
  1. pbesselm

    G5 Monitor two bands on a single (channel) position?

    Is it possible to monitor a VHF system (single frequency) and a 700MHz trunked system on the same "channel" position ?
  2. A

    146.52 B17 Bomber

    For those on the East Coast of the US, listen for my friend George, who will be N2FVV/AM from a B-17 Bomber as they head south to Manassas, Virginia, taking off from Caldwell Airport in NJ around 11 am this morning. He plans on mailing out a special QSL card. Listen to 146.520 to work him!
  3. D

    Picking the right dummy load

    Hello there, My question is not amateur radio specific but I couldn't find an exact sub forum for my question. I hope it fits in here anyway. (Suggestions?) English is not my primary language, sorry about any English "drifting" of my part. I'm very new to the RF world so (one of) my first task...
  4. M

    All This for $25!

    I'm new here, and new to SDR, and I'm having the time of my life. Way back in the late 1960s, the USAF had me sitting at a console, staring at VHF and UHF frequencies on a spectrum display, for reasons I can't really discuss still. My guess is that console cost half a million dollars or so...
  5. AK4FD

    Catawba County question

    Does anybody know anything about the Catawba County frequencies? I know they primarily use the VIPER State-Wide talkgroups now but due to some hard-to-reach areas they sometimes go to a channel called Direct-1... Now there is a Direct-1 and Direct-2 frequencies listed in the database but I'm...
  6. P

    Hytera x1p vhf analog sim card lte service

    I have the x1p and i use it for vhf analog i wanna know if i can put in a sim card and use it as a cell phone as well ? Or is there any radio that dose have this capability's ?
  7. X

    Motorola XTS UHF Help

    I currently operate a VHF XTS 5000 Model 2 in New Hampshire where I spend a lot of time however, I spend most of my time in Metro-Boston Mass. And I'm stuck with a real crappy baofeng radio. Does anyone have any suggestions on where to find a 450-512 split 2500 or 5000 for cheap. In addition...
  8. F

    UV82L Fire Transceiver

    Howdy, I'm a rural volunteer firefighter, been using an UV82L for a few months with no issues programming to receive traffic from the local fire/sheriff departments. However, I've attempted to program the radio with CHIRP to transmit dispatch via a repeater, and to transmit to local...
  9. AK4FD

    XTS5000 VHF QC-II question

    Hello everybody, I'm hoping someone can answer my question. I have a VHF XTS5000 Model 2, and I have confirmed it received Motorola QC-II decode cuz I've gotten it to alert on my local stations tones. But my question is: is there any way to decode multiple QC-II tones on 1...
  10. Bruce42

    French Exhibition Team

    They flew here in Sacramento yesterday and left for Canada last night. They have 10 Alpha jets and 1 humungous A400M. Of the 10 frequencies I gleaned from the Internet I copied them on two, 340.300 and 141.825. It would have more fun if I understood French, of course. Yet the A400 was all...
  11. S

    TK-2312 VHF

    Hi all! New to getting a radio for fire service. My Mo V pager is not up to getting great signal, and I need something future proof, as we may be responding to calls directly or need to communicate with dispatch. I have the radio, programming cable, and latest software. I have only limited...
  12. M

    RTL Dongle Stock Antenna Replacement for VHF

    Hi all. I need some advice on building a better antenna to replace the stock whip antenna that ships with the rtl dongle. I've just recently started using rtlsdr and so far I've been messing with Police CB and FM Radio. I'm no expert, but I think that these would fall within the VHF frequencty...
  13. beaker7

    Stubby VHF antenna for XTS5000?

    So to begin with I apologize for my ignorance, I'm not good with antennas and such. So I heard that using no antenna/the wrong antenna could seriously damage the Tx board in my XTS5000, but I wanted to get a more compact antenna like the one here Awesome Antenna VHF Motorola Stubby Radio XTS3000...
  14. Mtnrider

    Greene County NY VHF Update

    Greene County is looking to cut over to VHF paging as of November 15th 2016 (155.985) All services will be paged via 895. No more 46.14 for paging. Also looking to cover 34,000 dollars to buy 900 plus pagers. The (hopeful) cut over for total VHF High will be April 2017. New Freq and pl's once i...
  15. BlueDevil

    2015 Dodge 1500 Laramie Ecodiesel Radio Install

    Here are some pictures of the radio install I completed yesterday on a 2015 Dodge 1500 Laramie Ecodiesel. I installed an Icom F5021 VHF Mobile Radio, 2-Piece Equipment Mounting Bracket, Larsen 1/4 Wave VHF NMO Antenna, Larsen NMO Mount with 25' Coax and PL259 Connector, and Chargeguard CG12D...
  16. BlueDevil

    Sinclair Mobile Duplexer Tuning

    I have a Sinclair Mobile Duplexer in a portable repeater. ( Sinclair Technologies Online Product Catalog - MR254B-2 ) I believe that this is a Band-Pass only duplexer so my question is if I wanted to reverse the TX and RX frequencies do I need to retune the duplexer? Or can I simply swap the...
  17. BlueDevil

    Best Mobile Duplexer

    I am looking for a mobile duplexer to be used in a low powered (5w-25w) portable repeater with about 8MHz frequency separation. Does anyone have any suggestions on mobile duplexers to stay away from or have any recommendations on what mobile duplexers seem to be superior or preferred as to others?
  18. T

    VHF Repeter Fines

    Hey Everyone, Wondering what the Fines are in ontario for being on VHF without a licence? Like what would/could happen to one who keys up a VHF radio on their local repeater? How likely is enforcement action to be taken on that person assuming they used the repeater like someone that had a licence.
  19. SlipNutz15

    XTS2500 audio clips out

    I've search the forums multiple ways before typing this. I have an XTS2500 VHF and it seems that at the end of certain transmissions or noise thresholds the audio clips off and it takes approximately three seconds before the audio comes back through. Am I missing some audio setting that stops...
  20. G

    Civilian Aviation Band Repeater Question

    I'm having a bit of trouble explaining our communication system differences to a coworker. We primarily utilize a UHF radio system with a repeater. So naturally we have 2 frequencies licensed to our program. We have a backup VHF system that is also repeated. We monitor UNICOM (123.050MHz) for...