
  1. D

    New antenna for apartment

    So I am looking for a new antenna setup, I currently use a discone antenna which works great but I am moving to an apartment soon and I wont have the luxury of being able to takw that much space. I was wondering what would be best for a small form factor omni directional antenna to pickup...
  2. dennisondenatalie

    Random Radio Stuff...

    Alright folks... I've got a few doozies here. I'm on the hunt for an inexpensive VHF radio. Found an XTS2000 on eBay that I really like, however I'm having some hesitations about pulling the trigger -- As far as programming it, that is. I cannot find the programming software for it anywhere...
  3. L


    product sold
  4. N

    RFinder B1 VHF/UHF Analog/DMR Android-powered HT

    RFinder B1 for sale. Dual-band VHF/UHF Analog/DMR. Includes original packaging, drop-in charger, screen protector, belt clip and swivel belt mount. Barely used - like-new condition.
  5. My Mobile Radio Scanners In The Field

    My Mobile Radio Scanners In The Field

    The scanners I use to Gather News Video
  6. N

    RFinder B1 - Like new

    RFinder B1 for sale. Dual-band VHF/UHF Analog/DMR. Includes original packaging, drop-in charger, screen protector, belt clip and swivel belt mount. Barely used - like-new condition.
  7. L

    Are there Mototrbo's that operate in VHF and UHF?

    I'm new in this radio stuff and I don't know if this here is the right thread but I would need a Mototrbo that can receive VHF and UHF Frequencies. Is there any Mototrbo capable of doing that or can you somehow receive VHF on a UHF radio? Greetings
  8. Sold: Kenwood TR-7950 2-meter mobile rig

    Sold: Kenwood TR-7950 2-meter mobile rig

    ** SOLD, thank you ** For sale is one used Kenwood TR-7950 2-meter mobile rig with great audio and a decent display. Kenwood quality. Excludes microphone, tone board, power cable, VHF antenna or 12V/13.8VDC power supply- only includes what’s show in the photos. All front switches and keypad are...
  9. L


    Acquiring an amateur radio license is not a big deal; not difficult by any stretch. Should you choose to move forward, you may want to consider the following. For your average -- Jane/John Q. Public --, if you want to talk (rag chew), use a phone, Skype or similar service. When there's no phone...
  10. Floridarailfanning

    Commscope DB222-A Dipole

    Does anyone have any insight or experience with the DB222-A? I'm considering going with the 150-158MHz version for a project I'm working on since it has decent gain in the offset config. and 36° verticle beamwidth but I'm curious what feedback others have. It would probably end up getting...
  11. Looking for a Yaesu FT-90R MicroMobile Txcvr

    Looking for a Yaesu FT-90R MicroMobile Txcvr

    Looking for a FT-90R in clean working condition.
  12. SpectralContent

    Motorola XPR 3300/3500 or 4500 series VHF

    Looking to see if anyone has any VHF models of the newer or slightly older XPR series radios for sale at a decent price. I am willing to coordinate shipping/pickup from around the USA/Canada. Please reach out if you have one you are thinking of selling! Thanks! conjshort@gmail.com
  13. mcjones2013

    Fallen Leaf CSD Repeater

    I don't get up to Lake Tahoe much, but I see that Fallen Leaf CSD Fire Department has applied for and been granted a new repeater pair. Looking at the RRDB, it appears they are currently using a base/mobile frequency for fire district operations. This new repeater pair is on a different output...
  14. bucks83

    General Conventional Frequency Scanner Recommendation - 151mhz to 460mhz mostly, $150 +/-

    The more I listen the more I hear and the more scanners I need. I have a PRO-28 that is good but it only holds 30 frequencies and it is busy. My SDS100 is great but I use it mostly for my county Fire /EMS. P25 system I always wondered why some people had four or five scanners on their desk, now...
  15. J

    G3 VHF/UHF Antenna

    Hey everyone, I know a lot of people have posted their experience with third party antenna on a G5 with 700/800 but I can't seem to find post for VHF/UHF configuration. Any advice on what is a good antenna for the G3 would be great. I was wondering if the Nagoya 810 would work. Thanks
  16. W

    Creating a portable repeater with a mobile transceiver

    Hello all! I have returned to seek expertise on a project I am creating. Task: Create a simplex repeater for search and rescue operations using a mobile radio. I am trying to find a way to boost coverage of team communications in a remote area. I currently have a 25w AnyTone AT-778UV which I...
  17. Floridarailfanning

    What Antenna Configuration Would You Recommend?

    I'm working on planning/pricing a Capacity Plus system but I'm not sure what antenna configuration would make the most sense. The system will be VHF and the sites will have 2 channels/4 slots each with 50W output. Since there will only be 2 repeaters per site it seems like the best option...
  18. Harris XG-100M Multi Band Radio w/ Phase II ***SOLD***

    Harris XG-100M Multi Band Radio w/ Phase II ***SOLD***

    Excellent condition Harris XG100M, Multi band radio, with Phase II enabled. Low band, VHF, UHF, 700/800 Radio Package includes: XG-100M main deck, w/ mounting bracket, and power connector CH-721 control head w/ mounting bracket, and power connector 30 foot CAN control cable External Speaker New...
  19. T

    Base Antenna for Zello RoIP link

    So our agency is going to trial Zello for public safety. Below is our configuration (simplified) if you're interested. To get to the point. I'm looking for a base antenna for a VHF Motorola PM400, the frequency is 159.6. Below are the options I'm considering, any thoughts or opinions? Laird...
  20. vagrant

    ARRL September Contest Weekend

    Just a reminder about the VHF contest this weekend. It started a while ago and there's still plenty of time today and tomorrow. Even if only using FM gear, there's plenty of fun to be had. Also, for those that RX only, you may want to dial up the following frequencies and have a listen. For this...