
  1. I

    BC246T: BC246T and Bell Fleetnet system in Ontario, Canada

    This is getting very frustrating. Is there something I'm missing about this programming? I REALLY didn't expect this much trouble. I hope somebody can help me with this. Does my BC246T receive Motorola Type II Smartzone? Is there another name for it? In my manual it says MOT Type II is 800 or...
  2. dscully

    BCD996T Trunking Help

    I have used this scanner for several years in a conventionl public safety system on VHF. Recently I moved to a county in Texas that has an 800 Mhz trunked system that, according to RR, may have recently been rebanded. I upgraded the firmware in the scanner to the latest version. I have located...
  3. N

    PRO-164 From Ebay Wont Trunk!?!?

    I just received a PRO-164 from ebay, claimed to be tested and guaranteed working. I have a PRO-95 that is working just fine (besides missing transmissions due to re-banding... why I got the 164). I have taken my bands from Win95 and transferred them into Win97 to upload to the PRO-164. I have...
  4. W

    Police Scanner for Eastern Cuyahoga County

    Hello All! New guy here with a question regarding police scanners. Thank you in advance for any advice you provide.... I am looking to purchase a handheld police scanner as a birthday gift in the next day or two. Can anyone tell me what type of handheld scanner works best for my area (Eastern...
  5. G

    Programming trunk freq

    I have a Pro-2052 scanner and my local police just changed their radio system so the frequencies no longer work. I have the book for the scanner but I don't know if the frequencies I'm programming are wrong or I'm just doing it the wrong way. I'm looking to add channels for Shelbyville, Indiana...
  6. E

    Programming XPR 6380 in Smartnet mode

    I've been asking a few questions here over the past few months as I've been trying to understand and evaluate trunked mobile systems. One neat thing is that I've been able to play with a few Aeroflex test sets and motorola handsets with CPS software. Generally I have to get the settings to match...
  7. skywavesli

    PRO-106 occasionally no audio with Talkgroup

    Hi, I just bought my PRO-106 and programmed it with WIN500 using RadioReference. I'm monitoring a Motorola Type II APCO25/analog mix trunking system. Everything works fine however, occasionally a APCO25 talkgroup will come on but there's no audio. The transmission lasts long enough to make...
  8. F

    Q361/G361 and 3600 Baud Systems

    Hello All, Would a radio with the following features included in its flashcode work on a 3600 baud mixed-mode system, or will it only work on 9600 baud systems? Q806/G806 IMBE / APCO-25 Digital Operation H14/G114 Digital ID Display H868/W969 Multikey Operation H38/G51 Smartzone Operation...
  9. T

    Newbie questions.

    Hey guys, I'm looking to get into the police scanner hobby, and I have a few questions. I have a general understanding of what trunking is and know most police agencies in my area, and all state agencies use motorola Utah UCAN trunking. I also know that all of the Utah Highway Patrol uses UCAN...
  10. M

    Commercial Site Setup Opinions

    Hi All, I am helping setup a radio infrastructure and I need some opinions as to the best way to get this done. Here is what the situation is and sorry in advanced if I ramble on a bit. This will be a 4 site system in the middle of nowhere, in the forest, so we want to go with a trunked setup...
  11. G

    Pro 93 decoding issue

    I have been using a Pro-93 for a couple of months now, but recently it has been having difficulty reading the EDACS control channel. I can hear the control channel with no static (before this started happening, it would even decode the IDs with moderate levels of static); however, now it will...
  12. gtaman


    I'm starting a thread over the largest trunked systems in the country. I want everyone's input. I believe I may have found the largest but I may be wrong. I found the Louisiana LWIN system has over 67,000 users that's my guess. Anyone with input? ADMINS IF YOU FEEL THIS IS NOT THE...
  13. C

    Quantar 800MHZ repeater MODEL: T5365a

    Hello, We are currently using a trunked Motorola Smartnet II radio system. Many of the system's users have went with other technology but we are currently cash strapped. Is it possible to take the five Quantar 800MHZ repeaters (model # T5365a) and make it into a five site conventional system...
  14. T

    Help with CIRN and FreeSCAN, please

    So my shiny new BCD996XT arrived today, and I can't wait to get going. I've downloaded FreeSCAN and created analog system of my choice for Placer County (SAR, PCSO East & West, Auburn PD). I can't enter it into the scanner right now, however, as I'm waiting on a serial port/USB adapter. What...
  15. S

    programing trunking with arc300 for pro164 uestion

    Okay when i import like a trunk system to arc300 and upload it to the scanner it shows the control channels which there are 4 of them but theres like a bunch of talkgroups,are the talk grtoups uploaded to the scanner as well when i hit upload to scanner? Because i just see the 4 control...
  16. T

    MotoTrbo in/near Orange County

    Hello, I think I discovered a MotoTrbo system in/near Orange County. I am listening to them using DSD (digital speech decoder) on Ubuntu 12.04 and am getting the audio to work using AlsaOSS package. The radio I am using is a Icom ID-880H and I rigged up the discriminator tap using the ground...
  17. WQAJ741


    Picked up an ex600xls today, that had previously been trunked. I tried to program conventional personalities but when i went to write the radio it only wrote one channel. I had 5 that were supposed to be written but only 1 had gone through. Is there something specific I need to do when...
  18. KF7RAY

    Lake Havasu City changes?

    It looks like a few of the frequencies may have changed: ULS License - Public Safety/Spec Emerg, 806-821/851-866 MHz, Trunked License - WPXB342 - LAKE HAVASU CITY, CITY OF - Frequencies Summary Old(?): 855.23750 855.96250 856.23750 856.43750 857.23750 857.48750 858.23750 859.26250 860.43750...
  19. AK4FD

    Broward County - rebanded??

    I need some help because I'm getting mixed info... Is Broward County's Public Services (Sheriff/Fire) system Site 1 rebanded or is it Normal trunking? Some people say it is rebanded, some say it isn't, I have tried different modes on my scanner between normal and custom/rebanded and both...
  20. aspclay

    LRFD feed has new scanner

    I just put a new and better scanner on the Little Rock Fire Department feed last night. I still have some tweaking to do but it should sound better and be more reliable! It is an AWIN compatible scanner that will help for the upgrade... keep reading... :) GOOD NEWS!!!! On a side note, all the...