used to encrypt/decrypt a 1MB block of data? You're insulting our intelligence.

BTW, I like your "encrypting/decrypting can corrupt data" nonsense. Somehow, the Internet manages to successfully pass encrypted data all the time (never heard of SSL or https?) and my password-protected zipfiles haven't lost a byte yet, or even an itty bitty bit. Where do you come up with this drivel?

Ah, I see you also don't know what a rootkit is. And you never will, because you are clearly one of those folks who already know it all and are unable to learn from others.

So don't. Problem solved.
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Completely Banned for the Greater Good
May 1, 2003
Philly burbs
UPMan said:
Well, I hesitate to step back into this quagmire, but here goes.


Your original post did speak of future upgrades for dollars, after this update.

The fact that Uniden has spent all this time to just make ESN work for Uniden is an embarrasment.

You're a pawn obviously and you don't see what's wrong with their posture. You were just assuaging the owners of the 396t.

Stuck your neck out and now look!


You're trying to save face for your company's tactics! A con job, imho.

I'm not buying. Never, ever again.

You better hope no one with a $100,000s in accounts to spend doesn't agree.

You couldn't come up with a firmware update to match the Pro-96 upgrade way back when and here we are listening to you sell a promise that has been a year and more in coming???

Uniden shouldn't have let you make your first post of this thread.

Now it's public record and you won't be forgotten for it.

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Feed Provider
Aug 21, 2003
South Bound Brook NJ
I got too tired hearing that awful machine gunning sound on the Franklin Twp, NJ TRS and got even more tired of waiting for an update for my BCD396T to fix it. I solved that problem about a month ago, bought a GRE PSR-500 and eBay'd the BCD396t.

I don't regret selling off the 396t, now I can hear all the digital comms on the Franklin Twp, NJ TRS clear as a bell! :D


Silent Key (April 15th, 2023)
Feed Provider
Feb 15, 2002
Bragg Creek, Alberta
All you guys really need to take a deep breath and step back from the keyboard for a couple hours.

Between the imaginary "flaws" the 396 has - whether compared to RS/GRE products or otherwise - and the abject panic being manufactured by people who have no clue what they're talking about, despite Paul's two attempts at making it clear, you are the absoltute epitome of "much ado about nothing".

I, for one, hope that Paul (and, by extension, Uniden) doesn't get turned off of interacting with the scanner community because of all this nonsense. Having Paul's input and his ear has helped tremendously in the past with regards to scanner operation, technical knowledge, and the hobby overall.

To Mr. Opitz - I hope you don't think that all of us think the same way as the bunch who have overreacted (to put it mildly) in this message thread. I'm embarrassed to be associated by means of this website to the comments that some of these folks (to use the least offensive term I can think of) have been making.

The bellyaching and moaning going on makes about as much sense as the age-old panic about Yahoo charging 5¢ for emails sent/received. It ain't gonna happen. You might have to pay for updates that affect the code that Uniden has had to pay for in order to make available to you. Paul has already stated that updates which cost will be worth it.

It's time for the rudeness and hostility in this thread to end. Everyone stop posting and take a time-out.


Aug 23, 2007
Evans, CO

Wow. The amount of negativity in this thread is astounding. First, you have people pissing and moaning about not having an update in over a year, now you have people pissing and moaning about the update that is about to come out. I haven't seen a bigger bunch of self-entitled whiners outside of this board except on...other Internet boards.

Really, the amount of prognostication going on here over a pre-announcement announcement is obscene. Uniden isn't forcing anyone to do *anything*. No one is twisting your arm to apply updates to *anything*. Uniden is not obligated to do *anything* to provide fixes or updates, and everyone should thank their lucky stars that they are still willing to provide fixes and potential updates to a hardware product that is pushing three (four?) years old.

I think what this situation really highlights is people's gross mis-comprehension of how all of this radio technology works. Every deployment in every area is going to be different, even if the underlying technology is the same. To have a scanner that can even be 90% capable of handling monitoring of probably thousands of radio system implementations is an engineering feat upon itself. Uniden, with the exception of some features on some regional systems, seems to have hit pretty close to the mark on performance. That they are still providing fixes for people who have problems monitoring certain systems in certain regions says a lot about how they value this small community of users of their products (keep in mind that scanners make up a small portion of their product lineup).

