
  1. K

    396XT Shuffled TGIDs

    I have a 396XT that is acting up so much I'm starting to think it's defective and is becoming quite frustrating . Any advice would be appreciated before I send it off to Uniden for service. Here's the problem: I live in Wake County, NC monitoring the VIPER system (Voice Interoperability Plan...
  2. H

    Moto 2-way or High grade scanner?

    I'd be using it mostly for fire buffing. I am friends with 2 other fire buffs, one of which has a 2-way. I'm not entirely sure if it was issued or not. Anyways, I was wondering if the 2-ways, since they allegedly have a greater distance for receiving transmissions, would be better vs a uniden...
  3. Robbyboy

    Im Back!

    Hello everyone - You may have noticed ive been a bit low key lately. I was at an intense logistics school for the Marine Corps (2 hrs of homework a nite on average) from the 18th of March thru 9 April. I spent a week "Recovering" on leave (vacation) and am working my way back into the saddle...
  4. M

    Programming Help

    I am trying to program a Uniden scanner to include the VIPER system, in an attempt to hear SHP in Gaston, Mecklenburg, and Lincoln counties. Do I need to program *all* the VIPER frequencies and then the talk groups for my districts, or can I just program the frequencies specific to those...
  5. KE4ZNR

    Wake County EMS gets Muscle Cars

    Listen out for the new EMS vehicles on Raleigh/Wake Locution Dispatch 156.225Mhz under the callsigns: MEDIC 91 MEDIC 92 MEDIC 93 MEDIC 94 MEDIC 95 MEDIC 96 Marshall KE4ZNR muscle cars to reach emergencies faster LINK By Michael Biesecker, Staff Writer...
  6. KE4ZNR

    2008-2012 VIPER Discussion (Archive)

    This thread is for discussion of VIPER related info only. Any off topic posts will be deleted. Please Help by keeping posts on topic. Thanks and Happy Monitoring!
  7. KE4ZNR

    Heads Up: VIPER Discussion Thread->

    Just a heads up Guys & Gals: With the beginning of a new year comes a need for a fresh start in many different area is going to be the VIPER discussion thread....On December 31/January 1st I will lock the current VIPER discussion thread (but keep it stickied for archive purposes) and...
  8. KE4ZNR

    Tarheel Scanner/Shortwave Group Upcoming Meeting

    Fellow Members of, Details of the next Tarheel Scanner/Shortwave Group Meeting: --The Next Tarheel Scanner/Shortwave Radio Group meeting is Next Monday Night (December 15th) at the Red, Hot & Blue Restaurant on Falls of Neuse Rd in Northeast Raleigh. Dinner is at 6:30pm with...
  9. KE4ZNR

    Raleigh PD (Wake County) 460.150Mhz Issues

    Just FYI: The Main UHF Dispatch for Raleigh PD (460.150Mhz aka "Raleigh 1") is having some issues. Apparently the Repeater is operating on Low Power. Meaning that unless you are in the Downtown Raleigh area receiving it will not be easy. The appropriate people in Raleigh PD know about this issue...
  10. KE4ZNR

    VIPER Related Scanner Files

    Howdy Folks. I have had a lot of email/PM requests for VIPER related software files. I am going to try this as an experiment as a way to share VIPER related software files... I am starting this thread for the purpose of sharing VIPER related Scanner Software Files ONLY....any off topic posts...
  11. murrayustud

    Chapel Hill Carboro Police Changes?

    I know that Chapel Hill Fire is still on UHF but I don't seem to be getting anything on the old UHF Chapel Hill Police freqs nor the TG's posted on Viper. Anyone monitor Chapel Hill/Carboro Police and have any info? Thanks in advance, Charles