CFD Apparatus status discussion (Non-Radio Information)


Premium Subscriber
Oct 25, 2022
The station was anticipated to open late 2023. It makes sense that there is an Engine parked in there. Guess it's finally operational. Next is 46 and 47 now, but that's not for another two years.


Apr 14, 2022
Hey, Lads. Does anyone know, or have any guesses on where the Pierce Volterra Pumper will go to when it arrives next year? I'm guessing it's gonna go to a busy station so the public can see it a lot, but also to really get a good test out of it. Station 1 comes to mind.
Who knows where that truck will end up? CFD will do a ton of training on it, and then see how it functions. The brass probably has an idea where they would like to put it. They will have a big press conference on the launch. I’m not sure if it will land downtown.

LAFD put one into service last year, E82. From what I understand, they have a permanent spare at 82. Read what you want into that.

Vancouver is putting an electric truck into service soon, then Brampton and I think, I’ll double check, but I think Toronto ordered three.This is Toronto’s order.

2x 2024 E-One Vector hybrid electric pumpers - expected early 2024.

I was under the impression L30 was ordered (leased) specifically for its response area. This truck is a 2019 Pierce Enforcer, other than being a Quint, it’s similar to the current spec.

Personally, I think there is a role for single axle Ladders in Calgary. They can build them to the same spec as the Tandems, but they would lose a bit of space or coach work. But what you gain is a highly maneuverable ladder truck.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 9, 2008
Hey, Lads. Does anyone know, or have any guesses on where the Pierce Volterra Pumper will go to when it arrives next year? I'm guessing it's gonna go to a busy station so the public can see it a lot, but also to really get a good test out of it. Station 1 comes to mind.
I think Station 16, just because it’s headquarters and I’m sure the Chiefs will want to keep an eye on it. It’s not a terribly busy area, but it’s also not a slow area. In case it goes out of service, there are surrounding Engines that can take any calls that come in.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 9, 2008
I was under the impression L30 was ordered (leased) specifically for its response area. This truck is a 2019 Pierce Enforcer, other than being a Quint, it’s similar to the current spec.
I think L30 is going to be sold. I have heard CFD bought it. Like @Calgary_Fire_Filmer said, get rid of the 08/09 spares, the 2019 and standardize the fleet with the 2011 Quints, the new Towers and the new Peirce Ladders.

Don't get me wrong, the 2019 Pierce 107' Ladder is a great new truck - but it's quite different from everything else in the fleet (especially with only having 3 outriggers to stabilize it) and CFD is trying to standardize the fleet plus they could make some good money selling it right now.

It's a 2019 truck and they don't even use the pump on it because they run it as a dry stick. I love that it's in the fleet but the truck is not getting used for what it was built for and I am sure there are many departments trying really hard to get a stock truck like that right now


Premium Subscriber
Oct 25, 2022
Would CFD sell it so soon? It's still pretty new and I'm guessing there's a lot of value left in it. To sell now would be a bit of a waste. Perhaps CFD will put it back at the academy to be used a training piece when it first arrived here.
May 30, 2022
Calgary, Alberta
I think L30 is going to be sold. I have heard CFD bought it. Like @Calgary_Fire_Filmer said, get rid of the 08/09 spares, the 2019 and standardize the fleet with the 2011 Quints, the new Towers and the new Peirce Ladders.

Don't get me wrong, the 2019 Pierce 107' Ladder is a great new truck - but it's quite different from everything else in the fleet (especially with only having 3 outriggers to stabilize it) and CFD is trying to standardize the fleet plus they could make some good money selling it right now.

It's a 2019 truck and they don't even use the pump on it because they run it as a dry stick. I love that it's in the fleet but the truck is not getting used for what it was built for and I am sure there are many departments trying really hard to get a stock truck like that right now
I could see Calgary holding on to L30 as a spare. It’s got way less ware and tare then the 2008 ladders and the crews love it

Who knows where that truck will end up? CFD will do a ton of training on it, and then see how it functions. The brass probably has an idea where they would like to put it. They will have a big press conference on the launch. I’m not sure if it will land downtown.

LAFD put one into service last year, E82. From what I understand, they have a permanent spare at 82. Read what you want into that.

Vancouver is putting an electric truck into service soon, then Brampton and I think, I’ll double check, but I think Toronto ordered three.This is Toronto’s order.

