Disney World

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Feed Provider
Dec 23, 2002
Concord, NH
I was there at the same time. I probably walked right by ya.

Other than Parade Ops, Fireworks and Restaurants, you can't monitor WDW Operations. I did find one on site attraction using the CLS1410 style portables. All the staff at the Indiana Jones show at Hollywood was using them. That was the only time I saw any attraction operations not using Nextel.

As I was there longer, I also saw several cases where the supervisors were carrying both smartphones and Nextels. Seemed to be related to which jobs they were supervising. Much of the conversation here now revolves around what will WDW do when Nextel is shut down.

As far as the Mouse and profits, yes they do what is profitable. Kind of a common sense approach to running a business. And they've done a good job with it.

i was at walt magic kingdom yesterday ( aug 6) and noticed every employee i saw (maintenance,parade route workers and some ride attendents) had small radios but i could not tell what type they were,some had 2 wires coming from them which obviously one would be a ear piece and the other would be a microphone.if they were still on a system that you could monitor with a scanner i do not know if they would allow you in the park with a scanner,the security checks your bags with a fine tooth comb and any fanny pack,unless you had it in your pocket out of sight-i would think they would not want you to listen to them for security reasons.it would be interesting if we could monitor them.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 3, 2004
wolcott ct
It should be interesting when nextel shuts down to see what they use and if we can monitor them .it would be interesting to monitor them,but i would think if somethng big happened (structure fire,or some type of large scale crime,it would be more interesting to listen to orange county public safety since i would assume they respond to the incident ,i know the police is encrypted so thats out but the the fire end would be something to listen to and the security or park police dept (what ever they call them) if they go to a system we can monitor.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 26, 2009
I worked at Disney in Transportation Operations and worked with the nextel (i350) and the nextel (blackberry) everyday. If anyone has any questions on their systems or reedy creek let me know. As for police units, multiple police departments work in the park other then Orange County. Florida state fish & wild life law enforcement, and Osceola Sheriffs Dept work in the park because their jurisdictions overlap. Orange County is the primary responding police unit. As for fire, reedy creek is the only fire response on the park even for ems, unless theirs a mass incident. Their are 3 stations with talk of building another, they even have multiple medics from ambos to custom golf carts with stretchers at the parks for rapid response. Reedy Creek uses a mix of Nextels and other P-25 radios. All other park cast members use nextel radios. Each department from transportation to maintenance and resorts have different sets of radios programed with their own info that can only be used with other people in their field. So transportation can only talk to transportation on the nextel unless they are programmed with other peoples info (which they are not).


Nov 7, 2004
Disney Nextel System

Hello Everyone.

I just returned from Walt Disney World this thanksgiving with my family. I brought some Nextel I355s to use while we were there. We stayed in the Contemporary Resort. I am nearly 100% sure that the nextels in Walt Disney World are 100% compatible with regular nextels in Direct Talk Mode. As some of you may know, Nextels will not allow you to transmit unless another unit is on exactly the same channel and code as you. So I say out on the balcony of the hotel facing the magic kingdom. I could see Polynesian, Grand Floridian, Transportation and Ticket Center, all line of sight from my room. I basically started cycling through all the group channels until I hit 3. Channel 5 (code 6) seems to be the magic kingdom. We started chatting on this channel and a stranger came on and said, "This is the jungle cruise, can I help you". Of course I reprogrammed our nextels to Channel 5 (code 9).

I also found open group channels on 9-3 and 9-5 and 2-1, around the Bay Lake Area. In order to verify the 9-3 and 9-5, I left one nextel on channel 9 (all receive) for a while. All of a sudden, some employees began talking about preparing a number of meals for people with alergies. This signal was a bit weak, so I assume this was from Poly or Grand Floridian.

The other important thing I would like to report is that a good number of employees are using regular FRS and GMRS radios with headsets. I saw this in EPCOT and in Hollywood Studios.

Now comes the most important part, the fellow that responded to me from the Jungle Cruise was on Private Talk mode, and I got his number saved in contacts. It started with a 222 area code. As many of you know, you can program your nextel with any phone number you wish.

