Ben, I am not much into the scanner/monitoring thing myself so I am not sure how to access the database you referenced. However, if you have this information in a common format like Excel or something and want to email it to me I will give you the clear rundown on what is in/out, up/down.
Previously I had provided someone the data on the new system with TG IDs, names, uses and such. I think his page name was Chauffer or something like that. I am not sure if that ever made it into your resources.
Brian, yes, the other database admin you provided the info for the new system to did share it with me and we worked to get that new system info into the database. What I am looking for from folks now is confirmation on continuing use of the various local frequencies many of the police/fire/ems units in the county are licensed on.
This is the page I was updating:
On it, there is a link to the database page for the trunked system which I believe is all correct and up to date.
I forget that there are people on the forums who do not use the database much, per se. And, also, people who utilize the database often for scanner programming and even radio programming sometimes but who do not use the forums.