FMPA lack PPM-change option, ,Scan mode
I would like to see those added as well. Not every Airspy is dead on and the scanlist is very useful to me.
Would also be nice to raise and lower individual gain settings.
-L<num> LNA gain (0-15) [-L15]
-M<num> Mixer gain (0-15) [-M15]
-V<num> VGA gain (0-15) [-V10]
L and l make the VGA (listed as IF in spectrum window) go up or down ( even though L is listed for LNA ) and I have not figured how to raise or lower the Mixer or LNA on the fly. I do not use my mini with DSDPlus often so maybe there is a way
Also for Airspy, supported sample rates offered are 2.5 or 10. Airspy mini does 3 and 6 yet there is no choice for it. When I edited the fmpa.cfg to reflect 6mhz, it did not show any more real-estate at all.
@thewraith2008 tried 10 ( I assume on an R2) and same for him as seen here
DSDPlus - DSD+ FMPA using 10Msps