Duke Energy P25 System


Jun 8, 2021
I would not be surprised if the American Electric Power and Duke Energy systems are already interconnected in some way, being that they are both employing the same TDMA control channel technology.
I =wouldn't be surprised if the same company that is currently deploying the new AEP System is also deploying the current Duke P25 switch considering they maintained the OpenSky network previous to this upgrade.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 16, 2004
I =wouldn't be surprised if the same company that is currently deploying the new AEP System is also deploying the current Duke P25 switch considering they maintained the OpenSky network previous to this upgrade.
Yes, both systems are being built by the same company, that makes interconnecting even easier. I'm not saying they are, I'm just saying with P25 they could easily do it (if they are not) if they wanted to. Of note on this point, going east in Ohio the Duke Energy systems stops at the point the AEP system starts so if one company was to go "mutual aid" into the others area they could still use the same radios in either territory.


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN

Please be sure to submit your data to the database: Submit Data to RadioReference

I understand that some data might format nicer when displayed on a forum than in a submission form, but the submissions should be made directly to the DB -- and, unless somebody makes an attempt to "pretty up" data, it is almost always 100% readable by an admin working the submission. This is especially true with people running DSDPlus Fast Lane, since it generates perfectly formatted data right in its DSDPlus.P25Data file that can easily be copied/pasted into a submission. And in fact, this minimizes any chances of a transposition error.



Nov 13, 2004
Of note on this point, going east in Ohio the Duke Energy systems stops at the point the AEP system starts

Ya think?!... Do you think the Duke Energy service area, and AEP service area meet somewhere?...Is that possibly where the radio systems switch? 🤯🤣


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
Ya think?!... Do you think the Duke Energy service area, and AEP service area meet somewhere?...Is that possibly where the radio systems switch? 🤯🤣

No, that's where all three (AEP, Duke, and DP&L) meet and connect into one homogenous radio system and all associated entities live as one, happily ever after. :unsure:(y);)


Florida Db Admin / Florida Forum Moderator
Jul 29, 2002
East Central, Florida
well, not to divert from the thread, but Florida Power has their brand spanking new-ish P25 900 system nearly statewide in Florida. (Duke is the #2 power provider in Florida)

My local site has 7 or so freqs.

I see about 30 key ups a day on a single talkgroup.

i guess it's better to have the capacity and never need it than to need it and not have it.... (?)

on that topic - i wonder why Duke went to 800 instead of re-farming their 900 stuff? Perhaps for interop? (aren't most all 900 p25 portables single band?)



Radio Communications Enthusiast
Premium Subscriber
Sep 15, 2012
Sacramento, CA
on that topic - i wonder why Duke went to 800 instead of re-farming their 900 stuff? Perhaps for interop? (aren't most all 900 p25 portables single band?)

Interop could play a part. They could also be giving their 900 MHz spectrum to Anterix (and their subsidiary PDV Spectrum Holding Company). The local utility in my county did this, along with the 900 MHz SMRs in the region.


NY/NJ Database Guy
Database Admin
Oct 4, 2007
on that topic - i wonder why Duke went to 800 instead of re-farming their 900 stuff? Perhaps for interop? (aren't most all 900 p25 portables single band?)
900 MHz is a mess with the already limited spectrum being split up in order to create a 3 MHz block of broadband spectrum (936.5-939.5 MHz), leaving only a 1.5 MHz and 0.5 MHz portion of the band left for narrowband (935-936.5 and 939.5-940 MHz).

If you can acquire 800 MHz frequencies, then that is probably a better choice to a) avoid dealing with the 900 MHz reconfiguration, and b) to allow for the potential of interop with others operating on 700/800. In some jurisdictions, the utility companies are given access to the public safety trunked system, even if that's limited to supervisors being able to operate on the fire talkgroups or whatnot. Obviously if your radios are already capable of operating in the band, well it's that much easier.

And yes, 900 MHz subscribers are almost always single band. Some models geared towards public safety, like the APX 6x00/7x00/8x00 were never even given 900 MHz capability, you have to go down to the lower tier models for single band 900 MHz.

Oh and as far as the idea of linking P25 systems together, it really has nothing to do with the manufacturer or company building them out, and everything to do with the P25 ISSI (Inter-RF Subsystem Interface) standard.


Nov 13, 2004
Give it up guys, they're not connecting them together. Do Ford and GM have interconnected radio systems? How about Coca-cola and Pepsi? Dollar General distribution centers and Walmart distribution centers? How about ANY standalone single-business radio system connected to ANY OTHER totally separate for-profit single-business radio system? Did Marathon Oil and Costco stores build separate radio systems and merge them together?

Give it a rest!


Analog already is interoperable.
Feb 14, 2008

Please be sure to submit your data to the database: Submit Data to RadioReference

I understand that some data might format nicer when displayed on a forum than in a submission form, but the submissions should be made directly to the DB -- and, unless somebody makes an attempt to "pretty up" data, it is almost always 100% readable by an admin working the submission. This is especially true with people running DSDPlus Fast Lane, since it generates perfectly formatted data right in its DSDPlus.P25Data file that can easily be copied/pasted into a submission. And in fact, this minimizes any chances of a transposition error.


