
  1. seanbforhockey

    Help me with my Baofeng.

    I have a Baofeng UV-5RA, and I need to know what frequencies on the "channel mode" (what the lady says when you press the "V/M" button on the radio) don't require a ham license. I am in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Frequencies: 138.550, 157.650, 172. 750, 438. 500, 155. 700, 402.225, 453. 225...
  2. K

    My growing setup.

    Hello all! I have a rather large-ish desk. So I have my 3 screens for my PC for various tasks with troubleshooting and what not in IT. To my right is my laptop, my PRO-652 and my newly mounted TYT TH-9800. Its currently fed to my centerfire discone. I have an efactor dual band coming for it in...
  3. Radioman_911

    Baofeng Offset frequency issue w/ CHIRP

    I am trying to program my Baofeng UV82 and i am using seperate TX frequencies by setting the Duplex to "Split" and then putting the TX Freq in the Offset column. This is right and it transfers to radio alright. However, when i save my file and open it back up, those offset TX Freq's now display...
  4. W

    220 MHz repeater

    Does any ham in the Albany area want to help set a 220 MHz repeater in the area . I can apply for the frequency pair. We could use donations or repeater equipment . If anybody is interested in helping out putting up a 220 repeater in Albany ny area let me know . Would like to try and get it up...
  5. gonzalu

    Ready Made Emergency Go-Box

    Hello all, I have been looking for a ready-made Emergency Go-Box I can buy where I can just mount my radio(s) and and antenna (and external power to charge batteries etc.) Frankly, All I find is DIY videos, websites, etc. My problem isn't that I can't do it myself, but I just don't have any...
  6. H

    Best bang for your buck Motorola Ham Radio

    Was thinking about purchasing a UHF and a VHF portable motorola brand for ham radio usage. Was hoping I could get some input as to which portable everyone recommends. I apologize if this is the wrong area for this post.
  7. W6SAE

    Manually Programming Baofeng UV-5R

    I recently came across this blog post: WP4AOH: Baofeng UV-5R Overview and Manual Programming It demystifies the process of manually programming the UV-5R. It gives good information regarding radio settings and step-by-step instructions for programming for repeaters, stepping up or down...
  8. V

    Beaufeng Radio Questions.

    Is there any way of a putting a delay on Channels while scanning Traffic and although I see a feature for busy chan lockout on scanned channels the manual does not explain how to temp lock out frequency's that are busy without the need to too delete them.....
  9. VE1GAT

    Unresponsive Icom support

    I've purchased a batch of Icom transceivers and I am having problems with them. I have emailed and web formed Icom several times and Icom have yet to respond. Is this common for Icom to ignore buyers?
  10. K

    Building a GMRS repeater from two M-1225 mobiles

    hi everybody, just was wondering when i go into the external accessories to do "the pin locations" what profile works the best for the cheap interface cables you can get from Ebay..? right now i have it set as "General I/O" "Power -up Delay as 0.5...
  11. VE1GAT

    Frugal handheld GMRS MURS HAM Marine

    information & experiences with UV5R, BF888, counterfeits, antennas NA771 index radio programming with CHirp also covered with several packs to download.
  12. Q

    Initiation au Radioamateur

    Bonjour, j'aimerais savoir si certain d'entre vous sont radioamateur! J'aurais des questions a poser car j'aimerais bien en devenir un! Donc mes questions conserne tout ce qui est en lien avec cette passion ainsi que comment obtenir une licence. Je suis présentement dans le Scanning.. Donc...
  13. WX9RLT

    Hiding your radio in your vehicle

    My main concern is a burglary to my vehicle. I was wondering does anyone else hide their radios? If so, how do you hide yours? I have a remote head, but have yet to use it. I currently have my radio on the dash of my vehicle. I want it out of sight. Any ideas on hiding it from...
  14. S

    New ham, haven't seen a rule regarding this question so I'll ask here...

    Hello all, I'm still pretty new to amateur radio but I'm pretty familiar with how 2m repeaters work, or rather, how to use them. What I'm wondering about is something a little different that I can't seem to find very much info on. So, I have a friend who is also a ham, who lives a certain...
  15. R

    Vertex VX-2200-AG7H-50 open up to 440mhz?

    I'm testing for my ham license soon and looking at radio options. Would like something that could do GMRS as well. I found a good deal on this radio have searched for information on opening up the frequencies, but found nothing. Thanks.
  16. T

    Question about transmitting

    I bought a cheap low power FM transmitter(one of those little dongle thingys from China) a long time ago and it has been sitting in the junk drawer for years now. I recently got a microcontroller, and was fiddling with the microcontroller, transmitter, and a regular fm radio receiver. My goal...
  17. RadioGuy1951

    Ham Radio Feqs

    Ham Radio Freqs Hello... I'd like the OPTION when retrieving ham radio freqs of being able to just see the 2m...or just the 70cm freqs, instead of 1 longer list with all the BANDS intermixed...which is much harder to use when I want just a list for a certain band... thanks...73
  18. D

    New 396xt user - antenna suggestions?

    Hi, I've had a uniden 396xt for a few months now but don't use it on a regular basis. I've had some police and fire channels programmed into it by a friend by cloning his radio settings. Recently I've been trying to make use of the search for services feature to try and pick up some CB and...
  19. W

    Amateur Technician License Preparation Course

    Become a Radio Amateur! Westchester (NY) Emergency Communications Association (WECA) is offering a free FCC license preparation course for the Amateur Technician Exam. This classroom course runs every Tuesday evening from 7 to 9 PM at the Fire Training Center, 4 Dana Road, Valhalla, NY. It...
  20. ka9rxk

    For Sale: Icom F2721D UHF FM/P25 400-470 MHZ Pkg.

    The F2721D is a great radio for a ham because it not only offers you UHF FM operation, but also P25 Digital Operation. Included in this complete package are all of the following items in like new condition: Icom F2721D P25 Digital Ready 45 Watt UHF radio 400 – 470MHz (upgraded to the latest...