
  1. KC0FZZ

    Strong Interference in South Metro Areas (Burnsville, Prior Lake)

    I was wondering if there was anyone else who routinely drives in the south metro on 35W in the Burnsville area, right around the Burnsville Parkway and Hwy 13 areas. Any time I've driven those roads lately (*the last 6 months or so) I've picked up very strong interference along both off ramps...
  2. A

    First Ham Radio, What is good?

    Greetings, I know this will be a loaded question but it is a place to start. I am working on my technicians license and will be purchasing my first Ham Radio very shortly, I have six kids and four have also endeavored on this journey with me... we shall see if it lasts. Anyhow I would like to...
  3. MetalGear753

    Preventing Frequency Scan BCD996XT

    BCD996XT Whenever I do not have system hold on, it scans through HAM Frequencies, CB Frequencies, and then the selected systems that I have programmed (If their system key is enabled). How do I stop my scanner from looping into the HAM Freqs and the CB Radio and just scanning my systems listed...
  4. F

    Am I a "ham"

    This is going to be a really dumb question, Are you ready? I like to listen to the scanner and find new frequencies. would this be considered a "HAM"? or is there a better term for what I do? At some point I want to get certified for ham radios however I don't have the money to get the radios...
  5. K

    AC/DC coming to Augusta, GA

    No, not AC/DC the band, but AC/DC the Ham parts vendor is coming to the Augusta Ham fest on OCT 9, 2010. AC/DC has those funny "reverse" SMA antenna connectors for the WOXUN HT's the everyone is buying. Hamfest 2010 See you there 73 Kent KQ4KK
  6. K

    AC/DC coming to Augusta GA

    No, not the AC/DC the band, but AC/DC the Ham parts vendor is coming to the Augusta Ham fest on OCT 9, 2010. AC/DC has those funny "reverse" SMA antenna connectors for the WOXUN HT's the everyone is buying. Hamfest 2010 See you there 73 Kent KQ4KK
  7. Shawnlin20

    GMRS Repeater

    I would like to purchase a 5-10watt GMRS repeater. I have seen several repeaters that people have built out of mobile or handheld radios but I am not a master with electronics. I would need a plug and repeater type. As in receiver, transmitter, duplexer, controler, and power supply all in one...
  8. K

    HAM Radio at the Aiken(CSRA) BIT Exposition, July 17, Saturday

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As part of Celebrate Aiken, the 175th anniversary of Aiken, South Carolina, the Schofield Middle School Radio Club N4SMS, the Aiken County Emergency Management Office, and the Aiken ARES Ham Radio Support Team will...
  9. K

    HAM Radio at the Aiken BIT Exposition, July 17, Saturday

    As part of Celebrate Aiken, the 175th anniversary of Aiken, South Carolina, the Aiken Public Schofield Middle School Radio Club N4SMS, the Aiken County Emergency Management Office, and the Aiken ARES Ham Radio Support Team will be on display at the Business, Innovation and Technology Exposition...
  10. duchee

    duluth,mn Ham frequencies

    wheres the best place to find used ham frequencys and repeaters for my area?? i have found misc sites but there not the best and kinda suck. thanks!
  11. aspclay

    New Live Audio Feed, Arkansas Emergency Weather Network

    This channel monitors the Emergency Weather Networks of the CAREN club & the CAUHF club in central Arkansas. This feed covers all of central Arkansas with officially trained storm spotters, most of whom have been through the storm spotters class provided by the National Weather Service. You will...
  12. 2

    SkyWarn Ham Repeaters DB TN District 7?

    Is this list up to date? (I went to http://www.wx4tn.org/ but it didn't give me any freq/repeater lists) Severe Weather Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference District 7 - Upper East Tennessee District 7 serves NWSFO Morristown for Carter, Greene, Hawkins, Johnson, Unicoi, and...
  13. skywarnn

    WISCONSIN Skywarn Freqs

    A Wisconsin statewide database of mostly ham radio channels hosting Skywarn/weather nets has been managed and maintained by the Milwaukee Area Skywarn Association for a number of years. In preparing for the 2010 severe weather season we need your help to update and verify its accuracy. View...
  14. scanfan22

    Radio programming

    Hi guys, I was wondering if anyone in the Los Angeles area could program some HT 600s for a friend of mine. The channels would mostly be amateur repeaters and GMRS repeaters. He has both licenses. He would be willing to pay a small fee for the programming services. Thanks
  15. K

    Aiken HAM Repeater updates

    The Aiken HAM repeaters have gone thru a few changes. Many of those changes are NOT reflected in the current ARRL Repeater guide(of course) and also changes have not been made to many Ham Club web site listings. The below is current, please update your files as you see fit. - Aiken repeater...
  16. scanfan22

    Down LA area repeaters

    Hello gang, I have a few questions about some local ham repeaters: Does anyone know when the 147.270 Mt. Disappointment repeater will be back up? Does anyone know what is wrong with the 145.300 repeater? Do they accept guest check-ins for the 147.330 net? Does MARS 447.820 repeater have a...
  17. KB3SJV

    My Command Center

    Just some pictures of my shack. For Ham equiptment I have a Yaesu Ft-60 portable, Kenwood TM-V71a mobile (using as a base), and a Kenwood TS-820S for HF. For scanners, I have a borrowed RS Pro-95 portable, a RS Pro-163, a Pro-82, and a RS Pro-2037. CBs and FRS I have a Cobra 90 ltd Base that I...
  18. M

    MotoTRBO Systems in Washington

    Does anyone know of, or better, have a listing of TRBO systems in Washington? I'm looking for any TRBO users; Commercial, Amateur and/or Public Service. I operate a UHF TRBO repeater on the east side on ham and have it IPSC linked to 5 other repeaters in other states. Finding more active...
  19. M

    MotoTRBO Ham Repeater List Wanted

    Does anyone know of a comprehensive (or any) list of Amateur Radio Repeaters running TRBO? Our group is running 6 repeaters in 3 states and we are curious who else is running TRBO and IPSC networking of those repeaters. We are MotoTRBOUSA and are be maintaining a list in our groups Database...
  20. newsphotog

    newsphotog rig 2.0

    I completely overhauled my setup in a 2004 Chevrolet Impala that was previously seen at http://forums.radioreference.com/pictures-your-shack-mobile-setup/123489-newsphotog-rig.html -- there was a version 1.5 but it wasn't anything worth mentioning. It seems like it's more for personal enjoyment...