I'm wondering if it might be better to wait a little while until more of these sites are active with voice calls.


NY/NJ Database Guy
Database Admin
Oct 4, 2007
Give it up guys, they're not connecting them together. Do Ford and GM have interconnected radio systems? How about Coca-cola and Pepsi? Dollar General distribution centers and Walmart distribution centers? How about ANY standalone single-business radio system connected to ANY OTHER totally separate for-profit single-business radio system? Did Marathon Oil and Costco stores build separate radio systems and merge them together?

Give it a rest!
If you're referencing my post, then relax. I never said they were connecting them, I simply pointed out to a previous poster that connecting P25 systems has nothing to do with some company building out different systems, as is the case with AEP and Duke. Don't get all wound up over a couple of posts...if you have no interest in what is being said, then skip ahead. :rolleyes:


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
I'm wondering if it might be better to wait a little while until more of these sites are active with voice calls.

It might be. Who knows how long these other sites have been on and who knows when the next sites will be built. We didn’t do you know what sites are likely on if you look at that document scanner boys or if you look at my Google map at the icons with a hatchet in them. On my Google map, the icons with a hatchet of them are likely active. But those particular site might not be anywhere near you.

It makes more sense to wait if you’re somebody who’s going mobile sleuthing. I couldn’t imagine going out and spending a day shooting and coming back with one new site. I’d be disappointing and I’d never do it again lol


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
It might be. Who knows how long these other sites have been on and who knows when the next sites will be built. We didn’t do you know what sites are likely on if you look at that document scanner boys or if you look at my Google map at the icons with a hatchet in them. On my Google map, the icons with a hatchet of them are likely active. But those particular site might not be anywhere near you.

It makes more sense to wait if you’re somebody who’s going mobile sleuthing. I couldn’t imagine going out and spending a day sleuthing and coming back with one new site. I’d be disappointing and I’d never do it again lol

Actually, that's what I get from responding to a post that I read on my phone with bad eyes, and then dictated the reply into the phone. I didn't see/read Homeboy's full wording.

@Homeboys-Scanna Why would we need to wait until voice calls are heard before confirming any additional sites? How much more accurate is one going to get than copying the control channel frequencies right from the control channel itself, matching up those (3+) control channel frequencies to a specific site license, and cross-referencing that with peer lists from neighboring sites for confirmation. So far, I'm betting what you see in the Duke Energy system is 100% accurate as far as site identification goes. That's because somebody has taken the time to gather full site details and submit those full site details (WACN / SysID / NAC / all control channels / all peers and their associated CC freqs).



NY/NJ Database Guy
Database Admin
Oct 4, 2007
I'm wondering if it might be better to wait a little while until more of these sites are active with voice calls.
To make sure the frequencies are accurate.
That's not how things work around here. Any confirmed info is considered valid and is eligible for inclusion in the database. That's been the policy forever, why would we deviate from it now? Nothing special about these systems, aside from the use of TDMA control channels, which are new for P25 but not completely foreign. MOTOTRBO Connect Plus and Capacity Max, as well as generic DMR Tier 3 systems, have used TDMA control channels for years.

Let us dbadmins worry about how the database is managed...I promise you, we know what we're doing.

Mike's point was that verified info needs to be submitted to the database, rather than expecting dbadmins to comb through every post of a thread looking for info. No issues with posting info in the threads, but if you want it to appear in the database, then submit it. Simple as that.


Nov 13, 2004
Anyone planning on going mobile in southwest Indiana this weekend to pick up any of those Duke sites? I've thought about a weekend roadtrip to check out some DNR parks, and pick up some Duke sites. I bought a statewide annual DNR admission pass, I might as well get some use out of it. LoL.

Anyone know of any other non-Duke systems, sites, or frequencies that need updated in southern/ southwest Indiana?


Analog already is interoperable.
Feb 14, 2008
Well, I only wonder if things could change while they're still testing the system. Maybe they could add or takeaway frequencies or re-do the site #'s. Just like I had that one control channel that went off the air.


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
Well, I only wonder if things could change while they're still testing the system. Maybe they could add or takeaway frequencies or re-do the site #'s. Just like I had that one control channel that went off the air.

Although it could happen systemwide, highly unlikely. Maybe it'll happen for a site or two if they determine that there is some interference issue with a site's frequency lineup. We [RR] have to focus on the big picture - both Duke and AEP are huge systems, spanning multiple states. We have to stay on top of it to the extent that we can. We can't wait for the whole system to be built out before trying to collect all of the relevant information, as that could take another three years.


Dec 19, 2002
Wichita Falls, TX
Maybe they could add or takeaway frequencies or re-do the site #'s. Just like I had that one control channel that went off the air.
If a CC dissappears then check all the frequencies licensed at that site. It probably rotated.
If Duke is like AEP then any frequency at each site can be a FDMA CC, TDMA CC, voice channel or wideband data channel, but not at the same time.

They can't add new frequencies without FCC license applications.