Wow! I am truly "behind" the times. I worked in law-enforcement in various capacities and the last thing that I ever wanted to do was listen to a scanner when I wasn't working.
With the wake of this blizzard stuff going on, I thought I would dig my handheld out. I changed the dead batteries...
I am very new to trunking scanners, I am trying to program a LTR system, Genesee Business Radio #2 Trunking System, Rochester, New York - Scanner Frequencies . From what I have found, I should be doing this right, but apparently I am not.... Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Anyone have any idea when Carroll County is supposed to go digital? I know some fire houses have digital radios now and I thought it might be a sign to what's to come...
Ok, I need some help guys. I have a Pro 163 scanner that I am trying to get set up to monitor 4 talk groups. I keep getting an "All Channels Locked Out" when I try to scan. I can view the system (TXWARN) and the talkgroups as stored in one bank and 4 channels but when I try to make it scan it...
I'm fairly new to the whole trunking tech. I have a PRO 163 and would like to program in the local county TRS. I have programmed in the control channels and receiving transmissions.
FW Version 1.08
Sheboygan County Trunking System, Sheboygan, Wisconsin - Scanner Frequencies
The system is...
Hello all. I'm new to the site. Have owned a number of scanners. Currently have RS Pro-528 and Pro-95. Used Pro-95 for the longest time to trunk Tippecanoe county, worked great until they rebanded the system. I got discouraged and put the scanners in the closet. Anyway, I am looking to buy a...
I am new to scanning as well as the Radio Reference website. I purchased a RS PRO-163 yesterday. I live in Salt Lake County and I hope I purchased the correct scanner. I am mostly interested in listening to the UCAN system but I am having trouble programming my scanner. I would like to buy the...
I live in Oxford and I had been listening to Oxford PD using a conventional scanner until they switched to a new type of radio a couple of weeks ago. I'm not sure what kind of radio they now use, and I can't find anything here in the Databases about the new system. Where should I look to try to...
If you need an understanding of how the "networked" statewide Ohio MARCS system works,
please click on the following link: The Basics of Trunking :wink:
When programming MARCS make sure to set the system as MOT800/900, not P-25.
MARCS is an analog system using digital voice, it is not a...
Oregon emergency radio system running late and $107 million over budget |
The price of Oregon's plan to build a statewide emergency radio network has soared $107 million over budget because of mismanagement, missed deadlines and hidden costs.
Internal state audits and reports...
Good morning everyone.
I am a totally blind user, and need some assitaance with my newly purchased pro 106 scanner.
I have a few questions.
1. I am using the provided fotware, which came with this scanner. My first question is, can I program trunked freqs in the same scan list as regular...
Hi all,
At the moment my PSR-600 is set up to scan two lists, each containing primary dispatch and a couple special car-car channels for one agency each, each agency tied to the same site of a statewide multi-site Motorola analog system. (It's the Oklahoma DPS system, Norman site, and I'm...
I have experience with scanners, but I am new to programming Trunking systems. I am having some trouble listening to Hartford City, CT(EDACS Standard) on my BCT8. I programmed the frequencies in the same order as listed on RR and all of the talkgroups I want to listen to in the AFS...
Hello, I have a radio shack pro-164 Scanner. Ive been racking my brains out over figuring out the trunking scan. I tried programming it but do not know what frequencies need to go on or exactly what I am doing as the instructions are really bad. If someone could take me through it step by step...
Hello, I have a radio shack pro-164 Scanner. Ive been racking my brains out over figuring out the trunking scan. I tried programming it but do not know what frequencies need to go on or exactly what I am doing as the instructions are really bad. If someone could take me through it step by step...
So... I took the leap and bought a digital scanner yesterday. I went with the R/S PRO-197. I can track conventional systems like a gem. (It's actually AMAZING at it.) But... when I go to the digital side of things, thats where my problems start. I've never done the digital or trunking stuff. I'm...
I am a newbie to this trunking/P25 stuff... I live in Bruce County,ON,CANADA
Can someone help me for a few minutes of your time.... I got a lot of information here
but can't seem to put it all together....
Computer equipment.... LOTS.... I run servers.... LOTS!
Scanner Uniden Bearcat...
I live in L.A., our LAPD are on trunked systems.
The way I understand it, it's many channels within a frequency. This didn't exist when I had my Bearcat 350,(before Uniiden).
So for instant, the Van Nuys PD are on freg. does a scanner find the other channels within this freq. so...
I have had my first scanner, a BC72XLT, for about a month now and have really been enjoying it. I really like all the things I'm able to pick up, but am a bit disappointed at the low memory capacity and not being able to get FMN or digitally trunked signals, and the limited frequency coverage.
Are there any other programs for monitoring trunked systems? Our system is Bell Fleetnet 3600 baud.
I use Trunk88 and Unitrunker but was curious if there were any more programs out there that I could try.