We Need Updated and New Database Information for California

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Jun 27, 2003
pfish said:
Not the best, but I did what I could in 5 minutes with ArcGIS...

Here's a map of the Yolo County Fire response areas.

edit: the pdf looks much better than the attached png....oh well

Looks pretty nice to me - I've been meaning to put together or find something for this for quite some time, but never got around to it - certainly nicer than what I would have done. If you are feeling like working on it some more, you might see if you can overlay the station locations on it - see the map I submitted some time back at http://www.radioreference.com/data/images/ct/239/map-yolo-fs.gif - although I'm pretty sure you know quite well where they all are.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 2, 2004
I built a GIS layer with the stations on it...I'll see if I can whip something that looks a little better up within the next few days.


Dec 19, 2002
Kern County, CA
Here is an update for Kern County Fire. They are starting the change over to narrow band. Kern 1 153.7850 PL 167.9
Kern 2 155.8800 PL 167.9
TAC 4C 159.4725 PL 167.9
Tac 5C 154.4525 PL 167.9


Forums Veteran
Super Moderator
Dec 16, 2000
Your master site
Eng74 said:
Here is an update for Kern County Fire. They are starting the change over to narrow band. Kern 1 153.7850 PL 167.9
Kern 2 155.8800 PL 167.9
TAC 4C 159.4725 PL 167.9
Tac 5C 154.4525 PL 167.9
Please submit this if you haven't. Bringing up freq info in this thread is more to question it versus discussing what needs to be added or changed in the DB.

Admin don't normally read this thread on a regular basis so leaving something here and not submitting it or not pointing to it here can cause it to get lost.


May 30, 2006
Manteca CA
I didn't want to submit this without another person verifying this, but this is to let people know to check out the City of Redding if up here. On the R.R. data base, the sub fleet of 600-9 is listed under the cities transportation services.

However, while staying up here, i have been monitoring the sub fleet number of 600-9 as the police dispatch and not part of the transportation service.


Feb 24, 2001
I made a very routine submission for the database for the Department of Fish and Game. I verified the following repeaters:

100.0 Pine Grove Lyon Co., Nevada (covers northern Mono Co.)
103.5 Conway Summit Mono Co.
107.2 Silver Peak Inyo Co.
114.8 Rogers Peak Inyo Co.
118.8 Government Peak Kern Co.

These are verified for 151.430. I've heard out of area wardens calling "Northern" in Rancho Cordova during the opening weekends of fishing and deer season with in/out of service, running 10-27/28/29's, and notifying the dispatcher of contacts. I have not heard any local wardens calling "Northern" or on the radio at all for almost 10 years now. I do not know what the situation is locally on how the wardens communicate. They obviously want to keep it secret and it is so far.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 15, 2006
Fair Oaks, CA
Los Padres NF

Exsmokey said:
I can write up the Los Padres. Give me a couple of days.
The way that NF stuff has been "scattered" all over, I just expect that the data for several forests are actually on RR, but not in the one thread we now have a great link to.

Thanks Exsmokey for taking on this task. I am not sure if this will help and/or the accuracy of this data, but here is what I have, but w/o CT/DC info:

Los Padres National Forest Frequencies
170.5500 - Law Enforcement Net F-1/2
170.4750 - Forest Net F-3 - Primary Tactical
172.3500 - Forest Net F-4
171.5500 - Administrative F-7/8
170.0000 - Air to Ground
166.6750 - Air Tactics 1
168.2000 - Tac 2 Crew Net
168.3500 - Gov't Common
163.1000 - Gov't Common
415.3250 - Forest Net
415.3500 - Service Net


Feb 24, 2001
I just completed posting the Los Padres (LPF) before entering this forum thread. I was able to get a one year old official listing of the LPF's channels and frequencies. Someone on another thread mentioned, a while back, that the LPF seemed to have disappeared from the airwaves. As of one year ago the LPF had not completed their narrow banding, at least according to the information sheet I picked up from a former co-worker. The list, although official, could be in error on this point.

When National Forests in R5 (California) switch to narrow band they typically pick up a second net. The LPF only has one, Channels 7/8 are actually a service net shared with at least one other NF. Maybe they will pick up a administrative net with narrow banding. Time will tell and I might be able to find out sometime in the next 6-8 months, if my source for this NF does not dry up. You may notice that the LPF's channels 3 and 4 are actually a repeater frequency pair. Quite some time ago the LPF decided they wanted two tactical frequencies unique to the LPF and did not install an admin net. With such a spread out Forest (Monterey to Lake Piru) it would seem that a second net would be absolutely necessary and service net is supposed to be used for logistics/resource ordering when cell coverage is not present at the ICP.

I also submitted some additions and corrections to the ICS three letter identifiers for the National Forests in R5.

