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    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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XTL/XTS5000 XTS5000 Talk Permit Tone question

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Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Jul 7, 2010
Hello all,

I'll preface this post by saying I am not here for your criticisms or questions as to why I would want to have Talk Permit Tones on Conventional channels; It's my radio & It's what I prefer, and I have my reasons (1 of which being it signals me to wait an extra second while my radio can properly sync up to the repeater I'm using so I'm not cutting off my transmission before speaking, if you must know...).

On with my question... I have successfully enabled the Trunking Talk Permit Tone on my UHF XTS5000 Analog Conventional channels using the DVRS method & FPP. The only thing that is driving me crazy is every few minutes it keeps trying to transmit CAI packets and is annoying... I have tried changing timers and lessening the amount of retries and etc to no avail. Does anybody know if there's a way to disable the CAI packet attempts so my surrounding electronic devices' speakers stop going crazy?? Thanks in advance for anyone's help!



Oct 23, 2010
GALAXY 19 91.0° W
Hello all,

I'll preface this post by saying I am not here for your criticisms or questions as to why I would want to have Talk Permit Tones on Conventional channels; It's my radio & It's what I prefer, and I have my reasons (1 of which being it signals me to wait an extra second while my radio can properly sync up to the repeater I'm using so I'm not cutting off my transmission before speaking, if you must know...).

On with my question... I have successfully enabled the Trunking Talk Permit Tone on my UHF XTS5000 Analog Conventional channels using the DVRS method & FPP. The only thing that is driving me crazy is every few minutes it keeps trying to transmit CAI packets and is annoying... I have tried changing timers and lessening the amount of retries and etc to no avail. Does anybody know if there's a way to disable the CAI packet attempts so my surrounding electronic devices' speakers stop going crazy?? Thanks in advance for anyone's help!


The TPT hack only works in analog mode. Thats why it’s only for show. The only other way would be to enable “clear tx tone” which is a single beep.


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Jul 7, 2010
Did you read my entire post? It has nothing to do about which mode it’s in. I know it’s for Analog mode that’s what I have it enabled in... What I was asking is if there’s a way to disable/stop the CAI packets from trying to transmit every-so-often so my speakers stop freaking out... Thanks.


The Green Weenie
Aug 31, 2018
If you’re worried about waiting an extra second before hitting the repeater then just enable PTT Sidetone. TPT On conventional is just rather “whacker” status. Also, do you have CAI Data registration turned on?


Active Member
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Jul 7, 2010
CAI registration is turned off. I made sure to uncheck it one of the first things I did. Thank you.


Forums Manager/Global DB Admin
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Forums Manager
Jun 26, 2001
Oot and Aboot
No, you cannot turn it off as it's part of the way a DVRS operates. It's trying to make sure you are still in range of the DVRS.

There are other ways of having your radio beep before you transmit which won't run your battery down. One way has already been mentioned here.


P25 TruCking!
Mar 15, 2008
The radio does send data bursts every 3 minutes or so looking for a DVRS.....

However, I've found at least on my XTS5000 it wont send the bursts if
the channel is assigned setup to talkaround/direct in Zone. No bursts on simplex. If its for a repeater well, the bursts can be masked by PL tone if you choose to carry on your conversations trunking style channel access tones


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Jul 7, 2010
Okay I appreciate all your responses. I know about the various beeps that I can have my radio do but I was specifically wanting the TPT 3-beep-burst that Trunking does. My Chinese radios allow me to create my own TPT so that’s a nice option I wish my Moto’s had. My question has been fully answered if you want to close the thread. Thanks again to all!


Feed Provider
Jan 18, 2013

Your request isn't too far out of the realm, and I've actually had multiple people request that I "enable" the same tone on our conventional side of things. They don't know that I can't do that, but a lot of people want to have that. We run APX6000s for our public safety fleet and I wish that they would enable this in future firmware updates for conventional - both analog and digital. Maybe whacker, maybe not, but our paramedics like having that audio feedback when they key up. The single "clear transmit" tone just isn't cutting it for a lot of them. I recall a neighboring service who is running Kenwood radios (not sure exactly which, but it is the newer Viking series) and when I heard them key up, they had that tone, and I'm 99.9% positive it wasn't a trunking system - because they were returning in service through our dispatch (which is all conventional for our fire/EMS.) Maybe something to look for - and push for - in the future.


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Jul 7, 2010

Your request isn't too far out of the realm, and I've actually had multiple people request that I "enable" the same tone on our conventional side of things. They don't know that I can't do that, but a lot of people want to have that. We run APX6000s for our public safety fleet and I wish that they would enable this in future firmware updates for conventional - both analog and digital. Maybe whacker, maybe not, but our paramedics like having that audio feedback when they key up. The single "clear transmit" tone just isn't cutting it for a lot of them. I recall a neighboring service who is running Kenwood radios (not sure exactly which, but it is the newer Viking series) and when I heard them key up, they had that tone, and I'm 99.9% positive it wasn't a trunking system - because they were returning in service through our dispatch (which is all conventional for our fire/EMS.) Maybe something to look for - and push for - in the future.

I believe Kenwood & Icom allow their radios to have custom tones put in them, just had to be done in CPS using Hz tone frequencies & amount of time in ms between each tone. I made my own Moto Trunking TPT in my other radio by doing 3 or 4 900-Hz tones with 30ms delay between them and it sounds damn close to the real Trunking TPT. But either way, at least I have it working in my Conventional channels in my Moto XTS5000, it's just annoying that you can't turn off the CAI packet transmitting every few minutes. I just like having the audio feedback like you said. It's purely a preference thing. I'm a radio nerd, I like to tinker with things to make them the way I would like them to be, I think any Ham Operator is the same. A "Whacker" is a name given to someone that modifies their radios to transmit out-of-band or on a band they have no business being on; this isn't even close to being comparable to that I simply like the sound of a TPT, there's no modifying or what-not so I don't consider it "Whacker"...



Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Jul 7, 2010
The radio does send data bursts every 3 minutes or so looking for a DVRS.....

However, I've found at least on my XTS5000 it wont send the bursts if
the channel is assigned setup to talkaround/direct in Zone. No bursts on simplex. If its for a repeater well, the bursts can be masked by PL tone if you choose to carry on your conversations trunking style channel access tones

When you say "masked by PL tone w/ Trunking-style access tones" I have my PL tones set for RX and TX, what did you mean by Trunking-style channel access tones? are you talking about the RAC setting in the Conventional Personality and setting a tone for Repeater Access? Thanks.


Premium Subscriber
Mar 11, 2003
If you practiced proper radio discipline and just remember to KEY, wait ,TALK ...you wouldn't need they whacker tone. and no Whacker is not someone modifies raidos, it's someone who enjoys playing the Firefighter role too much and thrives on attention


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Jul 7, 2010
Like my post says, I don’t need your unsolicited comments and insults. It’s what I like, as I’m sure some things you like people wouldn’t agree with so don’t pass judgement. And how exactly does me wanting a TPT on my radio play a FF role and thrive attention? Nobody hears it but me in the privacy of my own home so how is that craving attention? My advice: If you don’t have anything constructive to say towards the posting then just move on to someone else’s post! Unless you’re one of those people that troll the forums specifically to flame other people to get your rocks off, which when looking thru your post activity history appears that’s exactly what you are!
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Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Jul 7, 2010
Moderators please close this thread, my question was solved. We don’t need negative comments being posted. Thank you!
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