Broken Arrow Communications Regional Network

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Premium Subscriber
Aug 24, 2006
Broken Arrow, OK
I'm hoping so. Kind of disappointed that Bixby and Glenpool went encryption on the units.

I keep trying to figure out if the lack of encryption on BA PD dispatch is intentional or not. I've seen bouts where they go several hours as encrypted then it is open for a day or two.


TX/LA Database Admin
Database Admin
Dec 22, 2004
Boerne, Texas
5 years later the OP is back in the area!��. It’s pretty neat to see how much has changed with all the P25 P1 and P2 in the area, but the level of encryption used now is pretty ridiculous. Thankfully they have left most Dispatch channels alone, but what in the world is with the encryption used by BAFD? It’s a shame that scanners are so expensive now that it already limits how many people can listen to their local agencies, but to encrypt a fire department and use HIPAA as an excuse is hot air.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 3, 2005
E Hawkesbury Twp, ON
It’s a shame that scanners are so expensive now that it already limits how many people can listen to their local agencies, but to encrypt a fire department and use HIPAA as an excuse is hot air.

Effective, though, as no one is interested in googling up what a "covered entity" is under HIPAA. Sad, really, but par for the course I'm afraid.

The smaller the jurisdiction, the more likely they are to believe they need encryption. :roll:

I'll just dial up Broadcastify and listen to FDNY and NYPD ...


May 29, 2016
Tulsa Oklahoma
5 years later the OP is back in the area!��. It’s pretty neat to see how much has changed with all the P25 P1 and P2 in the area, but the level of encryption used now is pretty ridiculous. Thankfully they have left most Dispatch channels alone, but what in the world is with the encryption used by BAFD? It’s a shame that scanners are so expensive now that it already limits how many people can listen to their local agencies, but to encrypt a fire department and use HIPAA as an excuse is hot air.

BAFD are encrypted n all there fire tac channels are also. the firemen will most likely tell u that it’s for the patient confidentiality. It’s not. I done a couple clinicals with BA when I was in paramedic school. there dispatch are just like any other fire dept. on a medical call. It’s the location I.e address of the emergency, type of medical event and the patients age n gender. also a map page. all the patient info like name, date of birth, n call notes are sent to the MDTs in the responding unit.

No other information.

they went encrypted because they wanted to. I couldn’t agree more with you though.


TX/LA Database Admin
Database Admin
Dec 22, 2004
Boerne, Texas
BAFD are encrypted n all there fire tac channels are also. the firemen will most likely tell u that it’s for the patient confidentiality. It’s not. I done a couple clinicals with BA when I was in paramedic school. there dispatch are just like any other fire dept. on a medical call. It’s the location I.e address of the emergency, type of medical event and the patients age n gender. also a map page. all the patient info like name, date of birth, n call notes are sent to the MDTs in the responding unit.

No other information.

they went encrypted because they wanted to. I couldn’t agree more with you though.

Totally agree. Things like fireground, fire/alarm dispatches and such should have no business being encrypted. That's relying on a lot of "ifs" when you are communicating among one another on the scene. If one radio doesn't have the latest key it could hamper the effort. If they want to encrypt all medical calls, well fine. Do it. Nobody is griping about EMSA even though the blanket encryption is a little ridiculous as well. But fire calls and fireground? If I was a taxpayer in BA, I would raise the issue and just deal with the consequences. I am long past caring what people think myself. I hate letting any freedoms slip away in the age we live in.


TX/LA Database Admin
Database Admin
Dec 22, 2004
Boerne, Texas
I've noticed today that almost everything outside of Jenks is being heavily encrypted, way more so than last week. Glenpool has a fire call going that only dispatch is in the clear, command and all units are encrypted. Broken Arrow PD is back to full encryption as well. Unitrunker is logging quite a bit of hits that just look like someone is flipping through the radio talkgroups in Broken Arrow and Jenks. I have the following hits that could be Jenks Public Schools or Public Works:


I did record 6133 as being Jenks School Police dispatch last week.

I also have seen hits on everything from 1001-1012 in Broken Arrow PD range of talkgroups, all P4 (ENC) as well.

It seems as though this system is so heavily encrypted overall that positively ID'ing anything more than what is currently in the database isn't going to happen without having a radio user provide info.
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Premium Subscriber
Aug 24, 2006
Broken Arrow, OK
Yeah. BAPD dispatch is about 50 / 50 encrypted. I'm not sure what their policy is, but it goes several days full encryption and then a few days in the clear.

Sucks coming from a city who's chief waited to switch over to their new digital system (NXDN) until they had a plan in place so that people with scanners could still listen to moving to here where they encrypt everything.