Take a look at this thread from a disney forum, you will find it very interesting:

Is someone trying to hack into the cell phone? Area(222) - The DIS Discussion Forums - DISboards.com


Feed Provider
Dec 23, 2002
Concord, NH
Just to confirm, you were using the Direct Talk that operates off the Nextel network, but is setup in some of the Nextel Phones?


Nov 7, 2004
Nextel - Direct Talk

I am using Direct Talk mode, but do not have an account with Nextel. You can use the direct talk feature with any nextel sim in the phone. I bought the phones used, and only use them in direct talk mode.


Feed Provider
Dec 23, 2002
Concord, NH
I wonder if some of that use is in preparation for the Nextel being shut down while they try to figure out the replacement. Or maybe they've always used them in that mode.

I kick myself for not bringing my old Nextel that has the Direct Talk.


Nov 7, 2004
Nextel Group Talk Use


Don't get the wrong idea here. I also flipped through the 10 direct talk channels (all receive mode) while I heard one of the nextel units in use. I would say that 95% of the time, the nextels were in PVT private calling mode. To make matters worse, I glanced at the display on the Disney Busses. The PVT number DOES show when someone is making a private call. Now the BAD NEWS. I saw misc digits in the phone number. For example, 2225$345*4

I could have sworn I saw this a couple of times. So the PVT security is even better than the regular nextels. I now WONDER if there is a way to use $*AB etc non numerical to program your phone number into the unit. I would certainly make things even MORE secure in direct talk mode.


Feed Provider
Dec 23, 2002
Concord, NH
I never got a chance to "look" at the busses ID's, just listen. Same thing with the Monorail; although I got a long listening chance standing in line when a monorail broke down while I was next to the Station Master (or whatever their real name is) desk. right place at the right time.

I also never got a good chance to play w/Private Talk when I had my Nextel (and never thought to play with it when I left). I still have it, but in a rush to try to fire it back up, I might have poofed it LOL. Some of the instructions and/or forums say you can change it to whatever when you get it; on or off the nextel system.


Feed Provider
Dec 23, 2002
Concord, NH
A friend of mine sent me a new FCC license for Disneyland (Anaheim) showing they are going to (or on) a 900Mhz MotoTrbo system. One nice thing about the new FCC licenses is they differentiate between Moto, NXDN, P25 & Analog.

So I looked up the licenses for WDW's UHF frequencies and "ALL" have been applied for Analog Narrowband Voice modification with a few also being modified for Narrowband "Data" (Not voice) modfication. The Data mod's are not MotoTrbo, NXDN, etc but probably smaller data bursts. I don't know if that is just to keep the frequencies from being terminated when the FCC finally cleans out the wideband stuff or not. The applications went in at the end of December.

WDW has not licensed (I could find) any 800 or 900Mhz frequencies. Reedy Creek has their 800mhz licenses for Fire-Rescue, but that's it.


Premium Subscriber
Mar 22, 2009
I would imagine that WDW would be MotoTrbo one day. Their cruise line and mickey magical express is already MotoTrbo. Nextel going bye bye in next few months.


Forums Manager/Global DB Admin
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Forums Manager
Jun 26, 2001
Oot and Aboot
Keeping in mind that the Magical Express is actually operated by Mears and the radios ate probably on the Mears system.


Jun 13, 2012
The land of broken calculators.
Radio comms at WDW in Florida has always been a hodgepodge. I'm not surprised to hear they're using FRS in some places and their iDen radios in others.

I'm not a fan of 900 mhz or trunking systems in general, but I believe that a 900mhz MotoTRBO trunking system would probably make the most sense and possibly save them some money.

I liken WDW Florida to having the communications needs of a municipality but also every single business within that municipality, combined.

If they have any desirable for "Worldwide" interoperability (which they probably don't because that's a farce) and organizing their communications, they could get there with TRBO. It's not that big of a geographic area and they could also put an end to problems like that described in reply #24. That behind the scenes stuff is Disney Magic and they'd encrypt it in a heartbeat if they knew people were listening to it. 900mhz would be less congested from the 460 neighborhood in that area.


