...but point was MOST people are not looking to cause problems with fire/police/med. there are always somebody .....
And your point is well-taken. The interference is not intentional. Nonetheless, it pollutes all the air around them.
...but point was MOST people are not looking to cause problems with fire/police/med. there are always somebody .....
Is there anyone who makes a ham/FRS/GMRS/MURS scanner radio besides them?
Baofeng are good radios to get people in the hobby as not everyone can afford a Motorola or Icom or other high end radios. They are great cheap analog scanners. Hope they don't quit selling them. But I may buy one before it happens, I like them as fm radios
rules be damned.
I am personally aware of a number of interference cases brought before the FCC that didn't generate a public record. My awareness of them comes from being the guy who talked to the FCC to report them.
I am 100% aware of cases of CCRs causing interference to public safety communication. My awareness comes from being the guy who tracked the culprits down.
I am also aware that the vast majority of these cases are cleared without formal enforcement action with a single contact explaining what the problem is. Most people say oops, and stop doing it. Those cases don't generate formal enforcement action.
Reports are still generated at the FCC. There doesn't have to be a formal enforcement action. Of course, not all interference is reported. But this is nothing new.
I promise you a record is there. Did you FOIA it? It might not be on a public website, but a report was generated and documentation was made.
I'm not saying that there aren't CCRs causing interference. But there is certainly no influx.
There are also Motorolas causing interference.
So it is so much easier to blame a overseas radio huh, how about the seller, or in fact the end user, …..
so am I a bad guy for having them, and being responsible?
And Now We Have the LED Street Lighting Feeding Back Thru the Grid Wiring Another Proven Fact--The List Goes On and On so You Cant Just Single Out the CCR,s
FCC needs to crack down on this, and ideally go to a system where equipment is spot checked for compliance.
that means they have to get out of the office for once in many years!, i doubt that would happen!
You Cant Blame the Raised Noise Floor Only on These Radios with Spurious Emissions thats Been Brainwashed Thru-Out the Posts Everywhere--Take Into Account ALL the Led Lighting Causing Major Interference Out There across the Country--*(Read the FCC Report & Orders / NAL,s)* even tho these Companies are Fined these Interfering Causing Units are Still in Operation Today
that means they have to get out of the office for once in many years!, i doubt that would happen!
You don't strike me as being in "the business", so your point of view will be different from mine.
I deal with the FCC and spectrum management on an almost daily basis when it comes to resolving interference to radio/RADAR systems, etc. I'm more connected with the FCC than most people in "the business" will ever be.
That's why it's super funny when you tell me I can believe what I want. It has nothing to do with my belief. I'm telling you what's actually going on. But after all, you're in "the business."
But the FCC can be proud of their record clamping down on competition to commercial broadcasters. As my daddy always said, "follow the money".