166.67500* AirTac 1*
169.15000* AirTac 2*
169.20000* AirTac 3*
151.28000* AirTac 4*
151.29500* AirTac 5*
151.31000* AirTac 6*
151.27250* AirTac21*
151.28750* AirTac22*
151.30250* AirTac23*
151.22000* CDF Air/Gnd*
167.95000* BLM A/G*
170.00000* USFS A/G*
168.62500* AIR GUARD*
This is the current line up for Region 5/California for this season. All are narrow band emission type. The frequencies you are referring to may not be usual Region 5 frequencies. With all the activity this season on NorCal the NICC CDO has been borrowing heavily from other areas.
My information came from the 2008 version of the National Interagency Radio Support Cache (NIRSC) VHF Channel Plan. I was advised by the communications unit leader on a fire in the Mammoth Lakes area that the terminology of Air Tactics 1-7 had been dropped at the national level. He advised that 167.950, 166.6875, and 171.1375 had been permanently assigned for air tactics in the NIRSC and are called "National Air Frequencies" on the VHF channel plan. These seven air frequencies are kept for initial attack as much as possible.
Frequency assignments that are not in the 7 logistics, camp net, tactical, command, and air frequencies are often made for large incidents. Some are borrowed from the Federal Interoperability frequencies and others are drawn from a pool of non-allocated federal frequencies that varies by zone (there are 4 zones in California). These non-allocated frequencies change from year to year. The federal allocations and the non-assigned frequencies are kept of a DVD that must be secured in a safe by comm unit leaders and radio techs. There are updates to the DVD that come out monthly and the comm unit leader uses this disk to come up with frequencies beyond the basic seven permanently assigned by the National Interagency Incident Communications Division at NIFC.
The 7 logistics repeater pairs have changed as a result of narrow banding and the new direction in the NTIA Redbook concerning the spread between the input and output frequencies and the lower of the two frequencies being the repeater output. In addition there are permanently allocated frequencies for linking UHF and VHF repeaters used on incidents, another set permanently assigned for linking aircraft frequencies, and another set of simplex frequencies for camp net, security, etc. I cannot share this frequency information as a result of its confidentiality and my obtaining it as a result of my retiree status with the Forest Service. Sorry!