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Has anyone else been monitoring this system via a BCDx36HP?
I'm too far from it at home for any kind of meaningful tests, but on Sunday I was in Mt. Laurel and listened to it for a brief stretch on my 436HP and I thought it performed pretty well. Good audio and few dropouts.
On that subject since I haven't seen any threads on it in this forum, with regard to other systems in the area, the 436 has done a nice job on the Burlington system (primarily from the North & North Central sites). Pretty much comparable to my PSR-800. On the other hand, the 436 is really struggling with the Bucks system. I don't get perfect reception of it where I am, but everything is generally readable on the 800 with some dips here and there. The 436 is producing a lot of dropouts and totally missed transmissions. Not entirely sure why it is sounding so bad on it. I imagine a little closer to a TX site this wouldn't be as noticeable, but for anyone who plans on doing a lot of fringe listening to Bucks with the x36's, they might want to be advised.