Back in the day...There were only a relative few "clear channel stations" and it was possible to hear
practically all of 'em at one time or another. but nowadays, only a few DXing is a little more
dependant upon careful tuning, nulling, and just listening at the right time. Between midnight and dawn.
When I worked in Radio..our managers encouraged us to listen to DX often so's we could be "ahead of the game" and try new gags and play "new" music before the other guy. So WLS Chicago, CKLW
Windsor, and other big stations in K9rzz's part of the country were good catches for us here out West.
And have any of you tried to dig 'em out of the "graveyard" frequencies?
These are: around 1230 1240 1340 1400 1450 and 1490 ( khz) all lower power and much more difficult to you'll find 'em fading in and out amongst each other..( there are lots of 'em all over the USA.)
If you listen , you'll sometimes hear only a "low rumble" very strange and kinda spooky late at night. Then one or two of 'em will fade in . But..they're hard to ID..'cause it's right in..and right out!! Try 'em!