Really, if you're that unhappy about what you think is a lack of support by Uniden, why don't you sell your 396 and buy a PSR500? Nobody is forcing you to continue to use a product that you consider defective, and I'm sure there are plenty of people who would be willing to take your 396 off your hands. You could then go and buy the scanner that you think is getting better support (and in the end you hit Uniden in the wallet as they do not get the profit off a new scanner sale). Also keep in mind that the PSR was released three years after the 396, and in technology, three years is an eternity when it comes to improving features and functionality.

To me, Paul's notice was pretty crystal clear regarding Uniden's intentions on fixes (patching existing software issues) and upgrades (providing new feature sets). I challenge anyone to provide an example of a company that provides more than a marginal feature enhancement to a $500 product for free. Product development takes time and money (both in man-hours and licencing fees) and it would be bad business sense to not try to at least break-even on providing enhancements. I think maybe some remedial reading comprehension refeshment is in order for some people, or maybe just going back and re-reading the announcement again.

Perhaps rather than whinging about problems, folks should offer up some *constructive* criticism and help Uniden resolve their problems by providing qualititative data about the problems they are experiencing.


-- B


Dec 24, 2003
Shawnee Kansas
Ref Updates

I would like to thank Paul and Uniden for their products and continued support. In this rapidly changing and advancing computer/electronics age, I am extremely pleased to see a company or companies willing to continue to develope and support equipment so I may continue to be active in a hobby which I love and have been active for quite some time. I may not choose to support one single company with my business all the time, but do thank God there are enough companies still providing this type of product, and I have the ability to purchase them, and make choices. Keep up the good work.


Forums Veteran
Super Moderator
Dec 16, 2000
Your master site
This thread has seriously spiraled out of control! People, I understand some of you do not want to pay for added features or deal with the ESN thing being forced on you to simply add updates but you need to go about getting to your point in a more civil way.

This thread is close to being closed at the rate it is moving. Please calm down and keep it clean.


Dec 31, 2003
Toms River, New Jersey
I for one who paid my dues to voice my opinion feel people have a right to express what they feel pro or con in what they believe. Telling people to stop posting this way or that way is not right. I sure if something bothers Paul he'll speak for himself, and for Uniden if he feels he has to. I'm sure he takes from these forums what he needs to get his job done, pro or con to better Uniden in his eyes.


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Premium Subscriber
Feb 3, 2001
Lansing, MI
Highpockets said:
I for one who paid my dues to voice my opinion feel people have a right to express what they feel pro or con in what they believe.


However most of this "argument" comes from people that are CLEARLY wrong. Completely offbase.

Not everyone may be aware -- but there are people out there who DO have the inside scoop, are KNOWN posters on this forum, and ARE speaking the truth.

Yet the naysayers come in with "root kit" and "brick" and "encryption loss" -- all terms which may be known in theory, but are incorrectly applied to this situation.


Forums Veteran
Super Moderator
Dec 16, 2000
Your master site
Highpockets said:
Telling people to stop posting this way or that way is not right.
I'm sorry but this is not a democracy. You can take the moderation as it is or you can leave. And if you read my post correctly I suggested arguing a negative point in a CIVIL manner. If all people can do is throw expletives and stomp their feet they're going to either have their posts cleaned or deleted.


Aug 21, 2006
Chicago, IL.
Well, anyways........Thanks Paul for keeping everyone informed. And, thanks for the laugh that almost caused a blood vessel to pop in my head. I needed that. As you can see by my list of gear....and I have purchased and had scanners repaired by Uniden...I am sure you could check...Bobby Ray is just my Pseudonym, I have been a big ticket purchaser with you guys. I like both you guys and 'the other guys'. You guys have made my hobby fun. Send chapstick to these guys begging to be the one. And, does this mean the Africam will be replaced with a smoochie cam?........Looking forward to the release.....of the fix that is.


Dec 31, 2003
Toms River, New Jersey
rdale said:

However most of this "argument" comes from people that are CLEARLY wrong. Completely offbase.

