
  1. P

    Pro 164 suddenly stopped trunking - can't get it going again

    Hi, I was listening to a riveting manhunt in south Madison WI with my 164 attached to AC power. The channel was a MOT II City of Madison / Dane County trunk. I unplugged and stuffed the unit in my pocket but heard some keypad beeps from my fat fingers. Took it out of my pocket and hit Scan...
  2. B

    PRO-164 and Motorola II Trunking System

    I just got a PRO-164 scanner today and had the trunking channels set up at radio shack. The link to the trunking channels for my area is Scanner Frequencies: Sheboygan County Trunking System, Sheboygan, Wisconsin. However when i listen to the channels i hear nothing no static or any sign of...
  3. C

    Falmouth PD is on 800 Trunk now..

    Saturday morning Falmouth PD went from their conventional 800mhz over to 800 trunk system that is being used by most of Cape Cod public safety. About a month ago, the radio tech were checking their ID on the system. Just recently, they were checking Yarmouth PD`s too. I keep all of the IDs if...
  4. C

    Maxon TM-4800 Mobile

    HELP, I have a Maxon TM-4800 and I want to program it. No one seems to have the software for this radio. I contacted Maxon now Midland and they said that they don't keep software for a radio this old. I bought it new in the box it sat in a radio shops shelf until it went out of business. It's a...
  5. C

    Please help Salem Fire has disappeared

    Last week I stopped hearing Salem Fire. They are on a Motorolla Type II system. I still hear every body else on the system just fine. When a Salem Fire talk group ID appears there is no sound and when checking to see whick freq. they are on it jumps back and forth between the contol freq. and...
  6. C

    Maxon TM-4800 Mobile

    I have a Maxon TM-4800 800 trunking mobile that I would like to put in my car. I am a Process server and use a handset right now. I use it to keep in what's going on around me so I don't run into something going on while serving civil Warrants plus my office also uses 800 trunking to keep in...
  7. D

    3 Scanners & don't know what to do with them!

    Hi, New here! I have 3 Scanners & don't know what to do with them. I used to listen to the police and Ambulances(EMS), as I was a Paramedic in the U.S. Army, but all this trunking stuff is still confusing to me. I did learn a little about it ,but that was about 10 years ago. Are there any...
  8. C

    Maxon TM-4800 programming

    I have a new in the box Maxon TM-4800 mobile 800 trunking radio and not only find any info on it but can not find the software to program it. It's a nice looking radio and I have contacted a few radio dealers but no one seems to have the software. Can anyone out help me? Thanks Howard
  9. bhall7

    Digital transmissions on UCAN?

    I'm considering purchasing a digital-capable scanner such as the Uniden BC396t, but I'm not sure if it would be worth it at this point. Is there any digital traffic on UCAN? Also, if the so-called digital support is for APCO-25 systems, would that even apply to UCAN since it's a Motorola...
  10. C

    P25 Trunked scanning question

    I have a BCD 396T scanner. I live in Colorado where the fire dept I work for uses the P25 statewide system. I am having trouble getting my head around the correct programming method for this system and my scanner. I have the correct channel trunk ID's and have them programmed. As I...
  11. G

    Rail Monitoring around Richmond

    Asking for a railfanning friend here in CHO, he says around Richmond when monitoring CSX, sometimes it seems like when the train talks to disp they will come back on different freqs. I'm wondering (since I don't know) if he is just hearing 2 different freqs as used by road/dispatch or if, as he...
  12. D

    Pro-97 Trunking

    OK, so I can program regular frequencies on my Pro-97, however, I'm confused as to how to put the actual trunking frequencies in. On the trunking page (located at Scanner Frequencies: Saint Mary's County Trunking System, Saint Mary's County, Maryland) it lists 10 regular frequencies above the...
  13. B

    Eddy Co-Regional Interop Network

    See: or: News Organization: Carlsbad Current-Argus Sectors: Emergency Services Date Submitted: December 26, 2008 - 00:29 The completed installation of a multi-million dollar regional...
  14. P

    Idylltek LT8R trunking controller

    Has anyone been successful setting up an ltr system using Idylltek's LT8R controller? If, so did you come across talkgroups interfering with one another, and how did you correct this?
  15. C

    I can hear base opertions but not patrol

    I live in Garfield county in CO. The problem is that I can hear the base talking but only garble from the patrol cars. I have a Pro-96 handheld from radio shack. Any help?
  16. E

    Programming a Radioshack Pro-95

    Can anyone please offer me easy step-by-step directions on how to program everything relating to Hanover County's Trunked Radio Systems? I'm so confused with how to even program this scanner. I've tried understanding the manual that I have for it but it doesn't make any sense. Any help would...
  17. B

    Help...Tarrant County (MOT Issue)

    So I purchased a Pro-164 and used the Win-97 software to upload the FTW Public Safety and around 150 different DEC ID's. Sometimes I get MOT: 07664 (or other numbers) and sometimes I get the actual tag i.e. South Division. The banks can store 150 different DEC ID's. However, I am wondering...
  18. Robbyboy

    New Hanover County TRS Request for Assistance

    Good Afternoon - I am making several trips to NHC over the next month and have been monitoring quite extensively! I am trying to tighten down the TRS as it displays in the database and if anyone here can provide assistance with that I would appreciate it! I am going to clean the formatting...
  19. P

    PRO-93 the "old fashioned" way

    Hey All, and thanks in advance for the help, I've reprogrammed my PRO-93 this morning with Davis County frequencies each 15 lower than the old frequencies, and it's not working. When in trunking mode, the scanner seizes on the control channel 852.83750, flashes familiar talk group IDs for...