7/10, 7/13, North Carolina, Pro 2055, extended double zepp.
Not much going on here lately except for the HUGE band opening this AM.

If anyone knows where the female robotic voice dispatching is from, it be greatly appreciated. One thing I have been following is the timestamps. My time is usually around 15-30 seconds ahead of the timestamps. Dispatchers, I need more timestamps. It is funny to hear the hissing static being re-transmitted from the Bronx when I get it static free.

60-Control and Lancaster County-Wide Coms battle for the airwaves. Manheim Township, Lancaster City, Columbia Borough, Manor Township, East Lampeter Township and Ephrata Township are heard on Lancaster re-transmitting the P25 system. And as usual the Falmouth MA. simulcast. When I hear it I always have a mental image of a hamster running on a wheel.
7/10 - not much
7/13 - HUGE opening