Anyone have any idea why the new Chief vans are switching decal patterns?
Why the switch away from the red like the HazTec and Investigator Sprinters have?
Mr.Velvet, i'm not 100% sure why the new Command vans are all white. But it could be that Chief(s) and other person(s) that are high ranking or in charge and basically anyone else in any industry really that are associated with a command status are generally associated with the colour white. Like a boss if you will; a "white hat". So that could be one reason for the colour change in vans..........
Does anyone know if Tender #24 is now running out of Station #35?
Also the Bronto is back in the city!!!!!!!!!!! I would think a few firefighters have to be trained/re-trained on the truck. But it should be back in service soon.
Has anyone herd anything about a new round of Engines coming in!?!?!? theres at least 6 Engines I could think of that need replacing......
And Station #41 should be open fairly soon...... if not already
And the new SVI Command Vehicle is on the way to Calgary!!! It's already on SVI's FaceBook page.. but no where else yet