Hello, I have experience with the Vertex VX-P820 and VX-P920 series handhelds. My VX-P829 D0-5, VHF 5 watt has great sensitivity on receive and great transmit as well.
If you understand P25 you will find the CPS easy to use. My opinion is that even with FPP, front panel programming, you will want the CPS. There seem to be two versions on the used market. Standard firmware units will respond to the CPS CE76 Win. Both of my UHF handhelds use this, an 824 and a 929. The VHF unit I got has modified firmware, ex- some government agency, and requires a different CPS. AKA Talon, these units require CE106. Both are similar in GUI, and less complicated than Moto stuff. The Talon units have some signaling features removed likely to add over-the-air rekeying (OTAR) for encryption. Nothing I use or that I miss.
The radios are built tough, public service rated and batteries available on the ‘bay. Great feel in my hand too. There are two different charge cradle configs however, for original and then post Moto style. Becuse my VX-P824 is half the size of a Moto I always get questions at ham events.
I agree VHF units are aplenty, I haven't seen a UHF, G8 split with Amateur coverage in a long time.