Town wide the FD’s have upgraded from HT and CDM1250s to APX4k & 4.5k. One department even went to APX6k’s. These were all through grants over the past several years. I think everyone is switched to APX now.While I'm not 100% confident about it, and @weweber1991 would probably be more in tune with it all, an FD in that town that I'm aware of recently upgraded to APX 6000s, so that would cut short their return on investment of that expensive upgrade. IMO, switching from an APX6k to an XPR would not be an "upgrade", radio speaking.
We have a few XPRs in my dept that were ordered I think by accident, or because of pinching Pennies (Of course 2 of the 3 ended up in my buggy). For Mobiles, XPRs aren’t bad at all. The only XPR portable was quickly taken out, as there are no “stops” in the channel selector. Plus the remote mic offerings were garbage for it. We have RSMs for all our APX portables with the high-temp cord, volume control, aux button, light, and Man down button, officer positions have a channel selector on the RSM.
But as far as the subject at hand, some departments JUST finished phasing out HT’s, I think they wouldn’t be too keen on switching everything out again. Thus the potential upgrades to the existing system was more viable for the foreseeable future.