Not everyone may be aware -- but there are people out there who DO have the inside scoop, are KNOWN posters on this forum, and ARE speaking the truth.

Yet the naysayers come in with "root kit" and "brick" and "encryption loss" -- all terms which may be known in theory, but are incorrectly applied to this situation.

Well, this is America, if you and I can say what we want (keeping it clean) why can't they. My parents told me when I was a kid, "It takes 2 to argue". I don't agree with allot of what I read here, most of the time I read on and don't get involved, laugh to myself and move on. I also learned long ago, "You can't win all the time". I know I'm not perfect, I just give my best in all I do.


♦RF Enabled Member♦
Aug 20, 2003
Cleveland, OH
The bellyaching, moaning, and negativity is what it is. But there's a lot of it.

So this should be a clear signal to Paul that Uniden hit a deep nerve with many customers on this one. What he chooses to do with it, as Highpockets said, is now up to him.


Jul 10, 2006
Mont Vernon, NH
rdale said:
However most of this "argument" comes from people that are CLEARLY wrong. Completely offbase.
Yet the naysayers come in with "root kit" and "brick" and "encryption loss" -- all terms which may be known in theory, but are incorrectly applied to this situation.


People need to chill... C'mon folks: When's the last time you got a fix for the myriad bugs in your iPod? Or your expensive HDTV?? I'm STILL waiting for bugs in both of these to be fixed. I will probably be waiting forever. That's fine, cuz that's how the technology world goes.

Uniden deserves credit, not your scorn, for doing ANY updates, of ANY kind (even bug fixes), for a product that's this old. Contrary to what you may think, they don't owe you these fixes. All tech products have bugs. Sometimes lots of them. Don't like it, sell it on FleaBay, and buy something else.

In terms of updates to get new functionality, don't you understand the choice we're being given?

a) Pay to get new features.

b) Don't pay anything and don't get new features.

Are you complaining because you prefer the only choice be (b), above?


de Peter K1PGV


Feed Provider
Dec 19, 2002
Findlay Ohio
rdale said:
Sorry if it offends you that someone with actual knowledge posts here, I realize you prefer just posting to see your name in print.

Its your comments like that that make you look like an ass. I don't know why you ALWAYS insist on being a smart ass.

rdale said:
If I misread your intentions, then answer my question - "what upcoming features are they making you pay for that they originally promised would be free?"

Where did I ever say anything about free upcoming features? I'm talking about firmware updates. Thats what this thread is all about. Try paying attention to what you read before you spout off.


I'm not a Moderator, but I think this thread has run its course. There isn't anything else illuminating that can be said. There are the folks who are full of it and who have begun simply repeating their garbage without adding anything new. There are those who know what they're talking about who have offered the facts and they can't add anything to the discussion at this point, either. Less obviously, there are the invisible hoards of lurkers who might or might not understand the situation accurately, but who are either disgusted, discouraged, or confused by the assertions made here.

As wayne_h says, this is not a democracy. But if it was, I would vote to lock this thread.


Database Admin
Jun 23, 2006
N.W. Florida
After all that was said today, I'm still looking forward to the firmware update at the end of the month. I'm curious to see if it improves my local P-25 audio. As far as Unidens pay-updates later on down the road, if I need it for my area, I&#8217;ll pay. If not, no harm. I&#8217;m just glad there still working on improving the radios at this point.


Aug 21, 2006
Chicago, IL.
Agreed. I was kinda bummed when I bought the 250 and then the 296 came out. I didn't have the cash flow but would have loved one at that point. I would have held off buying the 250. So, any 'new' technology or engineering that makes me rock & roll is cool by me. I'd pay too. The 396 and 330 are perfectly sized and the system, group, and channel format is great. Dymanic memory was one of the greatest things besides trunking in my book....in many years. If I want to pay for something fresh off the drawing board that improves my hobby then I will. If not, I won't. It depends what is being used in my area. I think we all need to make a commitment to get back on track and focus on the scanner. I agree with that. Not sure the thread has run its' course but the garbage has. I agree with that.
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