2x 2024 E-One Vector hybrid electric pumpers - expected early 2024.

I was under the impression L30 was ordered (leased) specifically for its response area. This truck is a 2019 Pierce Enforcer, other than being a Quint, it’s similar to the current spec.

Personally, I think there is a role for single axle Ladders in Calgary. They can build them to the same spec as the Tandems, but they would lose a bit of space or coach work. But what you gain is a highly maneuverable ladder truck.
Rumour has it it’s going to 5 station. That way they can park it behind DC2 in case the Volterra breaks down


Premium Subscriber
Jul 9, 2008
Wherever it goes, there needs to be a permanent spare that goes with it, just like LAFD Engine 82. A Pierce mechanic will also be close by, lol.


Apr 14, 2022
I’ve talked to guys on the job in Toronto. Their concern with these hybrid Engines is being able to maintain the high output required on big fires. I guess that’s where the diesel Engine will kick and run it’s guts out pumping gallons and gallons of water.

About this ongoing debate about Ladder 30, it’s 2019 and if the city recently paid out the lease, they intend to keep it. Pierce makes some of the finest trucks out there. I’m sure the tripod stabilizers do a fine job.
This change in direction, from Quints to trucks, is recent. Ladder 30 was probably ordered or leased before this shift in direction was formalized. I could see CFD ordering more, without the pump and tank. These trucks would serve many communities well. I could see 6 running one in the future, zipping around downtown, maneuvering down the streets and alleys.


Premium Subscriber
Oct 25, 2022
Sorry 6E. You ain't no 48E. But it's a pretty cool looking wrap. I'm guessing it was for Sept 30th but it would appear that it got delayed. No offence to CFD but delays ain't a surprise when it comes to the dept. Also: 6E! Your lights!!!!


Premium Subscriber
Oct 25, 2022
There's gonna be a lot snow tomorrow. The Stations that cover HWYs 1, 1A, 2, 2A, and 201 are gonna have a lot of fun.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 9, 2008
I've never heard of CFD staffing anything extra for snow storms, just putting some extra staff trucks. Anyone have information on snow storm events?


Apr 14, 2022
Good morning,

I was at Commercial Truck the other day picking up a vehicle. Lethbridge’s new engine was in the shop for pre inspection delivery, anyways I got chatting with a service guy, who was telling me that apparently a fifth ladder has been delivered to CFD.

On a side note, the LFD engine looked very similar to CFD engine in layout.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 9, 2008
I was at Commercial Truck the other day picking up a vehicle. Lethbridge’s new engine was in the shop for pre inspection delivery, anyways I got chatting with a service guy, who was telling me that apparently a fifth ladder has been delivered to CFD.
I really hope that is true :confused: Maybe it's the 4th tower that was rumored to be ordered?

The 3rd firefighter requirement class of the year is about to graduate (this class is only a 13 week course) with 36 recruits. I don't know how many were in the the 1st class, possibly 36-40 recruits but the second one had 36 recruits in it. So there should be 108-112 new ff's on the floor, which would be 27-28 ff's per Platoon. It is possible some vacancies need to be filled and also possible some other positions opened up in training, investigation, etc.. Point is, 10 to 13 out of 17 units (6 Rescues and 11 Ladders) should have 4 ff's on board per Platoon.

I know this changes each day/platoon depending on staffing and such, but 4 ff staffing on Ladders and Rescues is getting there! This also helps complete the ERF (emergency response force) of 12 ff's on a initial call out for alarms and such. This means CFD can get away with sending 3 trucks instead of 4 to an alarms call (generally residential or small commercial alarms calls)

I do wonder if a truck will be relocated from station's 8 and 34 and stationed somewhere else in the near future, solely so CFD can make up an ERF on calls quicker and bring down there response times


Premium Subscriber
Oct 25, 2022
I personally wouldn't mind seeing 34R being relocated to 40. 8 is a li'l different. It's right on 17th Ave making a good location and easy access for both the Ladder and Rescue to get into the core. After all, the core is supposed to be surrounded by Rescues. 8 to the west, 10 to the north, 11 to the south, 12 the to east.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 9, 2008
Agreed! I could see Ladder 8 either staying at 29 or going to 33, but that puts a lot of strain on Ladder 6 :/