
  1. lurch89

    Fargo PD Encryption

    Well, some of us saw this day coming. It finally happened though. Fargo PD channels 1 and 2 are now full-time encrypted. They also have an ARMER patch right now ahead of the planned migration of Cass County (ND) over to ARMER, and that has had encryption turned on at the system level. I just...
  2. WX9RLT

    Scanner Manufactures Future, Due To Encryption?

    My area went full encrypted few years back. Needless to say, I will NO LONGER be buying anymore scanners. What is the point of buying one, if I can't listen to the stuff I want to listen too??? Many people I know have said the same thing. So this leads to my question: What is the scanner...
  3. Buttabean

    Henry County New P25 Phase 2 System (Intended For MTS2000des)

    Im back in henry countys area erik (MTS2000des) & have their new system in my TRX-1 Scanner but its not receiving anything on the TGs that are listed as "NOT ENCRYPTED" or listed as below. Im curious if the encryption is 100% or 50/50% cause ive heard traffic on the transit TG but fire/ems...
  4. melona380

    Lancater county encryption

    so... umm its fall lol when do they plan to encrypt. I know from a "state official" that we will be joining another network ie interoperability. Ao what do you guys think are we joining NESR or ORIAN? Also from my understanding as a former dispatcher out of south Dakota its a pain in the...
  5. M

    Police Encryption: Good or Bad?

    It's becoming more and more popular. Is this a good thing or a bad thing overall? Watch the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhJQkJxRWf8&feature=youtu.be
  6. Buttabean

    Henry County New P25 Phase 1 phase 2 capable System

    Well i see the residents of henry county that own the Uniden BCD325P2 Police Scanners arent gonna be able to hear Henry County Law Enforcement pretty soon. The control freqs were just posted to RR yesterday which means their getting closer to utilizing the new system installed by Harris Corp...
  7. C

    Encryption compatibility TYT-MD380 and MD-680?

    Hello all, I have both the MD-380G and the MD-680 from Tytera. I am trying to encrypt the calls between both units, yet the encryption scheme seems to be incompatible - at least by the way one enters the keys. Is there a known way to encrypt the digital voice communication between these two...
  8. zacabo

    XTS5000 Encryption Keyloading

    I have an XTS5000 that when I attach the KVL 3000+ cable (OEM) to the radio it will not enter the keyloading mode. I have tried to switch the housing with a working one and it didn't work. The contacts on the radio seem fine and I can read and write to the radio. I ended up having to switch the...
  9. rbwareham

    Anti-encryption Bill Introduced In Colorado

    A Colorado State Representative has introduced a bill to outlaw blanket encryption by state and local government entities. HB18-1061 was introduced on the opening day of the 2018 legislative session by Representative Kevin van Winkle, (R). The bill seeks to strike a balance between government...
  10. Spitfire8520

    Denver Chooses Motorola for P25 Phase II System, Public Safety will be Encrypted

    Here is a bit of news to wrap up another eventful year of the hobby, and it will likely surprise many. The City & County of Denver has approved a contract (File # 17-1418) with Motorola Solutions to provide a new P25 Phase 2 system citywide, excluding Denver International Airport, for...
  11. E

    Expected behavior with P25 Encryption?

    What is the expected behavior of the BCD536HP when it encounters encrypted P25 traffic? Does it mute the audio but remain on the channel for the duration of the transmission, or does it skip the channel altogther and resume scanning? Thanks! Ed
  12. S

    Any reason to upgrade in Stamford CT?

    I've been using a PRO-649 (or similar) over the last 6-7 years. Note that I haven't really kept up with the latest technology in radio. That said, I thoroughly enjoy picking up Stamford FD... I've been thinking about upgrading to a newer radio (either TRX-1 or BCD436HP or HP-2) to listen in on...
  13. K

    Which Oregon law enforcement agencies encrypt everything?

    With Deschutes County and city Law Enforcement now encrypting all radio communications including routine traffic, I am wondering who else is doing the same thing. I believe Eugene and Lane County are. Are there any others?
  14. K

    Colleton County P-25 complete and going encrypted

    Colleton County has migrated to the P-25 system and will soon encrypt most if not all talk groups in the next few months.
  15. BCasto

    Live Audio leads Police to consider encryption

    Speaking with a Police Chief this week, I learned of their distaste for internet Live Audio feeds of Police radio traffic. They had no issues with scanning hobbyists per se, but seemed to have serious concerns about mobile smart phone reception of Live Audio feeds and its impact on Police...
  16. ISW376

    Johnson county set on encryption following Linn county

    Went to a JECC policy board meeting yesterday after hearing from local chiefs set on encrypting all law enforcement talkgroups including dispatch and possibly all event channels. The chiefs are blaming radio reference live feed even though their is a delay they also are blaming a am radio...
  17. A

    Clackamas county Sheriff & Fire Phase II Upgrade Encryption question

    I was hoping to create a broadcastify feed for Clackamas County fire and in the future the Law enforcement side in the next month or so. I have been discussing the upgrade of CCOM system with a knowledgeable source in preparation of creating the feed. This person stated that CCOM and...
  18. WX9RLT

    Police Encryption Information: Transparency, Crime Rates Soar, Lies, etc....

    Thought I would share this, in reference to police encryption ~ EDITORIAL: Police Radio Encryption & Public’s Trust In The Police At An All Time Low With Crime Skyrocketing. | Rockford Scanner
  19. WX9RLT

    Police Radio Encryption Info

    Thought I would share this about the police radio encryption ~ *URL Deleted* EDITORIAL: Police Radio Encryption & Public’s Trust In The Police At An All Time Low With Crime Skyrocketing. | Rockford Scanner
  20. S

    HP-2: Living with encryption

    I hope this thread is in the right place. My first post. I was a scanner fan until my AR8200 died a couple of years ago, and did not stay informed as to what was happening in NJ. After wrestling with setting up a AR8200, getting a HomePatrol-2 was a dream come true for ease of use. I was so...