It seems to me that I am not hearing all communications from ASP Troop B, I suspect that I'm only hearing the unit(s) which happen to be using the Batesville (or in the case of Troop I - Iron Mountain) tower. Is this my imagination or is this the case? I think that if I were in Newport, where Troop B is based, then I'd hear all Troop B traffic because the base unit is there. The reason I think this is that usually when I hear an ASP unit, he refers to someplace in Independence County, and rarely any other county. Considering that Troop B covers a large chunk of northcentral Arkansas this seems unusual, and I can only conclude that I am simply not hearing the units in other counties covered by Troop B. The same seems to be true for Troop I, which I get off of the Iron Mountain tower... I only seem to hear ASP Troop I units in Stone County. Is this the case?
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