We Need Updated and New Database Information for California

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Apr 2, 2008
SBSO corrected

Caboosey said:
Santa Barbara, County of

Santa Barbara County Sheriff
Output Input License Type Tone Channel Description Mode
460.2750 460.2750 WNWP822 RBMF 156.7 PL ORANGE County Police Main Dispatch FM
460.3250 460.3250 WNWP822 RBMF 156.7 PL YELLOW County Police Secondary Dispatch FM

I believe that is the correct tone.

460.275 110.9 / 465.275 82.5 SBSO CH-1 "OPS-1" is correct
460.325 110.9 / 465.325 82.5 SBSO CH-2 "OPS-2" is correct

Santa Barbara County Sheriff (not County Police) does not use color-coded channels anymore although old-timers can't/won't break habits. KEF787 is a better license to add to your list than WNWP822.


Database Admin
Nov 25, 2003
SFO Bay Area and Las Vegas NV
Santa Clara County Correction

Correction for Spring Valley Volunteer Fire Dept

Frequency Input License Alpha Tag Description Mode Tag
152.94500 160.14000 WQIM861 Dispatch Dispatch FM Fire Dispatch

Tag and Description for this Spring Valley channel are incorrect.
The 152.945 frequency should correctly be tagged "SPV Support" and is used for fire support only.

Dispatch for Spring Valley is CalFire SCU
151.44500 159.34500 KA3134 RM 156.7 PL SCU LOCAL Morgan Hill ECC FM


Database Admin
Nov 25, 2003
SFO Bay Area and Las Vegas NV
New Federal Incident Response Channels

These have been in use on the Summit Fire in Santa Cruz County as fire tactical channels, and need to be added to the database and/or the WIKI.

They are programmed as "IRC CH x" for Incident Response Channel x, where x is the channel number.


FOR AGENDA - IRAC Doc. 31061/2
FOR INFORMATION - AH-214 Ref. Doc. 31061/1
REF: AH-214-051

April 21, 1999
MEMORANDUM TO: Executive Secretary, IRAC
FROM: Convener, Ad Hoc 214

SUBJECT: Proposed Changes to the NTIA Manual for a VHF/UHF Public Safety Interoperability Plan.

Ad Hoc 214, in cooperation with the Federal Law Enforcement Wireless User's Group (FLEWUG) has developed a recommended plan for interoperable law enforcement and incident response operations in the 162-174 MHz and 406.1-420 MHz bands. These frequencies are to be available for assignment to all Federal Government agencies to satisfy intermittent law enforcement and public safety incident response requirements. Non-Government entities may use these frequencies only in cooperation with agencies of the Federal Government.

Ad Hoc 214 has approved the attached proposed changes to the NTIA Manual and forwards them to the IRAC for approval.


4.3.X Plans for Interagency Law Enforcement and Incident Response Operations in the Bands 162-174 MHz and 406.1-420 MHz


1. The frequencies shown in this plan are available for assignment to all Government agencies to satisfy intermittent law enforcement and public safety incident response requirements. Non-Government agencies may use these frequencies only in cooperation with agencies of the Federal Government. Federal agencies will provide written certification to non-Government agencies indicating that the non-Government operation is necessary. Non-Government entities will be advised in the written certification that under Federal law they are required to obtain a license from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for such operations, and that the FCC File Number for the license, once obtained, will be provided to the Government agency providing the written certification. A copy of this certification will also be submitted to the NTIA Public Safety Program Office. Federal agencies shall comply with the requirements of Section 2.3.12 of this Manual. The frequencies are available on a shared basis and will not be authorized for the exclusive use of any one agency.

2. All Government operations shall be authorized in accordance with Chapter 9 of this Manual. The FCC will submit all non-Government applications to the Frequency Assignment Subcommittee (FAS) for approval.

3. Base stations are authorized use of the mobile transmit frequencies for access to fixed stations, e.g., repeaters. Mobile stations are permitted to use fixed station transmit frequencies for talk-around communications.

4. The following restrictions apply:

(a) the minimum ERP necessary to support the intended use shall be employed;
(b) the maximum base or mobile transmitter output power shall not exceed 125 Watts; and
(c) the gain of the base station antenna shall not exceed 6 dBi.

5. Exceptions to the above restrictions will be considered by the FAS on a case-by-case basis.


1. Frequencies 167.0875 MHz and 414.0375 MHz are designated as National Calling Channels for initial contact and will be identified in the radio as indicated in paragraph 2 below. Initial contact communications will be established using analog FM emission (11KF3E). The agency in control of the incident will assign specific operational channels as required for incident support operations.

