Some folks were born to b*tch and complain. I run into them on my job, I run into them in the supermarket, the bank, on the street, amongst some of my best friends; it's just human nature. You do the best you can, but you do so realizing that some folks can never be satisfied.
Rather than sitting back, relaxing, and enjoying their radio equipment, they have to nit-pick at the slightest issue or provocation because that's how they were raised. They honestly don't know any better.
One of my very good friends, through some misfortune and death in his family, recently inherited close to 1.5 million. Prior to that, he had about 20 thousand in the bank, and he was miserable. Now that he has 1.5 million, he is still miserable. He is still buying TV dinners when they are on sale for 99 cents. He is still walking around in clothes with holes in them; he is a mess. But that's the way he was raised and that's all he knows.
In terms of radios, some folks will never be happy. Yes, I admit that some of my threads called for more action on Uniden's part to implement certain features, but at the end of the day, I relax, enjoy and appreciate my radio equipment. All-in-all, it works very well. A 536 radio marketed by Icom is not going to retail for 499.00. When the R7100's came out (and don't forget, no trunking), they sold for something like 1499.00.
The Baofeng with it's "better display" is no 436. And my recollection of the R7100 display is that it was not a whole lot better than the 536, IMHO.
Ok, I put in my 2 cents. Time to get back and do some listening. Let the complainers complain and the moaners moan. I'm going to enjoy myself tonight.