IP address to is for local networks or private intranets so shouldn't be a problem.
Also Port Forwarding is not a problem with ProScan despite using the BCD536HP Wi-Fi. I've seen only one other port forwarding problem with ProScan and in that instance, the user was configuring the wrong router.
{edit} Sorry, Don't really want to correct but it's needed in public forums so others will have better info. Wi-Fi audio doesn't use RTTP. It uses RTSP / RTP G.711 MU Law
Like I said, I didn’t have my previous data available. Sorry for the mis-spoken RTSP protocol. RTSP is still a dynamic assignment making it difficult to port forward.
And the mis-understanding on the 10.x.x.x Class A range.
Point is the external IP assigned address must be used and port forwarded to the internal private network address of the ProScan software to allow access outside the local network.
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