2. The interoperability frequencies will be identified in mobile and portable radios as follows with Continuous Tone-Controlled Squelch Systems (CTCSS) frequency 167.9 Hz and/or Network Access Code (NAC) $68F:


Mobile Mobile

Identifier Transmit (MHz) Receive (MHz)

Natl Call 167.0875 (Simplex) 167.0875

Inop 1 162.0875 167.0875

Inop 2 162.2625 167.2500

Inop 3 162.8375 167.7500

Inop 4 163.2875 168.1125

Inop 5 163.4250 168.4625

Inop 6 167.2500 (Simplex) 167.2500

Inop 7 167.7500 (Simplex) 167.7500

Inop 8 168.1125 (Simplex) 168.1125

Inop 9 168.4625 (Simplex) 168.4625


Mobile Mobile

Identifier Transmit (MHz) Receive (MHz)

Natl Call 414.0375 (Simplex) 414.0375

Inop 1 418.9875 409.9875

Inop 2 419.1875 410.1875

Inop 3 419.6125 410.6125

Inop 4 414.0625 (Simplex) 414.0625

Inop 5 414.3125 (Simplex) 414.3125

Inop 6 414.3375 (Simplex) 414.3375

Inop 7 409.9875 (Simplex) 409.9875

Inop 8 410.1875 (Simplex) 410.1875

Inop 9 410.6125 (Simplex) 410.6125

3. All applications using these allotted frequencies shall be affixed with Record Note Sxxx - This assignment is for a joint law enforcement requirement pursuant to Section 4.3.X of this Manual.


1. Frequencies 169.5375 MHz, paired with 164.7125 MHz, and 410.2375 MHz, paired with 419.2375 MHz, are designated as the calling channels for initial contact and will be identified in the radio as indicated in paragraph 2. Initial contact will be established using analog FM emission (11KF3E). CTCSS will not be used on the calling channels to ensure access by stations from outside the normal area of operation. The agency in control of the incident will assign specific operational channels as required for incident support operations.

2. The Interoperability frequencies will be identified in mobile and portable radios as follows:


Mobile Mobile

Identifier Transmit (MHz) Receive (MHz) CTCSS

VHF Calling 164.7125 169.5375 None

VHF 1 165.2500 170.0125 As required

VHF 2 165.9625 170.4125 As required

VHF 3 166.5750 170.6875 As required

VHF 4 167.3250 173.0375 As required

VHF 5 169.5375 (Simplex) 169.5375 As required

VHF 6 170.0125 (Simplex) 170.0125 As required

VHF 7 170.4125 (Simplex) 170.4125 As required

VHF 8 170.6875 (Simplex) 170.6875 As required

VHF 9 173.0375 (Simplex) 173.0375 As required


Mobile Mobile

Identifier Transmit (MHz) Receive (MHz) CTCSS

UHF Calling 419.2375 410.2375 None

UHF 1 419.4375 410.4375 As required

UHF 2 419.6375 410.6375 As required

UHF 3 419.8375 410.8375 As required

UHF 4 413.1875 (Simplex) 413.1875 As required

UHF 5 413.2125 (Simplex) 413.2125 As required

UHF 6 410.2375 (Simplex) 410.2375 As required

UHF 7 410.4375 (Simplex) 410.4375 As required

UHF 8 410.6375 (Simplex) 410.6375 As required

UHF 9 410.8375 (Simplex) 410.8375 As required

3. All applications using these allotted frequencies shall be affixed with Record Note Sxxx - This assignment is for a joint incident response requirement pursuant to Section 4.3.X of this Manual.


Oct 14, 2007
Summit Fire Frequencies

CDF Summit Fire activity

151.160 air tac
151.220 air / ground tac
151.250 monterey/san benito county local
151.2875 air tac
151.325 air tac (used by the planes based in sonoma county)
151.355 operations (statewide net) morgan hill ECC
151.370 santa cruz county local
151.400 alameda county local
151.445 santa clara county local
154.280 white fire mars
154.950 sheriff's red (looter patrols in fire zone)
161.670 KPIX news

other info...

the santa cruz CNET teams have used 154.68 and 155.07 (green / tac 30) as simplex channels since the early 80s.

155.265 is mobile only and some times called channel 8 by the deputies. they also have used 155.160 and 155.235 because most of the local ambulances and school buses have migrated to UHF in recent years.

155.01 is the sheriff's walkie-talkie mobile extender link and is like the CHP's use of 154.905. you won't hear anything unless you are really close.

154.565 is a non-existent frequency located too close to a heavily used low power FM walkie-talkie itinerant channel. no detective investigator in his right mind wants to be over heard by motel maids, grocery store stock boys, contractors and whomever else might be using 154.570 mhz.