Sep 4, 2017
Yeah. BAPD dispatch is about 50 / 50 encrypted. I'm not sure what their policy is, but it goes several days full encryption and then a few days in the clear.

Sucks coming from a city who's chief waited to switch over to their new digital system (NXDN) until they had a plan in place so that people with scanners could still listen to moving to here where they encrypt everything.

The RR states that BAPD is now Te, is that Phase II with encryption (TDMA)?

I'm guessing not all of their radios have decided which system they are using. Probably have a radio for every system out there. No let's try encryption...well how about the unreliable no let's go with no no too difficult to about a teaser we go with P25 but scramble it all.
The Department of HS "requires" (I mean is strong arming), us to conveniently use encryption...because if we want to be able to pull off another 9/11, we don't want anyone to know what we are doing...
Some whole states are using P25 with very little encryption, what makes BA and the communities it allowed on their system so special?


Premium Subscriber
Jan 3, 2005
E Hawkesbury Twp, ON
Some whole states are using P25 with very little encryption, what makes BA and the communities it allowed on their system so special?

I found this little town with in-the-clear radios. Probably not much of a target for the evil terrarists so no problem with no encryption. Nothing at all like Broken Arrow.


Sep 4, 2017
I found this little town with in-the-clear radios. Probably not much of a target for the evil terrarists so no problem with no encryption. Nothing at all like Broken Arrow.

Probably too expensive to change out all that radio equipment, but hence, encryption slows down time sensitive applications to the point that it's too late now. Some places actually gave up their big E because of that.

I remember John Ashcroft trying to explain why we all get hazed by the Total Sexual Assault at the airport (coming soon to a train and bus station near you). It was something more to the tune of appeasing the terrorists, rather than trying to put up arms against them. Our Founding Fathers used the old definition of terrorists, which was used to describe the GOVERNMENT. But hence, if they want to get technical with us, the War on Terror seems to be that the government has become incompetent enough to fight with themselves. The race for big E is on! Now if our government had its' head on straight, it would just simply listen in on what the foreign terrorists are doing because they probably haven't thought about encryption just yet....hey guys...if us terrorists encrypt all of our cave dwelling radio transmissions, the big military equipped governments will never be able to pick up on our next plans.

Big government is using big E so that we can't find out what they are doing wrong. Their constituents are using big E so that the government isn't breathing down their necks. Where does it all get out of hand? And the NSA puts a bug in your mic just in case you happen to be using big E.


Sep 4, 2017


Sep 4, 2017
5 years later the OP is back in the area!��. It’s pretty neat to see how much has changed with all the P25 P1 and P2 in the area, but the level of encryption used now is pretty ridiculous. Thankfully they have left most Dispatch channels alone, but what in the world is with the encryption used by BAFD? It’s a shame that scanners are so expensive now that it already limits how many people can listen to their local agencies, but to encrypt a fire department and use HIPAA as an excuse is hot air.
Pun intended?


Sep 4, 2017
The brainiacs in city council are at it again:

Broken Arrow, OK

The Broken Arrow Police Department became the first law enforcement agency in Oklahoma to join the free Neighbors app to provide the Broken Arrow community with real-time, local crime and safety information. Dozens of agencies have launched similar partnerships with the Neighbors network which already has millions of users and has been instrumental in catching package thieves, stopping burglaries, and keeping neighborhoods safe.

Why not just drop Big E from the public safety trunking system?


Sep 4, 2017
At City Council a presentation about the Ring/Neighbors app. It is part of the doorbell spy camera thing...I think...but it is garbage because it only reports things in your immediate neighborhood...maybe I'd see it if I just looked out the window or went outside?

C.19-154 Presentation regarding the Broken Arrow Police Department partnership with Neighbors App by Ring Chief of Police,
Brandon Berryhill, reported the Broken Arrow Police Department was the first agency in the State to join with Neighbors by Ring. He explained the free Neighbors App provided the Broken Arrow Community real time local crime and safety information.
He stated residents could download the free app, join a neighborhood, and use the app to share and receive safety alerts in real time. He stated it was a free program to residents. He stated residents would be geographically pinpointed by address and would only receive
neighborhood alerts. He reported for every 20 downloads Ring would donate a free device to the city which in turn would be donated to victims
of domestic violence and would be given away during community events. He stated in the future the city would be able to use the App
to collect video data in certain areas to reduce crime and catch criminals. He reported there had already been approximately 200 downloads of the App and the devices received from Ring had been donated to domestic violence victims.
City Manager Spurgeon thanked Chief Berryhill for taking initiative on this project. He stated the City would be promoting this App.


Sep 4, 2017
Now Broken Arrow previewing an ordinance on Drones. No peeping toms...but spy doorbell is ok...must be whether the government is the one doing the spying...
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