I need some opinions on the next one. Along with frequency/channel information for the LPF I submitted a list of their repeater locations and tones. This is not shown in the database for any National Forest in R5. I would be able to submit a fairly accurate list for every Forest, based on 2-3 year old information, and more recent for those Forests that I have traveled to and verified in the last 1-2 years. With so many NF's now transmitting the repeater selection tone on the output frequency I find this information essential and if others find it useful, I will submit the repeater listings for the other 17 NF's in R5 also.

gmclam, your list is fairly accurate but does not reflect the channel order. Air Tactics channels are rarely programmed into ground unit radios unless one of those air tactics channels is being used for air to ground. As far as I know the LPF is linked via microwave and the UHF channels you listed might link a non-microwave site to one that has it. You show channels 7/8 as the LPF's administrative net and it is a service net. Lastly, the listing I have only shows the first 8 channels and these must be common to every group they use on the Forest, off Forest groups have different channel plans no doubt. The two federal government commons or itinerants are not shown in the first 8 common, but are probably included in some other group.
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Feb 20, 2001
Regarding the Forests...I just went through and tried to make all of the listings universal in the DB. I'd really like to get rid of some of the NIFC and other listings that arent specific to each forest. My opinon, NIFC and other stuff is not forest specific and should be listed in one group rather than spread out among different forests.


Feb 24, 2001
kma371 said:
Regarding the Forests...I just went through and tried to make all of the listings universal in the DB. I'd really like to get rid of some of the NIFC and other listings that arent specific to each forest. My opinon, NIFC and other stuff is not forest specific and should be listed in one group rather than spread out among different forests.

The trouble with not listing the NIFC frequencies is that the Tacticals are often in the middle of the channel plan, for example many Forests have CH's 1-4 as their Forest and Admin Nets, CH5 as air to ground, CH's 6-8 as NIFC Tacs 1-3, and then a service net at the end of this series of channels. On some Forests they only include NIFC Tac 2 in their first 6-10 frequencies so if holes are left you can't really guess the channels very well. If you list them with holes in the channel plan everyone will wonder what was left out. In addition quite often, while listening, you will hear someone say, "meet me on Channel 8" or some such where they reference the Forest's channel plan. Without the entire channel plan, how do you know what to change your radio to?


Feb 24, 2001
My reasoning for listing the repeaters and their tones is that you can often tell where an incident on a Forest is by combiningt a rudimentary knowledge of the Forest's terrain with the identification of the repeater being used. Quite often a good guess as to the location cannot be made by any other means. Sometimes the location of a fast moving fire start may not be evident by careful listening to the content of the traffic for several hours, but if you know what repeater is being used you can isolate the location to a particular area of the Forest.


Feb 24, 2001
The US Forest Service listing looks pretty good now. I can clean it up with some submissions for many of the Forests. I can also submit repeater locations for every Forest and have it look just like the Los Padres NF looks now. Comments??


Feb 24, 2001
I went ahead and made submissions for the National Park Service and U.S. Forest Service using the best information I have gathered. Included are channel plans and repeaters for each Park and Forest in California. Offiicial information became classified in 2006 so what I submitted is based on 2005 official information and monitoring I've done in travels as well as reports I've received from people who live in various parts of the state.

I welcome any input on the accuracy of the information I've submitted via comments on this thread or in PM's to me. As I just made the submissions in the late afternoon yesterday (4/18), it may take a few days or weeks before the database shows the information I submitted.
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Premium Subscriber
Sep 15, 2006
Fair Oaks, CA
Forests & Parks

Exsmokey, thank you very much. I have notes here from last year's travels, and I am keeping notes as to what I hear as I venture out into the forests/etc this year. After stuff gets posted, I'll check and add my $0.02.

I've noticed that a lot of stuff in the DB has no CT/DC info, and not even a place where it should be. IMO, this is the most signifcant part of the data (since you don't hear call signs that much). The one thing I note heavily is CT/DC info - even if it is CSQ or varies on a given frequency. It helps clarify I'm receiving what I think I'm receiving.


Feb 24, 2001
gmclam said:
Exsmokey, thank you very much. I have notes here from last year's travels, and I am keeping notes as to what I hear as I venture out into the forests/etc this year. After stuff gets posted, I'll check and add my $0.02.

I've noticed that a lot of stuff in the DB has no CT/DC info, and not even a place where it should be. IMO, this is the most signifcant part of the data (since you don't hear call signs that much). The one thing I note heavily is CT/DC info - even if it is CSQ or varies on a given frequency. It helps clarify I'm receiving what I think I'm receiving.

I agree with your comments on tones. When scanners were built with this capability in them, it opened a whole new world. It is an essential tool for us and we need to have a place in the database for it. "KMA371", one of the database administrators, sent me a PM and let me know that all the Forest Service/Park Service information I submitted, complete with tone info, will be posted as soon as he has time.


Apr 4, 2008
Pensacola, FL
Santa Barbara, County of

Santa Barbara County Sheriff
Output Input License Type Tone Channel Description Mode
460.2750 460.2750 WNWP822 RBMF 156.7 PL ORANGE County Police Main Dispatch FM
460.3250 460.3250 WNWP822 RBMF 156.7 PL YELLOW County Police Secondary Dispatch FM

I believe that is the correct tone.
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