I live in Davidson. It on my base scanner. I hear everything nice an clean .On the meck tower . But from my bc436hp and my homepatrol 1 I get nothing my be 1 bar . I have try the moorsville tower .I get 5 bars on my bc436hp and my home patrol .I only get Cornelius PD. Now only if I could get the moorsville tower to work for me I would be happy .
Yea I have thought about a Yagi but it pss me off that I have to go that route. I can put my g5 on the floor in the bathroom in the middle of the house and I still have 5 bars... Should not have to compensate with a different antenna due to bad receiver designer by a manufacture in my opinion. It could be just the nature of the beat I assume. G5 being dedicated to 700-800 vs SDS100 receiving all. Still @ $600. it should just work with a rubber duck if we are in decent range of a tower.
My thoughts - if a cop can sit in my living room and hear/talk on his radio, any scanner should be able to listen all the same with the same antenna.