Hello all,
I have a edac system that runs anolog and digital transmissions. This is leading me to explore the system but a delima with sdrsharp. The time it takes to switch between dig and anolog is cumber-sum. To make it happen would mean for me to unlock users and TG. in anolog and then lock out the dig ones. Then go to sdr and change audio output to speakers and a few other things. sounds simple but not because the system is a big one.
I tried running two instances of unitrunker but the second uni won't control sdr via remote.dll. It would stop on the anolog voice call but no movement with my third copy of sdr. A little more digging and found the unitrunker is not meant the have two copy's ie.....two folders in program files x86 and two folders in users, app data, roaming.
I tried and cloned the edac system in the main window and doubled the system, but i'm not sure how to make unitrunker select the one i want to use. When i lock the CC with sdr the limbo pops up then i enter the CC freq. then the main site pops up with all the the proper info.
anyone else with this issue?
P.s. the new unitrunker with RTL support is great but not practical , the freq. correction is so erratic, any temp change with these sticks requires constant correcting. Unless you have those mod sticks with the oscillator crystal.
I have a edac system that runs anolog and digital transmissions. This is leading me to explore the system but a delima with sdrsharp. The time it takes to switch between dig and anolog is cumber-sum. To make it happen would mean for me to unlock users and TG. in anolog and then lock out the dig ones. Then go to sdr and change audio output to speakers and a few other things. sounds simple but not because the system is a big one.
I tried running two instances of unitrunker but the second uni won't control sdr via remote.dll. It would stop on the anolog voice call but no movement with my third copy of sdr. A little more digging and found the unitrunker is not meant the have two copy's ie.....two folders in program files x86 and two folders in users, app data, roaming.
I tried and cloned the edac system in the main window and doubled the system, but i'm not sure how to make unitrunker select the one i want to use. When i lock the CC with sdr the limbo pops up then i enter the CC freq. then the main site pops up with all the the proper info.
anyone else with this issue?
P.s. the new unitrunker with RTL support is great but not practical , the freq. correction is so erratic, any temp change with these sticks requires constant correcting. Unless you have those mod sticks with the oscillator crystal.
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