Clear Channel operates both the KCBA 35 (Fox) and KION 46 (CBS) affiliates in Monterey. Either station might be heard using 450.600...
Jan 4, 2005
Soledad, CA
I just saw that Monterey county Fire needs a better description for the new command nets

If you can add these

CMD 1 is unknown for now.
CMD 2 is unknown for now.
CMD 3 is unknown for now.
CMD 4 City of Carmel, Carmel valley Fire,City of Pacific Grove
CMD 5 City of Seaside, City of Monterey
CMD 6 North County FPD (Castroville, Moss Landing, Oak Hills, Pajaro, Prunedale, Elkhorn, Las Lomas & Royal Oaks), Salinas Rural FPD, Spreckels VFD, City of Gonzales VFD, CTF Soledad FD, City of Soledad FD, City of Greenfield FD and King City FD
CMD 7 City of Salinas


Forums Veteran
Super Moderator
Dec 16, 2000
Your master site
*** Notice ***

Just as a reminder, no information from this thread is manually entered in to the database. If you want information in the database you need to submit it. This thread is for commenting on what you want to submit or attaching files for submission.


Feb 5, 2007
Does anyone regularly monitor LACoFD?
I've noticed the TAC frequencies are not accurate at all, at least in the southwest Los Angeles area... I imagine this would be difficult to compile...


Premium Subscriber
Jan 4, 2006
San Fernando Valley, LA County
Just added SAR freq for Santa Babara County (ticket 81121.)

155.16R 131.8PL Heard lots of activity last nite, search for someone missing near Cachuma Saddle. I thought this was Ventura County SAR's PL, but I guess not - unless they are sharing radio systems with Santa Barbara.


Database Admin
Dec 19, 2002
I noticed somebody posted the Walgreens LTR system in Moreno Valley. Here is the LCN order logged a few months ago.

461.9125 03
461.9625 07
463.2375 11

0-03-025(talking about submitting hrs)
0-11-035(wrong item in loc, pushing pallet back)
0-11-045("Charlie lower got a jam")

Maybe somebody else can verify this, especially LCN 7 because I hear other traffic on that freq. Otherwise I will submit the LCN order and confirm the talkgroups better if there are no objections.


Database Admin
Nov 25, 2003
SFO Bay Area and Las Vegas NV
Submitting San Jose Fire changes

I ahven't seen these hit the database yet.

They went active on July 10th.

SJS Primary is now repeated.

Tac 7 has been replaced with a new tac 7, as old tac 7 is now the repeater input.

Command 2 has completely changed.

Everything else remains the same.

RX Tone TX Tone pwr n/w Designator
155.0250 173.8 154.0100 173.8 H W SJS PRI SAN JOSE
153.8450 173.8 153.8450 173.8 H W SJS CMD2 SAN JOSE
153.8300 173.8 153.8300 173.8 H W SJS TAC7 SAN JOSE


Feb 24, 2001
I came across some information that the old BLM air net of 167.950 is now called "Air Tactics 5", 166.6875 is Air Tactics 6, and 171.1375 is Air Tactics 7. This results in there being 7 each of tactics, command, logistics, and air tactics frequencies. I'm going to hunt around a bit to find out if all the UHF logistics and linking frequencies have changed due to the new NTIA direction in their 1/08 "Redbook." I will submit changes to the database and will change the Wiki site to reflect the changes to Air Tactics and any I find out about to the UHF logistics frequencies.


Premium Subscriber
Apr 19, 2001
I came across some information that the old BLM air net of 167.950 is now called "Air Tactics 5", 166.6875 is Air Tactics 6, and 171.1375 is Air Tactics 7. This results in there being 7 each of tactics, command, logistics, and air tactics frequencies. I'm going to hunt around a bit to find out if all the UHF logistics and linking frequencies have changed due to the new NTIA direction in their 1/08 "Redbook." I will submit changes to the database and will change the Wiki site to reflect the changes to Air Tactics and any I find out about to the UHF logistics frequencies.

166.67500* AirTac 1*
169.15000* AirTac 2*
169.20000* AirTac 3*
151.28000* AirTac 4*
151.29500* AirTac 5*
151.31000* AirTac 6*
151.27250* AirTac21*
151.28750* AirTac22*
151.30250* AirTac23*
151.22000* CDF Air/Gnd*
167.95000* BLM A/G*
170.00000* USFS A/G*
168.62500* AIR GUARD*

This is the current line up for Region 5/California for this season. All are narrow band emission type. The frequencies you are referring to may not be usual Region 5 frequencies. With all the activity this season on NorCal the NICC CDO has been borrowing heavily from other areas.
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