Yes, you are trash and we should junk your commentary question!
Neither issue is defensible, but any product you own with these 2 items will sooner or later fail:
1. the RTC battery is just that A battery
2. the LED issue is similar to used leds with 80000hr (over-volatge and/or heat will degrade LED's and People),
BOTH RTC and LED's will have to be replaced/fixed sooner or later,
AND maybe once again in its LIFETIME (25-40years),
OTHER components shouldn't fail if well taken care of.
Neither issue is defensible, but any product you own with these 2 items will sooner or later fail:
1. the RTC battery is just that A battery
2. the LED issue is similar to used leds with 80000hr (over-volatge and/or heat will degrade LED's and People),
BOTH RTC and LED's will have to be replaced/fixed sooner or later,
AND maybe once again in its LIFETIME (25-40years),
OTHER components shouldn't fail if well taken care of.