Feed Provider
Dec 23, 2002
Concord, NH
Speculating..Technology would indicate MotoTrbo or NXDN (or something more advanced).

Coverage would indicate either taking over the existing iDEN or Expanding the Reedy Creek 800 system. Both already blanket the complex and are already operational. Nextel is going away. Nothing says iDEN must too. Although I'd think of using the iDEN as a bridge while transitioning to a new system.

Cost would indicate determining most of the operations there do not need secure communications (which they don't). Those operations would logically utilize narrowband analog bubblepack or lower cost radios. And given MotoTrbo & NXDN are reverse compatible, that'd be an easy (and less expensive) fix.

And it's possible the hodgepodge could become a design of all three or parts above. And interoperability these days can be nothing more than a few gateway/bridge units at the central communications point.

Just for reference, I never saw any FRS radios/frequencies in use by WDW staff. By Bubblepacks, I meant the pre-programmed business radios that are hot at every wal-mart, target and wherever else. FRS frequencies were pretty active w/families. And yes, Mears operates a completely independent radio system from WDW. It's not licensed for, but is definitely, MotoTrbo.


Dec 19, 2002
Tampa, FL
Disney TRBO licenses by Radio One

Disney will be moving to multiple TRBO trunked systems soon, as indicated by multiple licenses granted last week to Radio One Inc in Orlando. Radio One apparently will do the build out and then rent the radios and infrastructure to Disney and its partners. Check the FCC license database for further info, there are multiple licenses granted already and one still pending. Also Radio One has already moved Disney's Vero Beach Resort and the Hilton Head Resort to TRBO trunked systems.


Feed Provider
Dec 23, 2002
Concord, NH
Thanks for the info Andrew. I think that pretty much ends most speculation. I only wonder now if they'll incorporate existing WDW stuff into the new stuff, especially since it's all UHF and a couple repeaters are still in service (parade & fireworks). I did a Google Map w/all the locations and frequencies if ya want to check it out. The link is below. A few of the Radio One sites are not necessarily associated w/WDW. Radio One also has several mobile only, temporary and Itinerant frequencies in the area I didn't include.

Disney Radio Sites - Google Maps


Disney will be moving to multiple TRBO trunked systems soon, as indicated by multiple licenses granted last week to Radio One Inc in Orlando. Radio One apparently will do the build out and then rent the radios and infrastructure to Disney and its partners. Check the FCC license database for further info, there are multiple licenses granted already and one still pending. Also Radio One has already moved Disney's Vero Beach Resort and the Hilton Head Resort to TRBO trunked systems.


Jun 13, 2012
The land of broken calculators.
Disney will be moving to multiple TRBO trunked systems soon, as indicated by multiple licenses granted last week to Radio One Inc in Orlando. Radio One apparently will do the build out and then rent the radios and infrastructure to Disney and its partners. Check the FCC license database for further info, there are multiple licenses granted already and one still pending. Also Radio One has already moved Disney's Vero Beach Resort and the Hilton Head Resort to TRBO trunked systems.

Did Disney's Vero Beach resort get their own trunking system or did they just move to some SMR system? I've been to both of those resorts before and they aren't real big. I can see TRBO conventional but trunking??


Jun 13, 2012
The land of broken calculators.
Speculating..Technology would indicate MotoTrbo or NXDN (or something more advanced). )))

I figured it would either be that or some VoIP system. I guess they aren't there yet.

Just for reference, I never saw any FRS radios/frequencies in use by WDW staff. By Bubblepacks, I meant the pre-programmed business radios that are hot at every wal-mart, target and wherever else. FRS frequencies were pretty active w/families. And yes, Mears operates a completely independent radio system from WDW. It's not licensed for, but is definitely, MotoTrbo.

I misread it. Either way, I'm not surprised about that either. Unlike municipalities, businesses, which is what WDW is, normally don't spend more than they have to to get the job done. If bubblepack radios are meeting their needs, then a salesman has to persuade someone who is looking at ROI, that what they are offering will meet their needs better and that's not so easy.

I had long assumed Disney had a team of radio geeks but I'm convinced now that they don't.

Cool map. Thanks for posting it.
Last edited:


Jul 8, 2002


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