If you fold at the first sign of an issue you set precedence for all the feeds so I say stand TALL.
Who has the deepest pockets?
If you fold at the first sign of an issue you set precedence for all the feeds so I say stand TALL.
Ultimately, the taxpayers.
I always love that quote. The Taxpayers. In a very, very small way you do. But, your money was taken by the government (taken, as in taxed) and it is now theirs. If you don't believe it, go to your local public safety headquarters and request that you want back your part of the radio system. Not going to happen.
There is nothing in the constitution that prohibits any jurisdiction from flipping a switch from OPEN to ENCRYPT. It is their right to do that for "protection of their officers". I don't think you will find a single court in the nation that will overturn that. You can try, but you won't have any ground to stand on. Look at the City of Jacksonville (Fl), State of Florida and State of Alaska. They flipped the switches and haven't looked back since.
I'm starting to think this thread needs a companion "poll" (thread) to tally counts of who believes streaming will eventually kill this hobby... (hint: it will; it's not the sole factor but it will expedite it).
Well it seems like alot of us know that streaming your local police and fire communications will equal encryption in the near future of your local system. My question is why didn't more people speak up about this and the answer was posted a few posts above this one. If you posted anything negative about broadcastify your post was deleted and you would eventually be threatened with being banned from this site. Where were our first ammendment rights! All I keep seeing is its our first ammendment right to stream and blah blah blah. But God help you if you wanted to stand up to the idiocy and greed of the people running broadcastify. How do people not understand you are paying the owner of that site to listen and stream, basically that means you are paying for the right to have your local PD or FD go encrypted and trust me the owner of broadcastify can give a care when your local communities communications go silent he will be sitting back counting his money. The owner and streamers of broadcastify have proven they don't respect our hobby or our first ammendment right to speak out against streaming but they all want to cry about the first ammendment right to stream communications that idiot proof listening to public safety agencies. At least a person had to do some work before, they had to buy a scanner (which isnt cheap theae days), find there local frequencies and pl, dpl or nac codes (Not so easy for your dumber criminals or those who just didn't care). Now they just have to hit a button on there phone to hear the police responding how does this not create a officer safety issue? Anyway I respect my local government and there wishes when it comes to this and more and more channels are going silent in my county. Everything except for dispatch and car to car channels have gone encrypted around me and I'm sure they will go to encryption full time eventually to sooner or later. This is last time I will post on this thread and this matter I just think it's a shame we are even having this conversation, if a public safety entity asks that it's feed be taken down it should be that simple. Respect the wishes of those people who protect and rescue people daily they do not have a easy job and if they don't want there transmissions going out nationwide that's there decision and no else's. Any way I'm done all of you have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and I hope none of you have to deal with full time encryption anytime soon it sucks when your hobby is taken away from you. Trust me on that one.
Happy Holidays Everyone!
Hear, hear... It does need such a poll.
I think that encryption is coming regardless but streaming makes a convenient scapegoat. Streaming might be the pretext by which encryption is brought faster but it's just an excuse and I belive that TPTB do so knowingly.
If you posted anything negative about broadcastify your post was deleted and you would eventually be threatened with being banned from this site. Where were our first ammendment rights!
If you go to someone's house and the owner doesn't like the way you "express your rights" He can ask you to leave. That's how things work including websites like radio reference or even Facebook. See you are in their home, their rules, Sure you can do or say what ever you please but they have the right to kick you out or at least ask you to stop.
If you put something online in either video, text or speech and someone removes it from "their" servers which is "their" property that is not a violation against your rights.
If you had your own web server no one can suppress your speech. But your rights stop when they infringe on another's.
I am amazed at how many on these forums bash the foundation that it stands on. If somebody is pro encryption, what are they doing on the RR forums? They are just trolls in my opinion. On other sites I have seen folks banned for the slightest infraction. Heck I got banned from Websleuths for simply stirring up the inmates!
"Dues for this forum"? You are mistaken. There are no dues for this forum. You may read and post in this forum without being a subscriber.If the owner wants/needs to make more money, then raise the dues for this forum. They have not changed for the 13 years I have been paying.