It's 12 miles LOS and RSLs vary, as reported by SDRTrunk, from -50 to -29. I'm thinking it may be a decode issue. But that's probably a topic for another thread.
What I am looking for is, does the Pi5 have sufficient horsepower to do everything it needs to do to support SDRTrunk running P25 trunked, simulcast, Trunking Recorder, and possibly ProScan all at once. If that is just on the edge of it's capabilities, I'm probably best off with my laptop. If it can do what it says with room to spare, I'll buy one.
I'm seeing comparisons with the Pi4, but since I am not familiar with that either, and I'm not a computer nerd, I don't have enough information to know if the Pi5 is really that good, or just good enough to get by. The price point is suspicious, but then it only has to do one thing, whereas a windows computer is more expensive, but has to do a lot more.